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Show Course Numbering Ssytem on this accelerated schedule. Refunds are made on a prorated basis in accordance with the schedule on file in the Cashier's Office. COURSE NUMBERING SYSTEM All courses of instruction offered by Weber State College are listed according to the department name. Courses within each department are listed in ascending numerical number. Significance of course numbers is indicated in the following key to the course numbering system: 001-049, Remedial and Non-credit 050-099, Terminal Courses (ordinarily do not satisfy baccalaureate requirements and are non-transferable) 100-199, Freshman Courses 200-279, Sophomore Courses 280, Individual Research 283, Directed Reading 286, Practicum 289, Intern 292, Workshops, Festivals, Institutes 295, Field Trips 299, Seminars 300-399, Junior Courses 400-479, Senior Courses 480, Individual Research 483, Directed Reading 486, Practicum 489, Intern 492, Workshops, Festivals, Institutes 495, Field Trips 499, Seminars Each course is identified by a number and a descriptive title shown in bold type. Some detailed descriptive information as to the content of the course and the manner in which it is taught (whether it is straight lecture or includes laboratory and/or recitation sessions) is also shown. Courses that fill general education requirements are identified by the following alpha prefixes as to the course number: HU—Humanities; LS —Life Science; PS—Physical Science; SS—Social Science. Appearing near the end of each course description, the letters Su, A, W, and S indicate the quarter(s) the course is normally taught—Su-Summer, A-Autumn, W-Winter, S-Spring. The 44 Testing numeric figure in parenthesis, e.g., (3) indicates the number of quarter hours of credit given for the course. TESTING Weber State College offers a variety of approved standardized tests for the purpose of placement, evaluation of achievement, and granting of credit. Tests are administered through the Counseling and Testing Center according to policies established by the Admissions and Standards Committee. 1. American College Test—All freshmen students entering Weber State College must take the ACT. Test results must be on file in the Admission Office before a student's application for admission will be processed. Testing centers are located in all the states and many foreign countries. It is recommended that student's take the ACT as early as possible during their senior year of high school. Additional information may be obtained from high school principals or counselors, or by writing ACT Registration Unit, P.O. Box 414, Iowa City, Iowa 52240, or from the Weber State College Counseling and Testing Center, Ogden, Utah 84403. Because the results of the ACT assist advisers in placing students in appropriate courses, a student may be restricted from registration in a particular course until the results of his ACT are available. 2. Advanced Placement Program—Weber State College has adopted the following policy for those students who have completed the Advanced Placement Program and have passed the Educational Testing Service examinations with acceptable scores: Twelve quarter hours will be granted to a student completing any standard Advanced Placement Examination with a composite grade of 5, 4, or 3 at the completion of a daily, full-year, high school course as recommended by the committee on advanced placement of the College Entrance Examination Board. Students interested in receiving credit under this policy should have results of the examination forwarded to the Records Office. 3. CLEP—(College Level Examination Program) is based on the assumption that students have gained the equivalent of 45 |