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Show Mon May 5 '24 Ogden High School Notes TODAY'S THOUGHT. What others think of nte matters little; but what I think of myself matters much. The scripture says that "as a man thinketh in his heart so is he." This is the reason that teachers, psycho-analysts, auto-suggestionists, Coueists and many others advocate all the while, that every person should begin early to form the habit of thinking well of self, of cultivating self-respect, and inoculating one's mind daily with thoughts of confidence and self- assurance. This doctrine is particularly applicable in a democracy wliefe every man is a king, and every woman a queen; every individual a law as it were to himself, and a formulator of laws Which are to govern the entire group. TERMS FORBIDDEN. This is the reason why teachers aire prohibited from telling children that they are failures, numbskulls, dumbells, bunches of stupidity, rascals, demons, etc. There is danger that the pupil might believe it and proceed to act upon it. The more kindness a teacher or parent can bestow, the more encouragement offer to the growing child, the more hope we may naturally have that the child Will have the incentive to develop the best that is in him. The high school aims to be a representative democracy and it Is the settled purpose of those in charge, ot make it a self-governing body. Students have complete control of all social activities, and they are coming more and more to have a "say" in all disciplinary and governmental features. The outstanding and perhaps one j of the most commendable features in connection with the R. O. T. C. i unit , is that it is directed almost j wholly by boy officials-officers of the unit. UNDER OWN CONTROL. . If any one happened to notice i it on Friday last at that grand parade and at that wonderful exhibition-not a teacher was in evl- j dence anywhere. A single exception to this-and this is perhaps hardly worth mentioning--is that one teacher might possibly have been found. But he Was in no sense a leader jot director. This was Lester Hinchcliff. who Was in the very rear, one of the last four, in the role of layman, diligently beating a drum, just because there happened to be no boy available to play it. This principle was also followed in the non-drill boys' unit, composed of 130 boys Avho chose their own officers and paraded under Lthe direction of tbe same It must' □lilii ft'ft-jriittefl also that the inarch j ing and deportment of this group ' was much better than it has beeri in past years under me direction of teachers. AWARD COMMENDED. All of which shows that boys are eager to practice the principle of democracy. It shows also that boys are capable of assuming responsibility and are eager to discharge the same. There was no question but that the Washington junior high school students were entitled to first honors for their splendid showing in the parade. Their fine arrangement and formation, coupled with their neat appearance and regular tread, won the admiration of all 1 beholders. Congratulations, Washington! The competitive element that entered into the parade this year for the fist time is a very commendable feature. The Elks are to be congratulated for their foresight and generosity in initiating this feature. BECOME MEN. The May day parade has come! to stay. Many parents were heard to commend the movement and to express their belief that the day is one dt the most valuable in all the calendar of the year. A fifth grade student thrust out his chest and exclaimed: "We are men today." "How's that?" asked a bystander. "Well, Our teachers said yesterday that 'the boys of today are the men of tomorrow' and so we're men today." In a very true sense, too. the boy was right. The youngsters were men in that they felt big and proud, strong and courageous like men. As reported in Sunday's Standard-Examiner the annual inspection will take place tomorrow morning at 8:30 o'clock in Liberty park. The public is invited" and urged to attend this review as it will be the last time that an opportunity will be given to witness this sort of performance this year. MUSIC WEEK EVENTS. We call attention again to the fact that this is "Music week" and that the high school music department is putting oAsome very interesting program Band concert tonight, orchestra concert tomorrow night, band at Alhambra theatre Wednesday night, and the opera "Martha" Friday night. "An hour of music," 8 to 9 on nights specified. Word comes from Seattle, Wash., that Mrs. Mattia V. Hessler, for several years a teacher at O. H. S., i is doing post graduate work at : the University of Washington, toward the master's degree. Coach Dixon Kapple is receiving congratulations todaV on the splendid showing made at the track meet on Friday last, and the winning of the division championship. The phenomenal record made by the rifle team has been the subject of much favorable comment during the past two or three days. It seems a pity that we should have lost first place and the cup by such a small margin, but notwithstanding, the boys made a record that will probably never be surpassed. Twice they won the cup in succession and won second place the third time. The boys' I are to be congratulated and their ; splendid work Will receive more and more recognition as the days j go by. GRADUATING LIST. The list of graduates, by courses, is being posted today. In case of any error students are asked to report to the office. Not satisfied with the arduous parade and drill on Friday, the guardsmen and sponsors indulged in a delightful hike on Friday evening last. |