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Show The Pioneer Post Volume XIII Issue 9 Marriott-Slaterville City Newsletter September 2011 1570 West 400 North - Phone 627-1919 Senior Center Meals: Our community offers a senior center and a variety of senior programs open to the public. Each Tuesday at 11:30 AM is our senior lunch sponsored by Weber-Morgan Nutrition. A lunch donation of $3 for seniors (60 and over) is suggested but not required. Cost for non-seniors is $6. Lunch is provided on a first-come, first-serve basis. A senior dinner is provided on the third Wednesday each month as well. These meals provide an opportunity to enjoy each other's company. Flu Vaccination: Our senior center will be offering flu vaccinations on October 4, 2011 from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM. These vaccinations are on a first-come, first-serve basis. Please bring your appropriate medicare card if you are a senior, for non- seniors the cost was $25 last year. No 2011 costs were provided so the final cost is TBA. Weekly Activities: Each Thursday our senior center offers a Yoga class designed for seniors, but anyone is welcome. The class is taught by Carolyn Deru, an excellent Yoga instructor. Class starts at 9:00 AM each Thursday. Also on Thursday at 10:00 AM is line dancing. Both these activities are designed to help keep people active and provide positive interaction. Anyone is welcome to attend at no charge. Media Center: The senior center has the DUP Memorial Library that offers an abundance of media. The center has books, a few videos, and other resources that may be borrowed at no cost. There are four public computers you can use for to access the internet or do your homework. City Hall Park: A new park exists behind the senior center for the public to use. There is a bowery, playground, and municipal gardens. The bowery can be reserved for a half-day for $25.00. The municipal gardens are maintained by our wonderful community gardener volunteers. These gardens are available for rent for receptions and similar activities for $200 for residents, $400 for non-residents. FALL CLEANUP Fall Clean-up is scheduled October 21-23. A dumpster will be located at Marriott Park and at Slaterville Park. Please put all garbage completely inside the dumpster, not on the ground. This is a complimentary service, please be considerate of others and do not monopolize the dumpster. Waste Management requests no tires or hazardous material be dumped. For junk cars, call Bill at the City Office, 801-627-1919 ext. 205. TRUNK-OR-TREAT Trunk-or-Treat is at Slaterville Park (250 N 2200W) on Monday, October 31. Set-up starts at 5:30 PM, and treats start 6:00 PM sharp. Come circle the wagons around the haunted grounds. Feast on hot dogs, donuts, and hot chocolate. There will be candy galore and prizes. Bring a carved pumpkin, dress-up, and decorate your car. Questions, call DeAnn at 801 -731 -5129. In case of inclement weather an alternate location may be posted. Weeds. . . and more Weeds The wet spring has brought an abundance of weeds. You are welcome to trim down weeds in your neighborhood. If you have a fire hydrant that has become overgrown with weeds, help your neighbors and trim around it so that it is visible in case of a fire emergency. There are many invasive weeds that you are free to eradicate such as: poison ivy, poison oak, poison sumac, ragweed, "puncture" weed, Scottish thistle, morning glory, Dyer's Woad, Phragmites, and similar noxious vegetation. Election Notice Marriott-Slaterville City had three city council seats open this year. Dennis Ilium filed for the east district. Rob Smout filed for the West district. Scott VanLeeuwen filed for the at-large seat. Because all seats are uncontested, the local election is cancelled unless write-ins file. PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20,2011 - 7:00 P.M. 1. 7/11 site plan at 1200 West and 12th Street. This agenda is tentative. Items can and will change. CITY COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2011 - 6:30 P.M. 1. Call to Order/Minutes. 2. Business licenses, if any. 3. Presentation on possible cemetery district. 4. Resolution on cancelling election. 5. Officer reports and legislative oversight. 6. Adjourn until October 20, 2011. This agenda is tentative. Items can and will change. West Davis Corridor The UDOT project team is currently finalizing the refined alternatives screening. We will be publishing the these refinements on our project website in early September. These refined alternatives will be carried forward into the Draft EIS for further study. The refined alternatives will reflect data from the public comments we have received as well as further study analysis. There will be slight shifts in some areas and more substantial adjustments in others. These refinements will be posted to the project website, www.udot.utah.gov/westdavis and an email update will also be sent out to announce when they have been published. If you'd like be added to the email update 200 list, please contact us at westdavis@utah.gov. |