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Show ANDARD-EXAMINER Thurs 3-6-24 Ogden High School Notes Coach Kapple has with him the following men in Salt Lake: Ben Blackham, Bob Martin, Clarence Clark, Gailord Taylor and Ellis Wade, the regular team; Rulon Doxey, Afton Ririe, Bob Wen, Rulon Budge, Ray Price and Joe Irvine, substitutes; Alyson Smith, manager. 1 The "subs" will pick up a great many points at the tournament that will help them to win the state championship again next j year. I From expressions we have heard from the business men of Ogden, there is nothing that they will not do for the team if they will bring home championship honors. The teachers went fifty-fifty Wednesday night. Half of them were at the state tournament; the other half heard Syud Hussain's great lecture. J. M. Roberts of the Central 1 Scientific company visited our t laboratories on Tuesday. He ex- pressed himself as being, very j pleased with our laboratory equip- j ment and the work being done in science. FATTENS TREASURIES. The O. H. S.-Box Elder game last week helped the treasuries of the athletic departments of the two schools. It netted each school $291. This was one of the great- 1 est basketball games ever held in S Ogden. The H. C. club members are meeting today at 3:30 o'clock in room 219, to make further plana for the Classicalia. Working on the theory that three boys are equal to one man, Theron Jost, Jake Reynolds and Lewis Iverson are taking Coach Kapple's geometry classes this week. CHEMISTRY CONTEST. Ten students of the chemistry j department are entering the j American Chemical society's essay contest. The prize in this contest is a four-year scholarship to Yale or Vasssr. This scholarship will be good next year, or the year follow- ing or even third year following, so that sophomores and juniors in high school may compete. Jn addition to the Yale or Vassar scholarships, the University of Utah is offering a scholarship to the Utah student presenting the best essay. Six students of Ogden High school have already signed for the Citizens' military training camp at j Fort Douglas June 12 to July 11. j Anyone interested in this camp i may obtain information by apply- I ing to Capt. L. E. Ryder, High School. MUSIC FESTIVAL. TljJe" crowd that attended the j band concert Wednesday night j was not large but encouraging- encouraging because it represented ! the same people who heard the j orchestra and glee club two weeks ago. The next concert will be pre- sented by the combined glee clubs, orchestra and soloists on Wednesday evening, March 19. Lester G. Hinchcliff, the director, is thinking seriously of making an effort to get the orchestras of the junior high schools to unite with the high school orchestra in a semi-monthly prac- ! tice, in order to prepare for a grand musical festival in the spring. He awaits the approval . and co-operation of Supervisor Mark Robinson in the plan. "GONE TO GAME." f The high school teachers were pretty much disturbed Wednesday ! by the absence of a number of i students who were reported "gone to the game." As the game was not called until 6 o'clock the teachers feel that it was absolutely unnecessary for students to absent themselves from school. No student can succeed in school when -irregular in attendance or indifferent to attendance. High school teachers are very much interested in athletics, but not to the neglect of regular school work. FOR BULL BRAINS. At the beginning of the present term in the high schools of New York City pupils who were rated the lowest 20 per cent in ability were not permitted to take mathematics or a foreign language. They were required to take biology or general science or both, or one of these subjects in connection with typewriting or shop work. District Superintendent John L. Tildsley, in discussing this matter, said: "We want to stop giving the lower 20 per cent of the pupils what they cannot learn and give them what they can learn." Naturally the students of the high school were very much elated today over the success of the first game "at the . tournament. One hundred arid fifty students wit- nessed the game and twice that many will be present tonight jto ! j root forthe team. |