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Show FIFTEEN NOMINEES FOR ALUMNI BOARD L. DOUGLAS OLSON Received BS from WSC in ’64 in Accounting, a BS degree from WSC in 1965 in history and received a MBA degree in management in 1972 from California State University at San Francisco. While at Weber was senior class president, Vice President of Blue Key Club, Rep. Executive Council, Rep. A.M.S. Council, Advisor, Future Business Leaders of America, has served as treasurer and on board of directors of So. S.F. district Credit Union, past director of a Head Start center in Chicago also taught school in Chicago. Presently vice president, Universal Corporation, Manager Acme Rental Center, Ogden, has 2 children. FAVERO SCOTT RICHINS MARGARET CANDIDATES FOR SECOND VICE PRESIDENT FAVERO Graduated from Weber State in 1958 in Elementary Education, worked with the Greater Ogden Week, worked with Ogden Pioneer Day celebration for the past 5 years, member of the Junior League, Advisor to LaDianaeda Sorority, Member of the Wildcat Club, active in church groups, married to Ned L. Favero, Coowners of the White House Reception Center has 2 children (twins) ROBERT C. RICHINS Graduated from WSC in 1957 with a A.S. degree in Business Administration, Received B.S. degree in 1959 from University of Utah also in _ business Administration. Was associated with a , real estate development company specializing in the development, sales and management of apartment properties in several western states. Has held various positions in sales, production management and industrial engineering. Presently employed by the J.W. Brewer Tire Co. as Assistant Regional Manager. Active in the LDS church. Married to Lois East. He has three children. BRUCE L. NILSON Graduated from WSC in 1969 with a BS degree in Management. ASWSC Executive Vice President, President LDS Student Assn. Member of Blue Key National Honor Fraternity, who’s Who Among Students for 2 years, served LDS mission, graduate Real Estate Institute, partner and general sales manager of Real Estate Exhange. Chairman of the Ogden Business CrusadeCancer Society, United Fund worker. Married to Susan Wilson. Has 2 children. SKEEN JOSEPH Tim Morris Barbara B. Petersen Hazel Robertson David E. Skeen O. Hendrickson |_| Thomas C. Webber BOARD TIM tors. BARBARA SKEEN Class of 1970, BA degree, taught kindergarten four years, presently teaching first grade in Ogden, stake MIA activity counselor, ward drama director, at Weber State was chairman of Arts and Crafts committee, AWS Vice President, Vice President Tau Theta Nu Sorority, Senior Class Secretary. Member of the Alumni Board of Directors a KONKOL LINDQUIST A. LINDQUIST BARNETT Bruce L. Nilson L. Douglas Olson Kay Neal Carolyn Sommers Craynor Michael D. Lyon Lindsay Curtis Nathan Zimmerman Konkol K. Rosaschi Robert C. Richins Margaret Blair Favero John A. Lindquist Gloria Russell Froerer J Pa SL dees ate ater ROBERTSON Born London, England, studied voice with Welshman, Vincent Jones, won scholarship in art, studied two years commercial art, naturalized U.S. citizen, president Weber Republican Women’s Club in 1961, attended Weber State, participated in numerous theater productions, member Drama Club of Ogden, drama director 37th Ward, member of the Alumni Board of Directors. Married to Glenn H. Robertson. Aad LINDSAY Scott W. Holt Debra PETERSEN MORRIS Graduated from WSC in 1967 with major in history. Received his masters from University of Utah in 1970 in education. Served on the supreme court at WSC. He was sports editor for the Signpost. Currently is social studies chairman at Bonneville High School. Is married to the former Tamra Clifton, they have two sons. Member of the Alumni Board of Direc- MEMBERS (select one) Anneliese BYRON Graduated from Weber College 1939, Graduated San F-ancisco College Mortuary Science, lias ser: ed on VSC Alumni Board, Weber Wilacet Ctub Board, Advisory Council of School of Business. Past pres. Ogden Chamber of Commerce, past president and past district gov. Exchange Club President of Lindquist and Sons Mortuaries, presently serving as President of National Selected Moriticians. Married to Telitha Ellis. Has 7 children. VICE PRESIDENT TWO-YEAR B. LIGORI Class of 1973 at Weber State. Member Elks Lodge No. 719, Newman Center board member, member Singles Group of Ogden, active in student government, Readers Theater, president, Newman Center. Member of the Alumni Board of Directors. ANNELIESE KONKOL ’ Born in Germany, received teaching degree in Germany, received Bach. of Arts degree from WSC where she was an honorrole student, degree as a_ certified character actress from the Academy of Kepich-Overbeck, Berlin. In 1966 received “Catholic Woman of the Year Award”’ in 1974, received Patriotic Civ. Services Award. Stage performances have included Fiddler on the Roof and ‘‘Our Town.”’ Has done professional story telling in many elementary schools, high schools and universities. Is active in _ local organizations and clubs. Board member of the Utah Opera Society. Has 2 children. Joseph B. Ligori ROBERTSON Class of 1956, Associate degree, earned bachelor degree University of Utah, manages family business, president of South Ogden Kiwanis Club, member Boy Scout Board, active in LDS Church, member UADA, president Ogden ADA, married to Nyla Nye, member of the Alumni Board of Directors. HAZEL (select one) Kent PETERSEN KENT JOHN SECOND MORRIS HOLT Graduated from WSC Cum Laude in 1973. Vice president of Ski Club, Co-sub chairman films committee, member of Phi Dappa Alpha Frat. Republican party co-ordinator. Attending BYU’s law school, plans to graduate in Dec. 1975. Active on placement committee and recruitment committee. Married to Kathlene Hess. HOLT BLAIR W. LIGORI Lynn Barnett Please return to: Weber State College Alumni Blvd., Ogden, Utah 84408 by October 10, 1975. CURTIS, Completed undergraduate Pre-Dental course work at WSC. Served as Student j Legal Advisor in the student government. Graduated from the University of Nebraska with DDS Dental degree. Served fj) as captain in the U.S. Army Dental Corp. Has dental practice in Ogden area. Married to Kathy Larsen. Has 4 children. LYNN E. BARNETT Received AS degree from Received BS degree from WSC in 1960, University of Utah 1962 in mechanical Eng. and MEA Office, 3750 Harrison ee ee ee ee ee ee LYON JR. degree in 1967 in engineering. Past chief engineer at Williamsen Body and Equipment, past plant manager for Koch Refrigerators, presently employed at Kenway, Inc. Married to Diane Petersen 11S 4 children Active in LDS church. MICHAEL D. LYON Graduated from WSC 1968 cum laude, BS degree, member of Blue Key National Honor Fraternity, designated by USS. Dept. of Army as Distinguished Military student and later a Distinguished Military graduate. Graduated form University of Utah in 1971 with a J.D. degree. Senior class president, author ‘‘The Unconscionability Doctrine,’’ The Summation: A Journal of Utah Law, attorney at law, deputy Weber County Attorney, Captain, A.G. corps. U.S. Army Reserve. Married to Mary M. Sycamore. Has three children (Continued on Page 9) |