OCR Text |
Show es Sf =e e | sap Sagiaeon motors “2 —- ; : % —— , 3 g - a Lichen File. gaes i , Be 8:30um. o’cl toturo 7:30audi ining, school Te ote Bree he 'Souso), ee ave eee ; Johnson), (b) Strong band. of the Geis , Qre | ee ms -——_f = ajo 0 {yes «= WOO peq =‘WO00l’ ONINIC Li6 dOyYeqnoul | ord Mesto 009'TT JOE oTe7sn4 UP eur _| peyun lute | poy yo © 82971) | Ot0U, ole| Qogy : yRO>G ~@ MOU suol syueudyus: gouvjysip ‘OF juour 938 ABUPIG “Yous gg “MOtIBY pus pepiens HLOOL-09 eae wy SueAczs 19808 eammAST |i sjiedxe AQAINS — SVY VUBIUOW 0} | yqya quetutiedxe ue yeorsojorq pelqe ; "gaTaNsInN | 8 e400W}re ni ee fo | oyessnd ‘yeout e sjouesg-uesuer. ‘eotad UMO} Mf“hosSured 7B seysem dpajooie pesn GOOD)| | : coeneM AIUd, Baek © uo Suyseey ueeq sey LON IBSVA -eiseg—2 ARM: ‘NO dpm 16 7 | aca ee oS Mase set ae TB , (Nf aa Pe e ICY WITV'T we O ‘VOTSS ST pee A PHL 000° d asa are O1V ye Seaeue. ies y. sea | PUIYORIU Buymes ey GA PUY pmo yoy pus ad¥vose jou ee aa ay yorum wos aigoulod uo Ded AE ie reuopov AN s s,p ey} yey Pefuep ed nn youuvo - ‘ sesseurey pue |: ‘SpBed} uip-6Fer see Wes eT “‘smi0y; “33 0008 ane ee Be ee uo Sur||"|| vou, ose pionst ‘NITUAS Ie YN SALW Sal UE -jUSWIO)——e nent EeAS ePuosthaI PE TONS -juuio 94} Jo JouueU OU} UT -s19Ae ploy pues «=euid - _. gaysjurur O4om ‘sT1iV@g epee e — exe} OF yuoied ,wossezer g0ee eAY -weS ‘ayeyo ule pue yyotmaM-eqo1y ‘| || ast|); Ulu} Ssousts,, sAeS ysniid@ 94} 24} Ut xBUlyIed ey rom 1608 “moo epwas-ysyy ‘loyeqnou, euo 8se-OQcT oUe sUyYORVUL Supysem -4zo Aqeq ‘g4,0UaAepP 9{41}0e ° ‘a8uBl yeo | “TOUT ‘gs eoyoog “ASP ue. ROR eiluiep a eins Boul | ape <7 leat re OUIES 21 7B Poa Petes SO PIS , "" Dae” afternoon cea e A ee “=e debating contests| hake ee team. j three | ofcs ripe teams, 7 of six stu-| consisting = F , bone J a ear i the im Philippines shoul dik same 2 ty thetn mediately | Pipe -—~$) teams ee are oe as ; is Iverson, Blaine | a i Smit- : e Skeen, Lew- Joseph| O'Neill, bbard oy. | < Allicow, : . Af-' Ramesden. Don Wakefield. Sepang tenn Neen ve Ff, Sangberg, | be. m°* form} First. ‘irst follows: VS: e _. Negative—Lawrence f firmative—John eS TEt ; should ok x. government as exists in Cuba.” = Fi }: The Re BY, of vening ee 20 ae aA = ; That : seay woUBuTyseA $008 wer arnt 7! om ae RO Rk See ane o of the: Reea O; } Be Ss Btu Spanish rocmeat; Tuesday Sig | given x yey seojrd ano | — gis Wout “weiors WWa}S. ae Bi} Yee 9S —SLNADV | 906 eiged.8n) 8488. Pete pus Uspitd ou} 1904)04© uapuods |} ‘syns ,s40q Surlies fe ocean , ; as invited | dents each. The six. are dividea/ will be | into teams of three. andThree three ar debaters Lareag ae 'to be affirmative debaters.Resolved,—— | The question will be: ‘TOSUIIM | — NUM “}uso Ul S}joOId JOATIOEP GAA “OOUBAPS he jad OZ Suryeut sjuesy “Se TI$—sonieaA) & ejquiveid e10um : rae ‘UWSIsStIed ul } SUMO nF Saat rh Judging from} Seems. 10. alt io | studeé: ents will Eighteen stud . tietetas peamates Lideb pate...They are divided into: } ‘sue | zx “tn-v: nzcveed|FOF : See| UONBuLtost , 4 0 uM soewaraiues|| 9 yuedxe exw _poustuys sous uoijeieder USM 2 “OD "j0e 109 Pus -iapun eq 0} siejrzed anod sopra “eetj FINO SuyTes RG gl | CoFO; “V1eo puy oss ‘BAfByoO ‘AeHooI s9usanH MAN i Dern: Ms Qual: el next ec ,at 3| o'clock, j MUNCINUOT| ve suyesied “M-8861 euotd yoru uejueg uoyjoes-F | ae a Haas : and on the afternoon of Lo heber is to be a series of six! : AOPVEWUNKOI | «19K001 ee have} of issuance etre of e cati nth publi tee oan J Wien - on LLeG . UGONIS | 62 ‘ax 9 JueUur| St SU : ude g 00 eulgue Bizxe a ‘1exyut a 40H. T ty| ‘90 JOpUOA\ Wats Out tate Ul 3894020, FTIVH-ANO}S4 Suipvel Spel. © elt} a ee | 1 : ag | | ysodsseyTOW ais Saat ae :sAvS eo | _j Sooql UvUIse}e}S |, | AeeyH* to the school dur- ins |epefoebe held in veek. pete AHOD Tv "e918 Ae}. treo jguyueaa ‘og't$ ‘ssolteeq ‘S903/70) ONL BIOTA | wjod isyno payyi ‘puococes “ySIty ‘AVE | 7g) “£10 61 F | te Lf ‘uosder A HUeIS pue A{,|. <7 Snoi10y}: 91 u9}uUe ey} jo ee qi MOU yom ee Rey es William J. Astler, | ; debating 60: | 8 et srez ‘WUStAMIOOUM | | OT “Hf “Urea fospn MOT) -B; | HW,Our |. iAineeq © 3 guoseM Posn pus MeU V 3 . AMA ~ eu} ‘supstdsep | ‘coewmoldip s,pPleuoP -XGHT “TI WOTUM Ut sem JoAOU BV Sip go pnojo & etl oe “uostod joAO Buvy Worse suorjsenb Teoyod |) soyesiyseAur UOIBUTIUSEM ‘SAW 2 o WAltIMesS ers eq ue qnoyyM yoojjo todn gy} - | determined result NOLLVNIBI ‘sures vopa given _liminaries will n High school | “|. =f, of _ an official Ogde eo cs ‘Phe -contests | Goon ‘osu: guyuyp ‘euryoem NOO sgjdoed Youeds| Galayuses _ me poe t es aSee Sete) . PM is ee ue | connected with ES the school system es very good idea. |i ae POS pee i ..- ‘SouTyOeUt Surmos om} “joujqeo | ks Se. Se 2 o! Hs Le The teachersof Salt Salt Lake | undertake hers ager. first i tithe WS I pete peace ‘E391 Su0Ud | ‘Se "O1es | Todi eh eee to be | EBS ? fd as familiar slogan @) slogan, | ts tie Heregnnt Bes 3 rica Hirst. i business | Awan | uy | +t BOS = | ee depa fey the with ade. lotrough is editor: oseq} ~heba: feu Yor cored Aowotjep uy Sc pee teron Cit ve | Ave | week. expression py Geden (66 “38 UW-AjUEM ies “M-ES11_ PUOUd | uosiq jeuoneu: om? TO. | ‘'8eqo} F suo1jsUty ‘HO — « |ibaeiggg “OD seA L DHlMi-gy | JO gsvorout AAVOHu908q uoMoONpet Uo SnouUsup | ‘peyleABe 3 oe “H / ! OuOUa| SLE 20 “seat 3 "HTS UTyXe OU} s Fy fayouqg eM ‘pezeUl)I oo”: opegyng eu} JO WoTpO yestoy. e1ppe sey @1OUL OULOD| “ue outs ‘ouly} UP UoTUUIOD gossoy yYAosAL JO sutve} OOD PX euo WG ‘Shep esou3 ‘a yM: | gpeurque ieee GRETA calmusiHour map, “An is soi on tothemake and Musioe Jy, 4) | we esuva ‘uy unite Pear 6 ire2 : Tues- | a, oral ee ere EL 6¢asi ooyad 10} 78h CUCU ‘SHNUHS ‘SARUL| o aN ee ie ed| a, odsues; PUPIE, | lyeur useysve oFg Sups lia grout opin eu) zeutodms PON \® _ | eaeqep 0} r 698 >’ & decided ay nights this. ment in the concert jnext Tuesday night. pegjuesres doom 3 225, to e! snow too little of our native stat e appreciation .| oe ad have but littl 072 Ube SCENIC: Deatitiog. will |o eres|yic LeeeMou ‘deey Bolom me ATTUVUN 380-08 ee ee PUe BETTIS a B for Fhe eee 2 e- pue “‘OAW UOSIIAYET 9292} “nt si¢ siddns ejduse ue edal) 10s My {uorqruxe OHr—-A/IVS HOA ‘IO}1 0o «= Sujui set |} OM-~ ied Ajoy} njzod ‘| ygia “peansse 8 uotye ‘anuceaw uvospnEy ghee "ggg sUoUd | + | 999 (ase ut yyou owy “‘Boy | xg syiod ses ee ee ee | -ans ; ee Cae, eee ae Fa ; Es PG yaLee : uraging stu-; is enco ue 3 apis Utah” to See the’ “Out-Doors in Sa bard movine, Dictuke Kriday and : _The ted) 5 ‘pagz-118 “OD peeq “soug WOUV'T| 1. aAW a6 dy council S school ee 6 Th 2 ay BS hig Eeway “MA-SLLT OU0Ud!-x-| “eres 40} WANLINUOY | 2 998o eres | OAT TH ee) | YOR sniq OJ 119A -Suljeyrew pues sulpes1q sesodind | rt ‘eanjyuanj paezg g9L 48 Se 1606 068 ever} 48u010 | : a jyeo doy ayes #. cs ~-- fle 3S Paez 229 7B uyesivy B * O70Y | +16 26 ‘sapeyo ‘“SDO Mw by eo. poy wosuen O78 | irs 3 4606 pue moo ysedy GOOD) Gyo) for > graduation. the number yp joMngs a addivignal stodent vening to give a Classicalia oe L Friday afterAe ee oa CE nding © this;—————— .| party will | seals gean avte opportunity of Nave Skin oes English: < = aes a : wenty iste abe as L k Foe o 4 | oe ae The Commercial club will meet hursday, March 6, at 2:45 o’clock es "ter rl 2 |— 22 (Cha Arm I 1 modern GS ee Baruiee hee | Re a class magazine. cae cone wane ee Meyers), band. completed . just of study eresting | Pe | 7 ; gpam follows: : 7 ee . Ro (a) The Idolizers (W. A. Corey),! 2 ae o: gome rge; -! enth Regiment (Geo (b) Sixte Some of the sophomore : a S — ns), band. ‘“Rosenkra He : bette ‘ ‘ i : n(O’He Leaf Last The s, Bs‘ry’,Pen i. 3 Grace Foutz. +s (@) Manhattan Beach Gobn Pt” ___s. seers . ri the in ock, z . + ie by i of direction under the students a : on! sold es Overland coup, “ALTO. LOLS 532 | st teachers..of the Advisory groups.- eve-|? concert .tomorrow. band - will give! department music The la — {) TUESDAY CONCERT being They are "| sale today. put were tickets Classicalia Is. ae ene $ - g§ touring “$30 l quick 1081ee OverieROE 1cel ne O63: eee : |/} ae : | a —_——$——— iis at once. 3°° if taken = ae Cale Bus sth bargain. REAL nen = coupe for S300 iy used Bait and: go3 Pe o WJ je RET oa eecte j i it. takes ate 7 Ep aat Mnone. 217ar p Sy 18 7 a ap <8 Garase- g x ww CHE 1922, trade —————- “8 ; -—\ ond St. ___ | s TT arson ete ea : pean Om Taylor; mcg; mayen, Elmore rm ig | at a ies |