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Show Marriott-Slaterville Monthly History March 2012 The March 2012 issue of The Pioneer Post, was a harbinger tor Spring, and its many associated activities. One to look forward to was the annual Easter Egg Hunt scheduled for Saturday, April 7, 2012, at the Slaterville Park, beginning at 10:00 a.m. It is tor kids ages 1 - 8. The Easter Bunny will make an appearance, a great photo opportunity. It is sponsored this year by the Les Olson Company, Jay Carnahan State Farm Insurance, and our city. Not so much fun is spring clean-up time. The City and Waste Management will help with their complimentary dumpsters at both the Marriott and Slaterville Parks. The dates are April 21-22, 2012. We are reminded that all garbage must be inside the dumpster, not on the ground, and we need to be considerate of others using this service. Waste Management requests that no tires or hazardous material be dumped. Call Bill at the City Office, 801-627-1919, ext. 205, for junk car disposal information. Waste Management also advised that garbage collection will not be made on New Year's Day, Memorial Day, July 4th. Labor Day and Christmas when the holiday falls on a Monday. On those days, collection will be made on the following day, Tuesday. Sandra Saunders, our Community Gardener, is seeking volunteers to clean-up, trim perennials.and prepare the gardens for the coming season. She also advised that flyers are available at the city on vegetable gardens, shrubs, turf grass, watering, and other information. She announced a tree pruning class to be held at the Ogden Botanical Gardens on Saturday, March 31, from 9:00-12:00. Rabies Clinics sponsored by the Weber County Animal Shelter will be held at the Shelter on March 17, 2012, and April 14, 2012, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. both days. Steve Lemmon, DVM, will be there, and rabies shots will cost $14.00. Dog licenses are also available: $10.00 spayed/neutered, $25.00, unaltered, and $5.00 for spayed/neutered owned by seniors over 65. Business licenses were approved at the March 15, 2012, City Council Meeting for the following. 1. SU Transport, LLC, 763 West 12th Street, medical equipment transportation. 2. Niels Fugal Sons Company, LLC, 1615 South 1100 West, utility contractor. City Administrator Bill Morris presented a resolution to set the election for the creation of a cemetery maintenance district. A public hearing was held on January 19, 2012. The city received 18 protest letters from property owners against the election tor the district, which fell short of the 14% value and 25% ownership under the statute. If the resolution is approved, the city will have Weber County put this matter on the November ballot. Mayor Keith Butler felt residents do not understand nor have enough information regarding a cemetery district. Councilman Scott VanLeeuwen said everyone with whom he has been in contact are not in favor of the district. Councilman Kim Slater felt that it needs to be put on the ballot to give residents the choice to vote for or against the cemetery district. President Dennis Illum agreed with Mr. Slater; he wants the city to run the cemetery rather than forming a district. Councilman Delbert Hodson expressed concern over taxes. Mayor Butler does not want the city to do a start-up loan, so this clause was removed from the resolution by consent. Mr. VanLeeuwen said he understood that this is a very important vote, and felt the matter will not go away. The Council further discussed options and timing. Mr. Slater made a motion to approve Resolution 2012-D on an election for a proposed Cemetery Maintenance District, with a second by Councilman Rob Smout. The roll call vote was as follows: Mr. Smout, aye; Mr. Slater, aye; Mr. Hodson, nay; Mr. VanLeeuwen, nay, and President Illum, nay. Resolution 2012-D tailed. 132 |