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Show Ui) Today's slogan: 2 ORE Ne SIDR Ane ~ oo The members of the rifle team aim at tHe bulls eye; they either hit. What :: ; ie lost. | : Abed 3 jo e108 I—HW1VS ea Ley ‘ ear ea uOS 5 eg ll peaed | eh Ul- posses qyor0d C best sUugUIe aulyt ficpf ic\, ‘38 W922 yffbtail\, "W-T8IZ é a0. -BE 4° AN rg TE W-62 ‘Sar 6st hook your | “qseo 1— LC dv re6t Aid sejoom : oiojou NVIGNI| Potog ‘oes 10k Goxl0d eA a pape 9Z8 ionic -98eaet) 208 goedg pind ‘eP0 10Z amor "GOOMAGH ‘aay WOSPNH 628s. yOrerast aa SMOIHY) | 83U UspsoO — ony “sa0jetped qe aredes pue primed ‘pring 9AM qsog ou ST — | ae “uoSpnH uresiva oles yueso2 itBeer, | 1P¥s OGD GOVUVO NOS NIGOW MOVE | th jt \ « @OTANTS NOSIMUVH 9496 ‘sa| : : TET spl |. é e xIs Zi, Tepe Seay reyeqepny Suommpuos yueTTeoxm “Jepour -+ IEXeVQopnys ods eye" pejo ‘gatnoe} o eeta Gee 15 espod _dpjvueeag_ |, Scotchman. perhaps can be that. is a lover of Bobby Burns. He. = says, is the idol poet boys did their 3 ae are | We shall we have won know or 0) TULRA-SSON-PLL . a —. oo Sect OF sateen oe 30." 4 But: Burns is far more than a poet of Scotland; he is one of, the: His songs find. an echo’in the hearts of ali men: everywhere. More, perbaps,’ than. any other man, or ~ Whitman. then save perhaps He mocracy. is the .Is.there Walt) poet. of ‘de-; a high school) student in America who cannot re-| lost. cite from memory, “A Man’sa Man’ for A’ That?” ‘There shouldn’t be I Ralph. Inze, dean of &t._ .“Of all human mind think’ coveries ambitions an cpen_ expectant and ready of new dis-‘ to remold con-: victions in the. light of added! knowledge and dispelled ignorances |. ae TO TEACHERS, eagerly | and misapprehensions, ability S to oe ge cps ey ng done. i n LJ is the nob- -48 | ‘ssossod: uMOoUy zaAe sey £901 | gopun | : 00 : ‘Ppetouoy Wey ves 0} pue Woy {touoy 0} sinsveid vB eq TITM 4 puP Ure}ye Aey} 0} L fs Injzepuom SUlUle4} ajey ur eu}: epeu eAevy SAOG 94} sd1JIAOeS - B1qBIUED “UN 94} pue oivd Suryejsuyed oy} snolepuges Sujaed jeug | PUStuwmOo - -JIP oFsemop sisqsuM, §{ IIM pPlIyo pus uvuOM Sy@ur n AdoanE ‘skoq jooyos yStu JO Gnous Aue Aq ‘POYSI Auioo0e TSdA0 ,ALOM JO Sa08{d Isouly oY} Jo suo oq FE ‘Terytur ey} ere soprut ITM SIQ} a9A0e10ULr pus ‘toTsseo0ns UL Sout} 9914} UIM “oT ‘UIeSe 4 Oop ,19A9 T1eYS OM -7VY} AlOHI JOU By IT } | AYdO1 JsiveyH ay} ULM Aoy} pinoys ae SAOQ UIvA1 SULI9JJO 9IJLI | UT S| JUspIZ00Nd BHOIOS F & Surystiquiso sy uot¥onpeaM jo f (|-Uep | PABOd ou} YU} eet Jou op Pca nner SUALVAMS | ) : TITY | . > +i 19}}0q B Sey OOYoS ou ey} eAatToq OM 8B “BUIMOYS O qBIOALT w JoOIperd A Sue A0U7es Tia OM ee? | suyusow “XO * . . anes . 5 oe pene b i } UB Aepsinyyy, SALS IM 'DO uo —~ cheap. Leaving city. TaIp monary | ake) STURGIS wicker cart, igh chair, child’s sn ‘UW . OUL Se oF . racticaliy ol new, : Phone then” _ 7274 Lh CHOICE Marsh st ar; t 00 per hundred,all | Phone tsse. Canyon Road ass 679 *|JOHN DEERE harrow, §10; Myer's ’ as of Scotland,” world’s great poets. eee wm sete. will be the worst WGRD h é ee Soe Perea a AIVS HOt TIVS dos Holloway the Aue se ddOOHOSind) | NUVHOS 7%Wopo BsIsHeS |) peayuesenS sp eypu Uw AA wy ‘qot anos \ ea wLVELSH IVE Ed. satisfied; of days. A £- L¥GS £ “No found: anywhere in the: world: but, Any-| This is what they say to business lest, the rarest and the most diffi-. manager: oS me to achieve.’’-—Dr- Rubinson, “Your. success depénds. upon| | \tton AG BANMO “edung wWepowm APIS—-~euo ud | Sneddon’s talk was most in- of | possible ~ compare with. 1 & | ‘yuswueseq "‘goinzBo} iWodthur gal 2406 se Eh ott A a. g pue suioot esizy, won, hardly education? We nora T Og PUB ie UAwooi“LPLX “ghoTiies s TIVINS |...) -7 pue sagu ‘@BC1IGB we've seems taught.” Isn’t the same thing true — as regards | tl, se0ld eunren 0c u0d ee Bae | bélieve It William a GHUOV- ‘uivg ‘ggpe | ououd Pry a 3-x{8 Mr. is Paul's cathedral, Londen, ngtand, says “Religion is ~ caught—not (|-BQ‘egsnoyyeaseuledyuinoeWoO slendoeu, ‘used us| ) ~ es VERDICT, or fortune Sergt. whether OOu-k eZi1e'T Uwexoye ‘esnoy euly a -inj Aysed ‘Wea G4 esnoy IN E} “f7evIe A ; weusuid: : 4 ao : AUOES ANE “goT}eUuLsIojUy j te } of many of Burns’, poems. . E = in this shooting game. April % Sen ‘jods eaynbuy PROS saDom incorporated in his talk the fecital | Ed study will probably be the high man,| and wiil win the national medal. Ad inipall Japoul 4Q0 eo1IS—HANMO . tae ee the 5 Whether we win. or lose, Ser-) geant Myer says, Laurence Skeen © urooi-gD en : “3eSTTS8 NG “9913 Uy-7 1 way way ‘tT am best.” Ui) 38 We Ogden CUE ‘ggnoy - }itay ue fate that any school can as Lee eee Ee ee Ie NE BO RE OT TT pear as ha bac her screed eee TERRES tao ees Pies 238 in nS EL Oa a eS e AWAIT Our course. eNO Ae (A Tada , We x ul e oe 4e3 UppAd queuIes % ‘queuleseg sana uj-pessBis & pouL ‘yag G SON JOPwA JOU | in morning r fi ees gop a> we 8790138 - a oe wed 40 Paea s puw UMBy s +102) ‘89013 epey a ______ . | teresting, perhaps, to the seniors. sealed. |- who are : now. studying. Burns” have shot in the Hearst tour- | Carlyle’s -essay- on nament and have either. won or' | poetry y -and Burns. De W38%nal 208|Al Dod yea10;rs esai es | 99Tt6. this Vog="4 “« Juvenile .Judge » John. Sneddon \ | _ addressed Miss Cor- : gave an interesting talk on Robert’ classes. on “Present| Burns. at’ Friday’ s assembly. He, Alt, NIMLS “D AANA ‘RONVHOSNT AE aiming at? — Problems but \itself.’~—-Browninp's Abt. ere it. wea — gomeansuy ezeuey ‘near ee eR ie PT a are Bet ee a ee ES Day oes ME tI eS ttn SEPT Sa Mee “ Ee pecs RS eet rnea Rec a ea a : ode goyazag-200ns aoe won Aee Ate SON : pode va’ are you Dr Thina tez’ history A re it. or .strike mighty “All we have “AIL willed or hoped. or dreamed of good shall. exist; not. its semblance | | ager , - Sale |