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Show Postpone Meeting Plain City 31, Daughters of Utah Pioneers, Thursday June be given later. Ogden High School Notes (Note-Admission to the commencement exercises of Ogden High school in the Orpheum theater tonight will be by ticket only. These tickets were allotted to graduates for use by parents and friends. Seats that have not been taken by 8:15 o'clock will be available to the general public without tickets). Today's thought: "The secret of success is the constancy of purpose."-Disraeli. Today closes the year for the graduating class of 1924. Tonight commencement exercises will be held in the Orpheum theater. At these exercises the students will furnish the program. In this program they will give a concrete ; demonstration of the power that has come to them during their high school cause; they will give expression to the high ideals, hopes and inspirations that animate them. Of all public gatherings perhaps there is none that surpasses in richness of thought, in clear lucid expression of hopes, ideals, ambitions, the high school commencement. TO GRATIFY PARENTS. e forecast an eventful hour to- American institution public high school The boys and girls who are ! graduating tonight will be extremely Happy. They will feel the supreme joy of worthy achievement. Every one will be glad that he has spent four years so profitably and that he has been deemed worthy of receiving a high school diploma. This diploma will always be one of his cherished possessions. VALUABLE VOLUME. Today, too, each graduate is receiving his year book-a beautiful artistic volume depicting in a graphic way the year's activities, the year's accomplishments. The book, too, presents a wonderful photograph gallery of all his classmates and friends who have enjoyed with him this last great eventful year at high school. This book will always be near at hand and very frequently as the years go by, it will be scanned and studied. As the student goes over it again and again-he will reminisce of what this friend is doing and of what that one has done, and of how ever and anon another has passed to the great beyond. It is a great souvenir of a very happy year. It is doubtful whether he will ever obtain another souvenir of any period of his life that will mean so much to him as his year book. The custom of publishing a beautiful record of this most eventful year in a student's life, is one of the finest and best that maintains in the high school of our land. Some people have been heard to say that they envy the high school ! graduate of the joys and honors that come to him on this great day. We hardly think this is true; rather would we say we share with them their great joy, and we glory in their achievements, and in the bright future that life holds out to them. REPORTS THURSDAY. Tomorrow all high school work for the year ends and on Thursday morning each student will receive his report card, giving, in a rather definite way, the teachers' estimate of what he has accomplished during the year. Probably no student will feel that his efforts and work have' been over-estimated. Many perhaps will teel that the teacher might have given a nttle higher rating. Be that as it may, we hope lhat every card will serve as an incentive to greater effort and that every student will resolve to go on in his educational work. Life is a school, from which all shall graduate bye and bye. If we cherish and practice the virtues that Mr. Hyslop talked to us about on Sunday we shall graduate in the "Magna cum Laude" class. BALL IN BERTHANA. Tomorrow night the entire school expects to participate in a grand ball in the beautiful Berthana hall, where we have enjoyed so many social evenings during the past two years. the girls' constitution and by-laws and to make recommendation at the beginning of next year concerning necessary revisions and improvements. PROGRAM CHANGED. Member Wade Johnson of the board of education who was to address us tomorrow morning has found it impossible to be with us on account of important legal duties in Salt Lake. Frank Francis, our good friend and loyal booster, has kindly consented to take Mr. Johnson's place on the program. the Gamma Kappa students were exhibiting Monday very beau tiful pins which are to be happy reminders of many pleasant hours, and much good work of this fine organization. j on an absolute equality-to face any obstacle and meet every difficulty unabashed and unafraid- to cultivate the hospitable mind and the receptive heart." GIRLS' ELECTION. At a girls' meeting Monday morning the following officers were elected to direct the Girls' association next school year: Emma Beuhler, president; Lucy King, vice president; Martha Wright, secretary. INVISIBLE BOUQUETS. It was customary in the old days! when the graduating class was: small, for each graduate to be j handed up a beautiful bouquet from the orchestra pit, during commencement exercises. During the past few years, however, on ac-.j count of the large numbers grad-'j uating this practice has been done j away with because it was foundij impractical. fj We trust that tonight the bou-1 quets will be limited to kind thoughts and good wishes, that will pour from a thousand hearts in the audience and that they will reach, fill and thrill the heart of every graduate. Dance Tonight WHITE CITY 'Lockwood's Syncopators' The Girls' association has received credit for being one of the liveliest, efficient and serviceable organizations of the year. The girls are entitled to commendation and praise. May succeeding years find them doing still better! The students graduating tonight1 represent practically every shade! of religious belief. This however, j has not been manifested in their! daily association. Love, tolerance J good-will and wholesome friend-! ships have cnaracterized their school careers. They have lived here as sisters and as brothers. Phone 321 Office 429 25th St. Slade Transfer Miss Margery Allen and Marga- i ret Bell were appointed to study MOVING, PACKING, SHIPPING, STORAGE Baggage and Piano Moving CREED SUGGESTED. May we recommend to each 1 graduate the adoption of this universal creed: "I wish to be simple, honest, frank, clean in mind and body, unaffected-ready to say M do not know' if so it be. to meet ail mee COLONIAL Today and Tomorrow Dorothy Dalton In A "MORAL SINNER" Chas. Murray First Run Program Till 5 P. M. Eves. 20c. 10c |