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Show Se it’s up trophy. to us The now boys to win are comes . more day, popu-. t : onerea ald Isle. in : ; the . } eee as iminary : way otek Bye of miss a deep able rel required - ee i @ 7 the law at the I : musical art de- ‘ to ae fac- : were home ST teins i j 4 ; ; j > brushing UpeCipomrattt from the Cie Oe. prize for being the ; ; carried best pa- atlident body pheatasnt | Bil igs reported as having won the OTK Petty. with Mg highway an- of confetti. board CONTEST. education ANNOUNCE a mouthful tron at the confetti booth last Saturday night. Bill has a great many friends and hé complimented each i he school thanks A. BE. Edson nounced today the “H. S._ Firestone Four Years at College Schol“arship.” The subject this year is “Phe Rélation of Improved High-| ways to Home Life.” Length of esSay not to exceed 700 wards. All: students of high school grade efigi\ple to contest. Closing date, April’ 21, 1924. A number of students will enter the contest. The committee state es | & °° — |; — : Oo po last week to a trades| make STARS. _ pam- sent the a great S. Noall, OF on part Line eo sat Monday. Utah., eee. in CITY cupped within a pet 5 pe . ) | pi pinnacles 3 2 e ot e e 5 5. ee we ee DS ° Mei: ) | are Aurora, | | | | | ae + sas eR her mountarns, lofty peaks the horny the foot of the majestic Ben Soa apa : } proud oO oak" ees = A 2 | Pe = |e Rn ee aceO° or ie) 4 ay Re} | .Owy ee BEEP OSOOO 9 of -aX® es 5 feng a Wh ae es) a 8° op > Ar Go: Oo . —_ ! - ; , : ce ' : . am sky and 5 ; ) = vena @ reflection eo* i | . ; core , and a at | : flaunt Rca ey = ' | | : | | : | ! | | | : eo a a eer a oo3 Ba oS iy oem a cok 7, M4 Rtn @ i 35 ook oS OD pee+ ge en x ) | . : . | , sgi eek3 + 0 ogc a2Sae99 Sm oe a preset ‘es oO o ” Se <oO eo be et See BOS Bot 0 £ gage ; FESeE ° Au. : re ; ext —_—-—ma fading | the| She melts that? rise in’ curling} a pale mists descends. alded by stars, morning vapors to kiss her rosy fingers. At blood-red : | : | | | | | :: | | . | | | ) | | ) ee : . Mea Ld ! | ! | | | | ) | Se i yt erie Stars!—Elva King. 4 ere fmt Moeeen Sans > SESSs ae eons ses by ee See oe ss Og Spbu teh Bowe oe eeSan aCnaws ee 4s © Ss gud oe G6” ow oP oe <* eventide, Apollo dips beneath the dimpled surface of Great Salt Lake. | His fiery splendor transfornis the fleecy clouds into tongues of living} flame. In the mystic city the windows of the fairy palaces. catch | lights are as lanterns swaying to and fro ta toy-like gardens in Ja- it back to the sky. Dusk, clothed in veT¥et garments, walks through the streets, and the myriad lights of the city twinkle to greet her arfroth the hills these Seen rival. {the , ! : ! x @-S259782 OO mo a 3; ct re é Be Jo a, — 2B tetos ® A Pe<j we -OV ms eS} QO ios ES ony 0 4025 O3@ He te oe &, i. ee ee Octs5 oOo B. = OE | 3 eh hoe? “ | ‘ty Po Rabe ee oO Sok Dr oO mo mn "ots & 99 C ae es oyoO a a iyo See Se td ah OBS & 2 te ee ae ae Desa 7 Oo =e pan. They gieam like jewels, iying in dew-drenched grasses; they} flicker like stars dropped into the Nature. -of Mother spacious lap Some call this fairy playground OgGen, but to me, it is the City of : w 72 eS x a4 oe aH BH) ~ eePa o Sad “i rg ES =f a 4 =. BeBe Oto ee M. supervisor trip to Salt Lake. ‘The t - a and industries, h hich - | , di-)e@tion | — ; ! | oo y hand of the Wasatch lies a mystic city. From viola-|+#0mond, is Classi-| praise a good) success of is ate. «eee age” 4 © BS aZ ts aqmaary ° noas eae ols > womb EeeotS 5B) Ss gata Je aqg8cac housewives : ect ot i that practically wird ; Peet ea 2 Dok) | eee ae Ce bs O° EBs o See eS ee =OOe oe 530 8 oe cee ae Or > Shy goeo see nwo The Ogden , Bowl. ; ws Sunday. St ; ce eo of regreti who loaned his car to a Classivalia at which at| P: ti four students Uys. voted to to school Monabsence due to Stewart -of the returned a week’s been etic Waa ets the be from one Pr mmeentee eee the the “wearing of the green’. by many of the Emer| favorite descendants The financial ca Hincheliff and Mrs. standpoint the carnifor successful Pldasicdtia, ‘given to. the faculty Monday evening, showed door recenpts $85§ concessions $400. A full and detailed report *will be | given in the near -future. From the Lester partment, day after lilmess. having 7 source they) guilty of misconduct that cur unanimously It was LIQUOR the spirits that prompted; Classicalia were ulty today the who vulge obtained the against them, and that the principal lodge |, complaints tors. vigilance 7 and them 2 oR '? o£ ee had small ;and The teachers were complimented | quar and. thanked Monday for LR OLr (1 terest To no calia. the affair. by ; home is reported. in due for the phenomenal It every oO was sweeping : Clared to be the largest crowd that ever attended any function pat. the. Berthana. He peer reed Le Conte couldn't afford to treat of that sort. Hinchcliff attended the concert in Les Monday. night. Lake Salt Prof. Wey val was the most several years. prac- the ide Heueed it ‘The ‘Clasei chile: to history, students are now asking event?” big “What is the next ‘Well, (Hearst that ‘ticing strenuousiy and only a few record days and the final more shall almost We must be made. hold our breath until the suspense and school. more high Patrick’s ‘There were probably ‘more than | 1,500 people at the Classicalia, de- over” the Classicalia, not high school appreciates the at “put is over; and then after the junior PROS 6} The kindness and generosity of Mrs. Brown who has contributed the use of her’ srounds at the rear of the! high school for the. past three \years | for athletic practice. These grounds Y and put in. shape were harrowed today and spring sunyetics begins tomorrow. | ‘ at the becoming ATHLETICS. ‘POPULAR. “Tt. is thought that a good deal of track and. field material will show up within the week, as athletics lar is Coach Kapple announced Moni day that in addition to baseball, St. & track and field events, he will start \spring football practice in the near future. Oe Monday, oO or aes) ; Soe i So a be Rae Boe3 ea leo? o 4-3 BS | gb Sak a Poss 28 ds gon 2 pig! 2 9 : § eee8e toys st ae o= Rea ce el eae a ame tnt SO OS.8 3 ‘ as MS le As Se a a S SOS 9 , i j BR Se me pan is | a o by eR DD ez oe CARDS | pes oe EN hae oot ie S288 rer amen ee eS, u GS acm me a : a ‘ued Surddiap 9173 Surysem qo 4 -SeQeu oy 4- so VBIACO 4 OT y ‘PoAaes aq soornf ej 1Te pue iveaut LEA sepun Ajoe1ip- ‘P9ALAS 9q 0 aU} SI {vow oy} Worm uo ‘1937 B{d Yeour nd .we98wU 1O0.1G nod Ws = | we es age he BS pone S$ 3 aay Rae reel ne a veg aoe s = good a had . Everybody ‘time. I mad femmes em ns © ene aes ee Bani ; cnnarehhianereincumanmmeyennst Sere ‘Sade 1 oe mene a huge; | success, fiartistically, ‘The Classicalia, was socally and nancially |