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Show Marriott-Slaterville History April 2013 golf course albws for an accessible hospital. IHC hopes to be a partner with the community and does not want to force themselves into the City. The golf course property became available and will work very well for a future hospital. They will allow the golf course to continue on the site until the hospital is built. The initial building will be 150,000 to 200,000 square feet. Technology is changing every day in hospitals. Most patients are outpatients with overnight stays only for serious reasons. The owner of the golf course has the purchase agreement in his hands, but a development agreement is needed as part of the purchase. If the City acquires land from Frank Blair, IHC would be interested in purchasing more ground that would accommodate the future hospital and preserve the golf course. Councilman Kim Slater said the Weber School District in the past has purchased property for investment, and asked if this is what IHC does. Mr. Uriona said that IHC does not do this. Councilman Rob Smout asked if the hospital space would include medical office space for doctors, and Mr. Uriona replied in the affirmative. The development time line for the future proposed hospital depends on the growth in the broader community. The City would collect sales tax from the businesses involved. As soon as the deed is recorded it will be public information-not if but when. Resolution 2013-B authorizing the Mayor to finalize a Development Agreement with IHC was passed unanimously. Mr. Morris and Mr. Meyerhoffer returned to the meeting and Mr. Murray excused himself. Action on Gerald Hoth's Townhouse Estates Phase 3, amending Lots 31R, 32R and 33R, and plan extension at 1119 South 1200 West was discussed. It adjusts lines, corrects plat errors, renumbers lots and identifies additbnal common area. After discussion, the proposed changes were approved with all in favor. Ordinance 2013-01 relating to a zoning map amendment for Parcel 150650046 from A-1 to C-2P requested by Big Bubba's Trailers, at 1701 West 1200 South, was discussed. The change is consistent with the General Plan. Big Bubba's Trailers purchased the property containing about 2.68 acres, and requested the change. The vote on Ordinance 2013-01 was unanimously approved. Ordinance 2013-02 amending the manufacturing zoning to allow for limited auto recycling in the Central Business District, requested by Chris Mantas, was removed from the agenda. It is still pending before the Planning Commission. The CDBG construction project is underway at the Marriott Park, in Quail Meadows Subdivision, and on 700 South. Dumpsters will be moved to the city office for spring clean-up. Mr. Morris advised that there has been vandalism on the restrooms at the City Office Park, a picnic table was destroyed, and graffiti was made on the doors that includes a Venture Academy stamp. As a result, the City is enforcing a no student pick-up or drop-off at the park behind the office. The Planning Commission approved the charter school site plan based upon students being picked-up and dropped-off at the school site. A flyer was handed out by a sheriff deputy to parents who came to the city office to pick-up students. A copy of the flyer was reviewed by the City Council who were asked for support in this policy. It is now the time of year that Mayor Keith Butler will be spending many hours working on the budget. He is committed to frugal spending. The city has surplus old computer equipment for public bid at the city office. Bids were to be made by April 30, 2013. No hard drives are included. Elder abuse was the subject of LiVe Well, the McKay Dee Hospital Seniors Health Newsletter for this month. There may be as many as 5 millbn victims each year, and numbers are increasing. Signs of a problem could include slap marks, pressure marks, some burns, withdrawal from normal activities or unusual behavior, bruising around the breasts or genital areas, sudden changes in finances, altered wills and trusts, unusual 114 |