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Show 4 - 25- 24 Ogden High School Notes Today's thought: "'The, secret of happiness, is not in doing what one likes, but in liking what one has to do." James M. Barrie. One of the biggest words in j the English language is; the : word, "ought." To the individual j who is really being educated, the j voice of conscience is always whis- j pering, "This you 'ought' to do; that you 'ought' not to do." If one ponders the "why" or "whereforeness" of this, the answer is ever ready: "Because my happiness, my usefulness, my part in the world's work depends I upon it." To listen and to heed the voice means success. To turn a deaf ear, or brutally to stifle the voice, spells failure. Compensation for doing the unpleasant or the difficult thing comes, as Barrie suggests, in the fact that one comes, after a While, to like to do the thing that once j seemed ugly and hard. j Nothing in this world that is j worth while is obtained without! cost-without effort or sacrifice, j i And then, too, there is the aftermath-the delectable joy of "something accomplished, some- ; thing done." j Whether the rifle team has won i or has lost., the eyes of the world i will be turned' upon the members j of the team and thousands will j say: "Howwe'l you did; you did I a remarkably fine piece of work." j These plaudits, added to the inner joys already experienced, will j make the boys feel that the long j weary hours spent in the cold, I desolate shooting gallery shack ! were as nothing. Are we ever really paid for the j work that we do? Yes, for every fine piece of work we are always overpaid. GIRLS TAKE CHARGE At a girls' meeting Thursday- it was unanimously decided that the girls of the high school sell the tickets and "put over" the music concerts during music week, May 5-9, inclusive. On Monday evening, May 5, there will be a band concert; on Tuesday evening, May 6, an orchestra (and Glee club concert; on Friday evening, May 9, the grand climax-- the presentation of the opera, "Martha." The music department is still in debt (one hundred dollars), a deficit in the presentation last year of the opera, "Mikado." The girls are confident that they shall wipe out this indebtedness during Music week. The Kanzler cup, the property of the Junior R. O. T. C., is a great incentive for better, work. Every year the name of the captain of the best company-that, having the highest average-is engraved upon the cup. HANDIWORK EXHIBIT An exhibition of unusual interest will be given by the girls of the domestic firt department some time in May. Some very excellent work in . house .aprons, street dresses, underwear, millinery, etc., will be on display. The rifle team, Captain Ryder, Sergeant H olio way, Principal, Merrill. Superintendent Hopkins, the O. H. S. sponsor and A! Warden were guests of the chamber of commerce at luncheon today. At assembly. Thursday the students were given a rather interesting account of the development of the system of accounting in the various countries of the world by W. W. Cooley, western representative of the Burroughs Adding Machine company. ON GUM CHEWING The great 16-story Wrigley building in Chicago, Mr. Cooley says, is a monument, to the gum- chewing girls of America, which reminds us of a student's remark the other day. He said: "The only difference between a girl chewing gum and a cow chewing her cud, is that the cow appears thoughtful." The girls of the domestic sci ence department have found a very clever w. y of getting excused for tardiness. Sh-sh. (Just take the teacher a nice piece of cake.) REVENGE Revenge. It is the cause of i much of the heartache and ill- ' Will in the world. Because of some little petulant remark some- ; one becomes offended. If he is like the majority of persons, he'"1 wants revenge. Instead of forgetting and forgiving, he in turn makes some cutting remark. That makes two bitter persons. They in turn make more stinging remarks. When a wasp stings it hurts for awhile, but the sting soon goes away. So with an ugly remark, the sting soon goes away When it is pardoned. As Bacon says: "It is a prince's part to pardon." It proves he is a big- ger, better, stronger character. ) HELEN GRACE. |