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Show Friday Mar 28 24 Ogden High School Notes Today's slogan: "Show your ap- , preciation of your assemblies, by ! the attention and courtesy you 1 ! give your speaker and entertain- - ers." i 1 The editor of the year book an- j nounces that all photographs must be in by Saturday. Positively none accepted after that date. Records of O. H. S. students : have been received as follows this i I week: From the University of Michigan-Myrene Rich. From the University of Idaho-Carey Bennett and Mike Rogers. CORRELATE WORK. Home economics teachers of Ogden high schools, senior and junior, met Thursday at Central Junior to devise ways and means of correlating work and avoiding repetition. The aim is to make the work thorough and progressive throughout the six years. ! ! Many have expressed regret that the A. C. concert scheduled for tonight was cancelled. The glee club is one of the best in the west and it is a pity that they should not appear in Ogden. The Alpha Omego society attended Dr. Thind's lecture at the lCongregational church "on Wednesday afternoon instead of hold- j ing the regular meeting. The girls j found the speaker to be of a very j interesting personality and his talk was enjoyed by all. ORATORICAL CONTEST. The Rich oratorical contest was LuAnounfed Thursday morning and j before school -closed in the afternoon eight students announced j that they would enter the contest, j This shows a very lively interest j and betokens a keen contest. The following townspeople gave j their services as judges at the de- bate Thursday evening: Mesdames Hyrum Smith and' Rollo Farnsworth; attorneys Wade Johnson, i Arthur Woolley, Jess Holtner; Prof. W. N. Petterson. We thank ! them for their kindness. - j The state question was again debated Thursday night by the following students, two teams: Affirmative, John O'Neill, Alyson Smith, William Hutchings, Don Wakefield, Laurence Skeen, Joe Sangberg; negative, Lewis Iverson, Jake Reynolds, Elmer Burke, Rees Hubbard, Blaine Ramsden, Ward Armstrong. j The assembly of the Girls' association Thursday morning was one of unusual interest. Mrs. L. S. Merrill, former superintendent of nurses in the Dee hospital, addressed the girls on the subjec.., "Mating." Mrs. Merrill spoke wit i a charm and earnestness that carried her audience with her. She directed attention to the problems of high school girls, their relationship to each other and their boy friends. Discussed the impulses and temptations of young i people and the responsibility of girls.. to themselves and to the race. The Girls' association of the high school is developing a seriousness of purpose directed espe-' cially to improving manners and deportment, believing that "Manners are not idle, but the fruit i Of loyal nature and noble mind." RULES OF CONDUCTF. In accordance with this, Norda Huish, as chairman of a com- mittee on resolutions, presented the following: We, members of the Girls' as- j sociation, in order to better the j moral tone of the school in gen- i eral, do hereby resolve as individuals to do the following things: I 1-To refrain from loitering in hallways, and to refrain from loud talking and laughing. To cease sentimentalities with girl friends and refuse to allow familiarities. To pledge that our individual conduct in assembly will be above reproach. To be decorous at dances, to try to look as you like others to look on the floor, to dance properly, to be generally lady-like. Miriam Cain, president of the association, spoke of what the girls could do to bring credit to the high school and the resolu- j tion were unanimously adopted. Jean Warner sang, "Rose In the Bud" and "The World Is Waiting for the Sunrise," in a usual pleasing manner. Emma Beuhler read O. Henry's "By Courier" entertainingly. Seniors are now studying Ralph Waldo Emerson. The following is a paragraph developed upon the 'thought expressed in the opening sentence: FEAR. "We are afraid of truth, afraid of fortune, afraid of death, and afraid of each other." From the time we are snatched from the cradle that monster called "Fear' is present in our consciousness, so that when we arrive on the threshold of manhood, we start at the hooting of an owl, or the rustling of wind in the grass. I fear the dark. Why? Because, long ago, someone told me, "There are devils in the dark." I fear the future. Why? Because I can not see the windings and turnings spread out white before me-it 13 mystery. I fear death. My faith in lacking; I love my world, myself, my friends, and so must trmeble at the thought of leaving all I know for that I know naught . of. I fear truth. My conscience is not quite clear; there is a "wee sma' voice" a-whispering to my reason. I am not strong, nor sure. I cannot believe in myself or in j my own power, and so I fear other men. Our whole civilized system is permeated with the fears of the ages, and all our fine men are but cowering puppets, bowing low before "Fear."-Virginia Greene. |