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Show On the cover ee (Siamileesd 4 28 —= . Dr. Luan H. Ferrin, Director of the new Institute for Family Education, with his wife Wilma and three of their five children: Alan, Jill and Scott. Weber LG State College Alumni Assn. Executive Director, Edith G. Hester Development Officer, Don E. Spainhower President, Margaret B. Favero Vice President, Ronald L. Parker Records Coordinator, | — - Ginger Hauser ‘Chapter Coordinator, _ Sharon Martin = = : Board of Directors ‘T* dream of being a resource for family life enrichment not only for students, but the communi- ty at large, is becoming a reality for the department of child and family studies at WSC. Department chairman Dr. Jean T. Kunz said through the years a great deal has been learned about human relationships and human growth and development in the family, but this “Families Alive: Enrichment for Dr. Rapp said if we are go have smarter children, paret be creative and allow their to be creative. He listed four to encourage creativity in ¢ the Eighties" included over 30 workshops as well as a number of keynote speakers covering a broad range of family related topics such as health, education, stress, adop- 1. Prepare. Provide childre tion, morality, parenting and family music lessons and other expa ees opportunities. And encourage to read -- and read to them,’ 1,000 times as much as you he said, adding that “what i in your brain, you get out” Conference — information has not been transposed into a form that people can use. “Everybody has to choose their own family style," Dr. Kunz smiled, “But,” she added, “there are some basics that everybody should know." "These basics are COMPROMISE and COOPERATION -- and that is generally what our teaching is about." Between 250 and 300 students enroll each quarter in family life 2. Incubate. “Don't breaka of day dreaming," he caution : might be the most importa the day." 3. Illuminate. He suggestet classes. Dr. Kunz explained that students on campus, regardless of their major, want to know about family life. But the classroom is only one facet of the educational thrust of the department. A Children’s School; a new Institute for Family Education; a Parent Education Resource Center; )MMENT 1 is published jour ae imes each year, October, january, Apriland June by _the Department of College Relations, 316 Administra- for their children. “A family isn’t campus and in the community. “While most family conferences in COMMENT is mailed to business community and - POSTMASTER: Send form 3579 to Alumni Relations-1011 WSC, Ogden, UT 84408 (USPS 791-360) in today’s families; we're addressing and take advantage of those strengths,” Dr. Kunz said. With the financial help of the Blanche Rich Foundation, over 250 parents, teachers, counselors and professionals in all areas of family studies converged upon the WSC campus for the third annual “Families Alive” Conference last month to hear some of the nation’s foremost authorities on subjects dealing with families. Page 2 He expressed the need for parents each September provide a broad base of educational involvement on the points of strength, and showing how people can nurture the family friends of the college at no charge. perfection by practicing. to provide interesting experiences the country address the weaknesses alumni, faculty, staff, the learn on, said Dr. Don Rapp of Florida State University. In the opening address he told the enthusiastic group: that parents only reach for and a "Families Alive’ Conference _tion Building, Weber State College, Ogden, UT 84408. es — Pec should be able to rent a child from Hertz to wonderful if parents don't provide wonder," he said. Dr. Rapp said that even though it requires practice and a great deal of effort to be good parents, it is very important. “It is hard on kids to be - children should be rewarded they are turned on to newif even if the ideas aren't any} “Reward illumination - nott wrongness or rightness of tht he added. 4. Verification. Before you sure the idea doesn't work,t be tried. Even if the idea can tually tried, he suggested tal through with your child sol can understand the applicati the consequences. “ | "Wonder D 2 g 0 Just maybe N U = TIO) im brought up in a bad family.” He said today many children are not wanted -- and they know it. He said this knowledge limits development and th planet is not successful, it affects us Me: behavior probi children can be dif related to poor diets, said Dr don H. Smith, author of sey all," he said. “But some responsibility is on the books on child nutrition, ind the Children’s Doctor and Fea success. "When one person on this child -- some don't learn well,” he added. “We need children that are smarter than we are because the problems down the line are tougher than we have had to face. Kids Right. He cited thumb sucking, i ting, nail biting, menstrual ¢ drug addition and a variety¢ vous habits as dietary proble 9 |