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Show Thurs May 22 24 Ogden High School Notes TODAY'S THOUGHT "Of all music, that which, reaches farthest into heaven is the beating of a human heart."- Beecher. Our parents see today the above thought written on every blackboard. We hope they will feel the spirit and influence of the beating- of human hearts in every class room. Real teachers are not so much creatures of intellect as they are living exemplars of human sympathy and love. Each teacher comes into intimate contact daily with from 100 to 200 different students. One of the great ideals or the Ogden high school is to have every pupil feel every hour and every day that his instructor is his herper, his friend his teacher, ! Unless there is some such feeling in the heart of every pupil, (then real teaching falls short of what it might be; for without good will, confidence, respect and love, there is no Harmony, ny music; but only discord and confusion. BECOMING ATTUNED. It is a fine thing to be "in tune with the infinite," but being in tune with one's daily environment is rather more important. Before the orchestra plays there is always a good deal of "tuning up." Most public speakers get in j tune with their audiences by be- j ginning with a humorous anecdote : or story. They are just "tuning up." So too many teachers "tune up" occasionally by a look, a smile, a kindly remark, that brings a ready and hearty response. It might not be amiss for every student to be aware that he, too, is an instrument in the class room orchestration and that it is highly important that he get in tune. Our parents will be reminded today of their own school days. In 90 per cent of the cases one or two great teachers will be conjured I up from the memories of by-gone I days. These teachers will be I gratefully remembered because j they loved, because they had a liking for their work ana a genuine interest in their students. BETTER EXHIBIT. Our exhibit is not quite so good today as we had hoped for; we have been so long without exhibit days, without parents' days, that we have almost forgotten the art of exhibiting and entertaining. We shall do better next year, for we are re-learning the advisability of .expressing in some way the things we are trying to do at the school. We have been much encouraged today and shall make "Exhibit day" an annual affair. NO ADMISSION FEE. May we not hope that the parents who have not met with us today will be on hand tonight to witness the work in physical education for girls and to Itear the opera Martha to be given by the music department. Several have phoned today about the price of admission tonight. Just the effort of coming-certainly no other admission charges. The senior class will meet in assembly room on Friday morning at 9:15 o'clock prompt for a short song practice, and to receive final instructions regarding graduation exercises. The school song, "Our Alma Mater" will probably be given a rather more satisfactory rendition at commencement this year than usual for all the students of the class have memorized the words, and will have practiced it a few times at least. NO FLOWERS. As it is impractical to present each graduate with flowers at commencement exercises, it is requested that no flowers be presented during the exercises this year. As "simplicity is the essence of beauty," it has been decided to make graduation exercises as simple, as beautiful, as democratic as possible. There will be no elaborate nor expensive gowns, no ostentation that will distinguish one above another. Most of the girls have made their own dresses. The boys will seek a degree of uniformity though no rigid requirement is made with respect to dress. It is desirable, however, that each wear a dark suit and a simple black bow tie. SCENERY LOANED. The school acknowledges with - ttebntes the loan of stage scenery from the Sacred Heart academy for today's exercises. The year books are all printed and are held at Scoville Press for the covers which have been shipped from Chicago and will reach here Saturday or Sunday The books will assuredly be ready for distribution on Tuesday next. It was decided by the council on Tuesday afternoon to give awards to the orators, Miss Althea Thomas and Chester Zinn, who participated in the Lewis oratorical contest recently. Wednesday, May 28, has been designated as award day. Exercises will be held at 11 o'clock. DIETS SUGGESTED. The attention of parents is directed especially to the "diet exhibit" of the domestic science department today. The diet for the baby, the diet for children at different ages, diet for invalids, etc. There is an exhibition also of many "choice dishes and desserts, with the recipes for same. Any one interested is welcome to any recipe used by the school. CONVICTION. "All of my evasions vain, and reassuring though through images, lead me but to my own convictions."-Milton. Conviction. What a wonderful meaning the woifl nas. What a gigantic power and force it. has had in driving men on to greater accomplishments. What is it that has cauced men to sacrifice their reputations, ;heir wealth and sometimes even their li es to bring truth to light or to do something benericent for humanity. It has been due to the power of the convictions decreed by their conscience and formed by the force of their minds that men have endured privations and suffered sacrifices. Conviction is the effect of substantial evidence; it. respects our most important duties; it is solid and permanent in its nature and it cannot be easily changed or deceived. Conviction comes to one as a result of mature and sincere deliberations, the ofrsprlng of reason and enlightenment. An honest man can no more escape or relinquish the precepts of his convictions than he can do without food or sleep. Socrates took the hemlock rather than forsake his convictions. They meant more to him than life itself. Christ was crucified on Calvary to protect and uphold those convictions which have been the greatest force in the moral and spiritual elevations or mankind for over 2000 years. |