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Show Thur May Ogden High School Notes Thought for today: "Man will some day find that the exercise of the spiritual or emotional nature through music, or the contemplation of beauty, is a necessity as much as food and drink."-Hubbard. All of life is spent in an effort to satisfy our physical or spiritual desires. A large part of education is learning how to do, to love and enjoy the higher things of life. i Darwin complained, when he became an old man, that he had lost so muoh in life. Said he, "If I had my life to live over again I should endeavor to read a little poetry, and to hear a little music each day." OPERA TOMORROW . We hope music week has improved just a little our appetite - for this divine food. There is lit- 1 tie danger of becoming spiritual gluttons. Every student of the high school and as many parents as possible should hear "Martha" tomorrow night. It will be a sort of culmination of the best work of the music department for" the year, and will be literally a "spir- ! itual banquet." 1 Mr. Hinchcliff desires to thank I the Girls' association for their splendid work in putting over Music week. 'Aside from the educational value- the week has furnished, it has also cleared the ' department's indebtedness. "I have heard a goodly number of R. O. T. C. bands. Your band is the best junior R. O. T. C. band I have ever heard; it surpasses many of our regimental bands."-Capt. C. C. Woodward. Former Mayor Frank Francis was asked why he is always at the R. O. T. C. reviews. He said., "Because I like them and appre- j ciate them. I believe in expressing my appreciation nnd should like to see all the people of Og- den do likewise." ! NAUGHTY BOYS? The cadets have a parody on ! "It Ain't Going to Rain no More." lit runs something like this: The skipper has two daughters, And they are stout and thin; One of them's pretty good looking, And the other looks like him. The Rotary club has invited the rifle team to be its guests at a regular luncheon. The boys were to have accepted Wednesday, but asked for a week's postponement on account of being in Salt Lake. Miss Adelaine Ashton, a graduate of the high school, sang at the Kiwanis luncheon today. -! MILITARISM FEARS Aftermath-Only three patrons i of the high school have signified their disapproval of the annual - May day" parade. The vast majority have been able to grasp --fSacfliy 'pi'e significance ami ' worth- whileness of the affair, and express their hearty commendation. The voice of the author of "Communication" in Tuesday's ; Standard-Examiner, is as the lone voice in the wilderness. All of j us hate war, and none wishes to have his sons trained for slaughter to satisfy the god of war, but the vast majority of the people see the hundred good things in scout work and R. O. T. C. training without a thought of any- j thing militaristic; and, finally, they see that if war ever should come, the boys would be prepared. A STRANGE TRANSFORMATION On Monday a teacher from North Junior borrowed a bust supposedly of Julius Caesar, from the high school. Strangely, enough when the bust was delivered a? her school it turned out to be the bust of Abraham Lincoln. j "A tragic fate is to reach a i; condition of mind blindness, in which the truth,, is not recognized though it stares'you in the face." A FINE COMPLIMENT It is quite generally believed that most high school students have formed the smoking habit. In contradiction to this, Principal Merrill made the statement to the guests at the banquet Tuesday evening, that to his positive knowledge he . could safely say that not one of tne 22 officers present was addicted to the habit. In addition to this, Coach Kapple avers that practically no boy who participates in athletics has formed the habit; to the contrary, there is hardly a one who ever uses tobacco in any form. Whatever may be said as to smoking by men, it is all but universally accepted that cigaret smoking is bad for any growing boy and most high school boy realize it. DATE DEFINITELY SET The baccalaureate sermon will be preached by the Rev. J. W. Hyslop at the Orpheum theatre j on Sunday morning, May 25. at j 11 o'clock. Tuesday evening, May ! 27, has been definitely settled up- on as the date of commencement exercises. These also will be held in the Orpheum theatre. - The preliminary oratorical contest will be held next Monday, May 15, at 3 o'clock in room 305. A lively interest is being shown and at least eight to ten contestants will enter. From j these, two will be selected to en- j ter the Lewis contest to be held i with Box Elder and Davis on j, Wednesday, May 14, at Central Junior High school at 3 o'clock. PATRIOTISM IN THE OGDEN HIGH SCHOOL (By Gilbert Spann) A true indication of a young man's patriotism is his willingness to take R. O. T. C. training. One purpose of R. O. T. C. training is to fit young men to defend the American principles of ! democracy. Since it is the duty L .of all citizens, as patriots, to take part in the defense of these principles, a young man's willingness to fit himself to perform his duty j measures his patriotism. There is a patriotism of peace, however, as well as of war. This consists of wisely exercising the rights and privileges of citizenship, and the duties toward government and fellow countrymen. The other purpose of the R. O. T. C. is to build strong bodies and alert minds. Since these things are vital to being patriotic in peace, a young man's willingness to train again measures his patriotism. |