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Show 4-10-24 Tues Ogden High School Notes Today's thought: He profits most who serves best." We think today the thoughts of j Rotary, because hundreds of Rotarians from this intermountain country are gathered in Ogden and we would be poor students indeed, if we did not know something of j this great organization and the ideals for which it stands. Our thoughts today is Rotary's great slogan: "He profits most who serves best." This is not only their slogan, it is their universal; creed; it is their belief, their religion, their life. Although the organization is still very young- younger in years than most high school students-it has its thousands of devotees throughout the'j civilized world. The phenomenal growth of Rotary, with its membership of men of every creed and every political bias, shows a universal hungering of mankind for love and service. May it not be the thread of gold 1 running through the hearts of humanity, drawing all men together? WE WELCOME ROTARY. The high school today welcomes Rotary International to Ogden. We are trying to' profit by your motto. We are anxious to serve you. j We met you this morning with our wonderful band and our very spien- I did R. O. T. C. unit. W'e hope you I liked music and were pleased with our .military review. We shall give you an encore tomorrow morning. i Twenty-five of our charming- efficient girls will help serve you at your luncheons. We guarantee they will not spill any soup on you. As many of our boys (scouts) are placing themselves at your disposal to do whatever they can for you. We were glad to give you our chairs that you might sit down and be cbmfortable at your luncheons and meetings. We like you so well that we would gladly dismiss school and join you in your celebrations, but j arfe fearful lest we might overdo the hospitality stunt. We aim to do just enough to please and sat- isfy you. Please tell us what you j should like us to do for it's all our profit. j The following students were giv- j.en proficiency certificates in type- ; writing yesterday: Winona Burrows, Alice Wilson, Lesta Purcell, Leslie Crouch, Leona Wagstaff. and Glenn E. Hill. LOVE OF BEAUTIFUL. ! Next Week is National Clean-Up I j week. Something will be done eaap i day toward making every studetf i realize that we help to create M T --t.t and that com?. sense and Visdom dictate thf, GtETt should do everything, possible to! make our sitrroundiiigs clean, ne;?.t, j. inviting. . . B M As it is Art week also next week we :-hall have our attention directed constantly to the pleasing, at-, tractiver beautiful things about us. The art Exhibition at Berthana building, contributes to our aesthetic enjoyment. Let no student figpi&Jo go there ajrde the fine j collection of pictures-- ! EDUCATION DEFINED. ! Education is not learning alone; je tlje creating of attitudes. ur work, our is the qu.es- "Very turn life.. That is one reason why ' we speak of all sorts of things in j these notes. Question: Is the gentleman right' or wrong when he says: "War is not an abnormality, we must believe that it is as normal as cheating, stealing, murder, lying, adult- ! ery and other sins for it springs j from the same source-the selfishness of Human Nature."-Hubert Spencer Johnson. In behalf of the students of the Ogden high school, the Classicum staff wishes to thank the Link- Tiffany studio for the splendid work done on the pictures for the 1924 Classicum. Not only has the work been well done but the prices have been low; the delivery of photos has been prompt and most courteous treatment has been re-;, ceived. For all these things the; j staff expresses sincere apprecia-; i tion. i 1 Colonel Daugherty of the National Reserves and Major Rogers, in- ! structor of national guards, inspected the R. O. T. C. at parade Wednesday. They expressed them-j selves as delighted with the excel-1 lent showing the boys make. Colonel Daugherty addressed the boys on the advantages "of the C, M. C. summer camp at Fort Douglas. "CONSPICUITY OF THE RAMBUNCTIOUS." Apropos character teaching in school mentioned in Wednesday's notes one teacher remarked: I "Newspapers and magazines, in I my opinion, are destroying the faith of boys and girls in humanity, by holding before them constantly the crimes, the misdeeds, the sins of the few. Students come to think that everybody is bad, because so little is said about good people." This thought has been voiced by many others, notably by Frank Crane who wrote an article some-) time ago on "The Conspicuity of j the Rambunctious." Mr. Crane il- i lustrated this by saying that when we have a boil 011 the end of our nose, we devote our whole attention to it and forget all about all of the rest of the body which may be , functioning perfectly. So in the social body, we devote all of our attention to the unusual, the rare -the boils on our body politic. j Too much has been said and j written recently about the Teapot Dome scandal. Not everyone in j Washington is dishonest-a crook ' -though from our much reading about Fall and Sinclair and Doheny, etc., we must necessarily- subconsciously-come to feel that no one is to be trusted. |