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Show Friday, Feb 8 24 Ogden High School Notes At a meeting of the Classicalia j committee Thursday night the fol- j lowing subcommittees were ap- ! pointed: Place-Mr. Merrill, Mr. Bergstrom, John O'Neill; advertis-1 ing, tickets, program-Earl Murray, Mr. Barratt, Mrs. Coolidge, i Bonita Scowcroft, Pedigo Voll; concessions and booths-Miss Barbour, Mr. Noall, Fred Gentsch, Laurence Skeen, Jean Chez, Franklin Richards; decorations--Mr. Stewart, Miss Dillon, E. Wangsgard, Bill Petty, Ruth Fisher; costumes-Miss Nelson, Mr. Coolidge, Miss Dillon; queen-Miss Dobbs, Miss Nelson, E. Wangsgard, Ross Sampson, Helen Story, Jean Chez. The following represent the junior and sophomore classes on the general committee: Ross Sampson, Helen Story, Ruth Fisher, Franklin Richards. At the Woodrow Wilson memo- j rial services held on Wednesdayj afternoon the following students ; spoke in the various rooms: Sidney Badcom, Marian Wallace, Donnell Stewart, Florence Hammers, Miriam Cain, Viola Allen, Laurence Balch, Richard Forbes, John O'Neill, William Taylor, Flora Syrlin, Hope Chadwick, Arthur Rolapp, David Camp, Phyllis Taylor, Lester Purcell. The teachers and all senior students received complimentary tickets from Weber college today to attend the basketball game and dance tonight. Thanks, Weber. The Commercial club met Thursday afternoon and listened to an interesting address by George Glen. L The Ogden chapter of the American Institute of Banking, has , proffered the following lectures to j the commercial department of the j I high school; The general workings of a j bank. ; The bank check. Loaning the people's money. I Character-the basis of credit. Why a corporate trustee? The bank and your investments. Our relations and the banks' i relations to other business enter- , prises. The banker and the farmer. . The federal reserve system. Analysis of a bank state H. S. seconds met Box Elder Gfiids at Brigham City Thurs- -afterneon. The score was 36 in favor of Ogden High. ' Clarence C. Wilson gave a P" interesting talk to Gamma e' ,e "t - Wednesday afternoon on eV rn Literature." A social for v Oujb is being arranged for the vt&eid H the month. C- i tj. H. S. records show that "9- dents were neither absent! Ay during the first semes- i tYv. v teir names follow: -uia Allen, Rose Addleson, Ida Addleson, Lolietta Anderson, Vivien Baumeister, Louise Browning, : Elmer Burke, Charles Burton, Lewis Bjorklund, Eugene Burrows, j Donald Bryan, Monna Bryan, i Florence Cardon, Nora Cook, Stella Canfield, Clarence C. Clark. David Camp, Marion Carr, Hisco Chiba, Laura Cheney, Mirian Cain, ! George Coolidge. j Ella Dean, Clifford Dabb, Violet Dout, Rosemary Erhart, Ariel Frederick, Veda Fernelius, Edith Field, Aura Flowers, Hayes Groo, Thelma Grange, Rosabei Garner, j Nellie Huntsman, Marie Hinchley, I Marian Harlin, Mary Hinchley,' |