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Show 3 - 25 - 24 Ogden High School Notes Today's slogan: Pass quietly through the hallways; keep to the right; don't crowd; modulate your voice. Rudolph Lyon, Paul Wilson and Orrin Stigers, class of ' '2 3, and i students at tiie University of Utah, were visitors at high school Monday. They are pleased with their I work at the university and say ! they are doing their best to main- : tain Ogden's high standard there. Miss Annette Child, a senior of the university, spent Monday with I the teachers of history and social! science at the high school. Miss Child is asking the privilege of ob- j serving this work for a week, and ! then to train under the direction of one or two of the teachers for j a period of nine weeks to meet a ; graduation requirement of the normal department of the university. MUST SPEED UP. At a meeting of the faculty Monday evening it was decided to do away with dilly-dallying and lagging behind in school work. Students must keep, up with their assignments or suffer the consequences-low grades or no grades. I Mrs. Camp was unable to report j at school Monday morning on ac- j count of illness. Principal Merrill j took charge of her classes. Moroni Olson is unable to ap- j pear at high school assembly this j week, but will meet with us next j week. A large number of teachers will j witness the Moroni Olson players' ! performance at the Orpheum tonight, They expected to attend in 1 a body, but previous engagements kept some from attending. The high school people feel that "home . products" should be appreciated . and encouraged. ONE BIG OBSTACLE. High school students received an invitation today to attend the Weber college prom Friday evening. The only tliinjr that prevents; acceptance of the Invitation by a large number is the high admission charge-an evening' gown or a tuxedo. Vice Principal Gertrude Coolidge is interesting herself and fellow teachers this week in the parties for the Girl Scouts, Friday afternoon and Saturday night. The high echool orchestra has accepted an invitation to furnish "an hour of rnusie" at Weber college next week. ORDERLY SURPRISED. An interesting episode occurred Monday at 2219 Washington avenue, An Orderly was sent down to that address with a communication for Moroni Olson, whesa east was practicing in a room there, The cadet wras not advised of thia iat however, When he earp isked "What kind it dewn there, a "ly veiled," p-- -rying; a m ing man V ' if classes the Courtis Standard Research Test, Series C, Organization Test. Time limited on Friday last. The test consisted of ten groups of phrases and required quick and accurate judgment in putting the phrases in orderly se- quence, so as ,sto make a correct and complete statement, e.g.: q 8. Andioclus, a poor slave, of Rome, long ago, named, there lived, in this city. Answer: There lived long ago in the city of Rome a poor slave named Androclus-or two other arrangements possible, with full credit, and one with half credit. ( The result of the test is given herewith : j Standard for juniors, 64; standard for seniors, 68. j Sixty-two juniors took the test; average, 49. Fifty-nine seniors took the test; average, 59.9. HIGHEST MARKS. Following are the pupils who made an average higher than the j standard: Keith Wilson, Helen Grace, Sidney Badeon, Elmer Raat, Marjorie Allen, Elizabeth Holton, Thelma Jones, Eleanor Kidder, John Cragun, Keith Shurtliff, Virginia Bingham, Elva King, Phyllis ; Read, Althea Thomas, George Coolidge, Dan McCarty, Junior Petterson, Sara Agee, Theo Garman, Verna Jensen, Aneesa Malouf, Dorothy Vail, Clifton Rhead, James Whitton, Burton Robb. The following scored 100: Virginia Green, Lorin Trapp, Helen Stevens. CONCERT TONIGHT. The music department will give ! in the auditorium, "An Hour of Music" tonight, 7:30 to 8:30 ; o'clock. The program is as follows: Serenade Moszkowski Roses of the South . . .Strauss Combined Glee Clubs and Orchestra. Spanish Dance. ...... Moszkowski O. H. S. Orchestra. Contralto solos-Spanish text- La Poloma La Golandrina Lucile Olsen. Mourning Marionettes ... ! Gounod Happy Days Strelezski O. H. S. Orchestra. Cornet solo- Ben Haines. Readings-Oval expression de- j partment. Piano concerto in "C" major. . . Mozart (First movement.) Wade Stephens. Orchestra Accompaniment. |