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Show WSC Artist Completes Industrial Mural ne ai} , fa , Fen eh Le: i Tal ike ‘ i NS | ¥ ‘ Be: : i Prof. David Tripp, Dr. Frank Bartlett. Constellation Chart Collection Given to Weber State Thirteen hand-illuminated constellation charts, thought to be plates from the ‘Sky Atlas” of noted 17th century astronomer Johannes Hevelius, have been presented to Weber State College. The unique gift was presented to the college by Dr. Frank Bartlett, well-known retired Ogden physician and amateur astronomer, said Dean W. Hurst, Director of College Relations. The individual charts represent constellations and stars recognized as various signs of the zodiac, Mr. Hurst said. ‘‘While varying somewhat from today’s more familiar patterns, they are still amazingly accurate in detail when considered in the light of scientific instruments, telescopes, etc., used during that period.” An interesting feature of the maps is a as constellations the of reversal astronomers of the time pictured them as looking from outer space rather than from the earth as a platform. atlas was The original Hevelium published in 1687 and contained 54 maps of stars, charts, and illustrations. The copies of the atlas are considered extremely rare and the charts presented to the college appear to be separate impressions rather than from the atlas itself. “Representatives from the college have made several contacts regarding the charts with editors of “Sky and Telescope”’ magazine (Harvard Observatory, Mass.) who have been most helpful in supplying background information.” Considerable interest has been shown in the astronomy department of the college as a result of the planetarium program, which as enoyed community as well as student interest. Planetarium director David A. Tripp, who expressed appreciation to Dr. Bartlett for his interest and support, has developed a number of programs of great interest at the planetarium. Included in future plans, is the establishment of an observatory for actual viewing of the stars. A unique effect of the faculity would be a closed-circuit television projection of the telescopic field which would be viewed by an entire class remote from the observatory. Methods of financing such a program are currently being studied, Mr. Tripp said. The iron mines near Cedar City, the coal mines of Price and the original Kennecott copper mining operation also are depicted in the mural. Sketches of the mural were begun in the summer of 1971 by Mr. Collett, professor of art and former chairman of the art : department at Weber State. Mr. Collett is a member of the Society of Animal Artists, Associated Utah Artists and an exhibiting member of the Grand Central Art Galleries of New York. His work is exhibited in galleries of 10 states and Canada. 50 YEARS AGO Construction work on the Weber College gymnasium, which received rousing endorsement recently of President Heber J. Grant and Apostle David 0. McKay, will start as early as possible in the spring, officials of three local stakes announced. Ogden High School students celebrated their 35-32 basketball victory over Weber Normal College with a “‘funeral’”’ procession from the school to City Hall, where “‘last rites” for the Weberites were staged on the lawn. 20 YEARS AGO Highlight of the annual “Weber Day” observance at Weber College was a talk by President Henry Aldous Dixon in which he inaugurated a drive to make the Ogden school a four-year college. He also asked for an ROTC program. Leland H. Monson, debate coach at Weber College, left for Brigham Young University with a 14-man squad to participate in the annual BYU invitational forensic tournament. On the squad are Dick Richards, _ Myron Childs, Tom Burton, Rey Arnold, Allen Cook, James Parker, Blaine Gross, Reed Wahlquist, Jane Powell, Shirley Burns, and Karen Blair. Quinn McKay will enter extemporaneous speaking. Kay Jon Mildon, oratory and Fr ed Ball impromptu Ls Matson Named Personnel Director — om > G. Albin Matson Jr., formerly of Arizona State University, assumed his duties as Weber State College’s first personnel director (Wednesday) November 1. to “Mr. Matson’s primary duties are carry out policies relating to all phases of personnel activities for staff employees and also for faculty where applicable,” said Weber State College President, Joseph L. Bishop. “We feel very fortunate in getting a man of Mr. Matson’s experience and abilities. More than 30 well-qualified individuals from many states had applied for this position,”’ he said. Mr. Matson has served as personnel director for seven years each at Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, and at the University of Utah. He has held numerous positions with personnel national and regional organizations. He served as national vice president and regional chairman of the College and University Personnel Assn., and held positions with the American Society of Personnel Administration, the Phoenix Personnel Management Assn., American Society of Training and Development, and the Texas Society of Hospital Personnel Directors, among others. Mr. Matson is a graduate of the University of Utah and is working toward a master’s degree in Industrial Relations. At Weber State, his duties are to organize training selection and recruitment, procedure, analyze jobs and recommend wage schedules. He will also maintain personnel records, set up educational and social activities and confer with college officials and staff officers regarding fringe benefits. employment Matson’s authorized by the Weber State College Institutional Council upon recommendation of President Bishop and other ad- ministrators. A native of Missoula, Montana, the new personnel director has lived in Salt Lake —— %, ‘ Utah’s colorful business and industrial history has been captured in a large oil mural by a Weber State College art” professor. The painting by Farrell Collett depicts the growth of business and industry in Utah from a historical perspective. It is based on early photographs of Utah’s industrial record. The three foot by six foot oil mural hangs in the reception room of the dean’s office in the Weber State School of Business and Economics. Elements of the mural include the building of Cutter Dam, one of the first irrigation dams in Utah, and the original ZCMI store in Salt Lake City. A trapper depicts the type of individual who roamed this territory for the American Fur Co., in the 1820s, representing the Intermountain Area’s first business activity. Also included in the mural are John M. Browning and his first water cooled machine gun, the sugar factory at Lehi that was the first to use American made machinery in sugar beet processing, and the building of the railroad trestle across the Great Salt Lake at the turn of the cen- — City, most of his life. He is married to the former Bonnie Lou Hanney, they have three children. of Randolph, | = | |