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Show nishing and decorating of the mod- i ern home. Notea are kept, con- 1 sisting of notes written from class discussion. Sketches of interiors and their proper furnishing, dec- h oration and color scneme are made for the purpose of developing good j taste. t There is also a day class in de- $ sign and color theory which fol-; lows definitely some of the modern il ; tendencies of design. Thi subject h lis arranged by our supervisor, Miss Ida Anderson. In this work a high ! order of inventiveness and origin- ! j alitv has been shown. Then we strive to meet the needs I J of the majority and to make art 1 carry over into every activity of I I life. STUDENTS MENTIONED. ! Then tnere are always a fet ! j students wno have talents which j ! lead into the higher forms of ex- pression in art. These we try to j I find and encourage along their spe- cial pursuits. They are given a i foundation in the elements of good drawing in charcoal, pencil and crayon and a study of light and shade. Then they are permitted to work in pastel, water colors arfi oils from still life, the figure, landscape o.nd even portraits have been ! attempted. Some of these students! have shown marked ability in this ! work-among them should be men- tioned Evelyn Palmer whose por- ! trait sketches in pencil and oils have won for her a reputation about school; Florence Brown, whose drawings lead one to think in a modest way of Hans Holbein, because of her sensitive feeling for line; Joseph Gibby, an artist on the year book and who also is showing unusual ability in drawing. Rosemary Erhardt's delicate heads j show a real gift. ADULTS STUDYING. In addition to these regularly enrolled high school students, we have a number of others-some of them adults who come in to work with us. They, too, are doing work which compares favorably with students in regular art schools. , Besides, a half dozen boys and girls are kept busy advertising a continual round of school activities I for we co-operate with every de- 1 partment in the school. All candidates for graduation in May are petitioning the faculty to- day. Assembly will be held on Thursday at 10:15 o'clock this week. I Auctioning of Classicalia booths 'will be the chief business of the as- jsembly. The bidding promises to jbe spirited. The athletic committee is pre- jparing to receive a monster crowd ' at the game Friday night. j It is reported that there will be about 500 down from Brigham City i to the game. ! Sufficient tickets have already been sold to insure the success of the cadet hop on Thursday night at Berthana. Miss Dorothy Vail entertained 'the Alpha Omega society and the club advisors at a delightful lunch eon and party at her home on Saturday evening last. Petitions are in for Genevieve Madsen and Helen Storey for queens of the Classicalia. It is thought that other petitions will be turned in today. Friday, February, 22, will be observed as holiday. Exorcises commemorating the life and work of Washington will be held in class rooms at 9:30 o'clock on Thursday. A letter came from the University of Utah today advising that May 16 has been selected as state high school day this year. I Logan schools are giving an art i exhibit. They have several of Mr. Stewart's pictures which are receiving much praise. The auto mechanics and carpentry departments are combining in the making of a Ford racing car. It will be in the spring exhibit. The concert given by the music department Tuesday night was an artistic success. A goodly number of parents were in attendance. I O. H. S. HAS GREAT CHANCE TO WIN STATE TITLE, Feb 20, 24 BY DAVE WANGSGARD. s Students generally are underestimating the importance of the O. H. S. Box Elder game that will be played Friday evening. Too many fans are taking a victory for the Orange and Black as a matter of fact. Let us profit by our lesson of last fail when our eham- 'pion football team went to finish jthe schedule by playing Davis. Do 'not forget that score, else wa shall have to learn the lesson over again. A victory for Ogden means our first division championship in basketball. But it has a greater meaning than that. The big moguls 'in arranging the state tournament placed the winner of the northern division in the lower bracket to meet the winner of the Alpine division (Lehi, a weak team.), on the first day and in case of three successive victories would meet the winner of the upper bracket for the state championship. L. D. S. considered the strongest team in the state, is placed An the upper bracket and so Ogden wouldn't meet L. D. S. until the final night, when we would have a splendid chance, due to our large list of good substitutes. j Box Elder has certain advantages. Man for man its players are taller, they got under way later and they have scored more points than Ogden in the games played to date against the same schools. They made 70 points in the same hall against a team that we made 53. Psychology favors them, they can spring the surprise; and lastly Box Elder students back them to the limit. If a Box Elder student missed the O. H. S.-Box Elder game at Brigham it was on doctor's orders. j What would a defeat mean to Ogden? Besides a tie-off game 'which would have to be played next week we meet the Deaf. The loser of the tie-off game would have to meet the Summit winners the same week. No team could play three games in one week and be in good shape for the tournament which opens the following Wednesday. Granting Ogden should defeat Summit, on the first day of the tournament the winners of this division would meet L. D. S., the strongest team in the state. What chance would a team in poor shape have defeating L. D. S. on the opening lay? L. D. S. has been in the state ournament the past two yeays. Records show it is strong on the 'irst two nights but is not strong luring a long hard series.. Hence we must win this Box Elder game. A loss Friday night means practically no division or state honors; a victory, sure division and splen- . did chances for state honors. A victory Friday would mean a lilting j climax to a perfect holiday, a de- ;feat a blotch to a wasted day. j The team has kept the record -clean with 12 victories and no defeats, but the team alone can't win this game Friday night. They must have your support. They art- worth it, will you give it? Spring is here, it's time to wake up from your slumbers, attend the game, get the thrill, send your blood coursing i through your veins and feel that ! (you are a live part of a live i.nstitu- ! tion. |