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Show mirier! TbttkM M\tm$, the State of Utali (tlie state) set a target to reduce green house gas emissions to 2005 levels by the year 2020; JMmtS, bk state lias miore tlian 2.1 million license plates registered! with a state population oi rniore than 2,8d6,000 niillion residents; ■ JlaiilTHB, tlie vast majority ol energy used lor transportation conies froni foreign oil, making it imperative that we reduce our dependence on oil while still meeting our transportation needs; JMHTIS, replacing targeted conventional vehicles with alternative rue! vehicles that run on domestically produced, renewable fuel can reduce petroleum demand and ioreign oil dependency; jIlOTBS, ol the many decisions consumers make, their choice oi vehicle makes a signilicant impact on the environment and air quality; JHffFHS, manufacturers oiler more than 60 models and engine laniihes ol alternative fuel vehicles for sale, including hybrid, propane, hattery electric, compressed natural gas, liquefied natural gas, clean niodiesell and ethanol; ^IJIlTifflS., the state has declared a compressed natural gas (CMC) 1-15 Corridor from as far south as St. Ceorge to as far north as the Idaho border; JiKOTlS, Salt Lake City Mayor Becker, Salt Lake Count)' Mayor Corroon, Ogden City Mayor Codnrcy, Park City Mayor Williams, City of St. Ceorge Mayor l»lcArthur, Washington City Mayor INeilson, Hurricane City Mayor Hirschi and Ivins City Mayor Jnlart have added or fully support the use of alternative fuel vehicles in their organizations and are committed to locating cost effective ways in which to move forward; fltyfTtfU, the state encourages more residents and businesses to apply for available tax credits and take advantage oi grant and loan programs ior switching to an alternative fuel vehicle; JPffTOS, education about alternative ruel vehicles can raise consumer awareness, influence consumer choice, and encourage further development ol transportation choices |