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Show Military has Second Lt. MICHAEL BARNES, ’71, ation been awarded silver wings upon gradu ing at from U.S. Air Force Navigator train California and will be Mather AFB, wife is assigned to Dyess AFB in Texas; his VOSS. LNE MAR r forme the has Ensign STEVEN J. BLAISDELL, ’71, land, been assigned to duty station in Cleve U.S. Ohio. He graduated from OCS at the r in Coast Guard Reserve Training Cente of ER Virginia. His wife is KAREN DRAP Murray. | ‘70, a K. BROCKBANK, Lt. JOHN his ved recei has r office commissioned ing silver wings after completing pilot train He has at Laredo Air Force Base, Texas. Combeen assigned to the Strategic Air He is mand at Kinchloe AFB, Michigan. NE married to the former SUSAN ELAI CALDERWOOD. 70, BROCKBRADER, M. BRUCE d April Storekeeper Seaman, has been name Navy enlisted man of the month for the Communications Station at Adak, Airman 1.C. RAYMOND A. FRUITS, ’69, the has graduated with honors from technical training course for Air Force at communications operations specialists to Goodfellow AFB, Texas; now assigned is Almendorf AFB, Alaska. His wife , . PTON CROM E VICKI JERRY E. GAILEY, ’71, graduated with has honors at Goodfellow AFB, Texas and n in been assigned to Karamursel Air Statio A Turkey. His wife is the former DEBR BENNETT. Sergeant DAVID L. HERMAN, ’70, a top radio repairman was named one of the while 15 percent in his Air Force specialty in serving at Bergstrom AFB, Texas _ February. Alaska. IA He is married to the former MARC HEYWOOD. is a Lt. (J.G.) HOWARD COLLETT, ’70, e in helicopter pilot in Search and Rescu ient of Lake Harbor, Washington, was recip of his Captain’s award and top five percent class. Lt. MICHAEL COLLET, ’68, is co-pilot of top 5 a patrol plane, crew of 12 and in the on percent of his class. In the past 2 years s, Viet duty he has been to the Phillipine Nam, Bangkok, Hong and Adak, Alaska. Kong, Guam, Tokyo been GEORGE R. FICKLIN, ’70 has the in enant lieut d secon a oned commissi from OfUS. Air Force upon graduation AFB, ficer Training school at Lackland AFB in Texas, now assigned to Moody ed to Georgia for pilot training. He is marri former BRENDA GOSS. Captain MICHAEL W. RODEN, ’66, has graduated from the Air University’s in Squadron Officer School at Maxwell AFB is Montana as a missile launch officer. He married to MARIENE LALUM of Chester, Montana. ’71, Navy A. STEFFEN, DENNIS Hospitalman, has completed his basic at training at the Naval Training Center Great Lakes, Illinois, and will continue his at advanced schooling at the center. While Weber he was affiliated with Tau Kappa Epsilon. LOWELL T. WAYMENT, ’70, has been commissioned an ensign for the U.S. Naval Reserve Dental Corps. He is now a dental student at the University of Louisville, Kentucky and his wife is the former LINDA STRATFORD. Airman RONALD H. WILLIAMS, ’71 on completion of his basic training at Lackland r AFB, Texas has been assigned to Keesle AFB, Mississippi for training as a personnel of specialist. His wife is PENNY PERKINS Kaysville. ROBERT W. WRIGHT, ’69, U.S. Air Force Sergeant is serving duty at the Ubon Royal Thai AFB, in Thailand; a preventive 8th dentistry specialist, he is assigned to the USAF Dispensary. His wife is former JANICE ALDER. —- COMMENT Ogden, Utah Second-class postage paid at r State ColPublished bi-monthly at Webe the Student lege with editorial offices in 84403 Vol. Union Building, Ogden, Utah C. Macfar1 No. 4, Aug., 1972 Michael is mailed at lane '62 - editor. COMMENT r State Colno charge to alumni of Webe ege. HOMECOMING WEEK OCT. 23 ...... 281 Oct. 25th 8:00 P.M. Feline Follies Fine Arts Aud. OFFICERS Wilford G. Fowers, President Paul W. Bott, First Vice President Vice PresiRussell W. Carruth, Second dent Oct. 26th 7:30 P.M. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Union Building Roy C. Nelson, immediate*past president “ L. Kent Bachman Sherma Craven Ballif Elaine Creer Bird Michael D. Murdock Dr. Richard E. Nilsson James L. Barclay Dr. W. Michael Burdett Frank Hazen, Jr. Lou Jean Scoffield Packer Alan R. Peterson N. Lynn Taylor Janith Clifton Wright or Michael C. Macfarlane, Executive Direct Dr. James R. Foulger, Alumni Treasurer ent Dr. Joseph L. Bishop Jr. W.S.C. Presid Fran Wheeler, Studentbody President Alumni Banquet Oct. 28th 1:30 P.M. Football UNLV Wildcat Stadium MAKE YOUR PLANS NOW - SEE YOU THERE. LT. COL. ROBERT W. DAVIS, USAF, ’50. One of 240 officers from all branches of the serivees to attend War College at MonLt. Col. Davis Alabama. tgomery, to Viet graduated in June. He will return Nam, where he has already flown 100 missions in the F-4 Jet. He is the grandson of of Louis Moench, the first principal Weber Academy. AIRMAN 1.C. JERRY E. GAILEY, ’69, ng Graduated from the Technical Traini Course for Communications Analysis is Specialists at Goodfellow AFB, Texas. He , Station Air rsel Karmu to ed assign now Turkey. His wife is the former Debra Bennett. PVT. ROBERT J. BRAIN, is training under the modern volunteer Army Field Experiment at Fort Ord, Clifornia. The concept is called VOLAR, and combines basic and advanced training into a 16 week program. PVT. DALE R. JONES. completed basic Co. training at Fort Plk in Louisiana. with A, 4th Batt., 2nd Brigade. His wife is Lee Ann Jones. ond LT. MELVIN L ROGERS, USAF, ’71 Graduated from OTS at Lackland AFB, Texas Now assigned to Mather AFB, California for navigator training. His wife the former Lorraine Shaw is with him. ond LT. RICHARD R ROSS, USAF, ‘71 was awarded his silver wings at WILLIAMS to AFB, Arizona. He is now assigned fly Cannon AFB, New Mexico, where he will the F-111 with the Tactical Air Command. His wife is the former Beverly Newberry. DARRELL K. MASON ’70 has been promoted to S-sgt. in the UASF. Sgt. Mason serves with an Air Force Reserve unit at the Youngstown Municipal Airport in Ohio. His wife is the former Barbara Poll. ond Lt. GLEN R. CURTIS, °71, recently was commissioned in the USAFR Officer Training at the University of Utah. Lt. Curtis received a BS degree in political science and journalism at Weber State where he served as Sr. Class President. He is a member of Sigma Nu and Pi Sigma Epsilon. His wife is the former Nancy Norr. |