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Show Tues 4-8-24 Ogden High School Notes Today's thought: Industry, economy, honesty and kindness form a quartet of virtues that will never! be improved upon.-James Oliver. Assembly will be held at 10:15 o'clock on Friday of this week. Moroni Olsn will read. Br. S. W. Wherry has promised us also that he will bring up some Salt Lake singers to help make the occasion memorable. The "smokeless smoker" last Friday evening proved so interesting that the boys are asking that they be privileged to have another one soon. One of the high school janitors says that he has often paid $2.50 to witness a boxing match that did not prove half so thrilling as the boxing on Friday night last. DEBATE POSTPONED. The triangular debate between Davis-Box Elder and Ogden scheduled for Wednesday, has been postponed one week-to Wednesday, April 16, on request of the Box Elder teams which reported that they were not prepared to debate at this time. Each school will have two debating teams, a negative and an affirmative. The negative team wtJ travel-Box Elder to Davis, Davis to Ogden, Ogden to Box Elder. Cf course the negative team is not really a "negative team"; that is only a very awkwarir wav of saying "the team that argues e negative side of the question. The following plan has been proposed for the selection of judges: Each school is to provide for three out-of-town jufees. No one, for instance, who lSVes in Ogden will be permitted to judge the debate at our school. The entire expense of securing judges will be pro-rated among the three schools. PROM INVITATIONS. Invitations for the Junior prom (April 25) will be ready for distribution on Wednesday. These may be obtained from members; of the committee-Jean Warner, Emma Beuhler, Ross Sampson, Rulon Doxey and Clarence Clark. Complimentary tickets will" be given to all graduates who will attend the party in pairs. The committee feels that it is up to the boys to see that all the girls of the class are escorted to the party. MUSIC WEEK PROGRAM. Mr. Hinchcliff announces that the music department will give an hour of music" every evening during -National Song Week-May 5 to 9. Music week will culminate in the presentation of the opera "Martha" on Friday evening, May 9. "Music is God's best gift to man; the only art „of heaven given to earth, the only art of earth we take to heaven."-Landor. A wag and a philosopher has given thif advice to high school students: "Tackle your hardest problem first; remember that following the line of least resistance is what makes all rivers and some men crooked." Mr. and Mrs. Carl (Stubby) Peterson came smiling in on their friends at the high school Monday. They announce their inten- tion of returning to Ogden to live j as they can find no other place that compares with it. ATHLETES OUT. The high school athletes are taking advantage of these wonderful spring days. Some very fine material is showing up at the daily practices. NEW HONOR SYSTEM. . The East Side high school is trying out an honor system in study hall. One room is designated "honor room," to which students may go for study without any supervision whatsoever, providing they will give evidence that they will not abuse the privilege. Principal Coombs reports that the plan is proving successful. Even teachers differ in opinions. One teacher was heard to say Monday: "Lummox is one of the greatest books of recent times." Another said: "Lummox is a book without a spark of beauty, and has absolutely no excuse for being." Fred Huish, florist, is offering a prize to the Ogden city student who has done, is doing, or will do, the most toward making Ogden the city beautiful. The State Federation of Women's Clubs leaders devoted their entire attention during their two- day convention in Salt Lake last week ' to the subject of "Education." The women declare that their efforts will be fruitful in promoting educational welfare in the state. All success to the women for the education of the young is the noblest and greatest work of civilization. |