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Show —— 7 _ Se —— Library Offers Vak Special Collections in WSC Post.” Mrs. Collett says donations are welcome to get the art works matted and framed for exhibiting. The porcelain collection of the late Mrs. . Joseph R. (Jeanette McKay) Morrell is displayed in Special Collections. It consists of several dozen of porcelain, fine pieces donated by Mrs. Morrell. Among the pieces are a cup and saucer which belonged to_ George Washington and pieces of oriental origin dating back to the Ming Dynasty in ‘the 14th Century. From all parts of the world, the priceless pieces include some of French, German and English extraction, many of them more than 200 years_ old. plates, jugs, are vases, them Among figurines, pottery and candle holders. This collection is temporarily housed in glass cases in the Howell reading room. Future plans are to locate the porcelain in the art gallery in the new addition to the library presently under construction. Was Teacher Mrs. Morrell was the wife of Dr. Joseph R. Morrell, retired Ogden physician, and sister of the late David O. McKay, former president of the LDS Church. She served as Te from the interesting volumes RARE and Howell Library include (front) a volume of the Holinsheds Chronicles printed in 1587, a The Special Collections section of the Weber State College library is a quiet oasis within the hustle-bustle atmosphere of the college scene. change from As you the enter enclosed area on the library second floor, the carpeted and cultured quality is a refreshing and the outside chatter ‘con- struction noise. “Special” describes, not only the articles and books contained within the area, but the itself, ‘department which is unique on Gifts Amounting To $175,000 Given to WSC Cash gifts in excess of $175,000 were given Weber State College during the 1972-73 fiscal year, college Development Fund Chairman Joseph H. Florence announced at a recent meeting. of Fund Board The Development Directors includes representatives from the Institutional administration, college Council, alumni, faculty staff and community, Mr. Florence explained. In a financial report to the board Mr. Hurst reported a new high in giving was reflected in gifts received from the area’s corporations and businesses which donated a ~ total of $25,000. Approximately $52,000 was received from private foundations and alumni gifts totaled $27,000 and more than $40,000 was generated for the athletic scholarship fund through the Wildcat Club, Mr. Hurst said. The largest segment of gifts was applied towards. student-aid programs such as scholarships and loan funds. Other gifts were applied toward buildings and grounds, special equipment, faculty and staff related and programs special programs, ynrestricted areas of uses in the college. , teacher at the old Weber 2... ae volume of John Ruskin (left) and one from the Wordsworth set. literature in a relaxing and rare art combining in campus environment, in- viting to students, faculty and alumni and off-campus groups who have some spare moments to spend in browsing and reading through the unusual, interesting volumes housed there. Special Collections includes four primary groups of books and art objects, each donated to the college over the past several years. about The Howell Library, consisting of 10,000 volumes of literary works donated by the late Judge James Albert Howell, was the beginning of the Special Collections area in the Weber State library. The works are primarily of English and American authors of the 19th Century, but other types of literature in which the judge was interested are also included. A two- From the estate of the Becraft, an Ogden native, Academy. Stake late was Frank W. donated a collection of rare Far Eastern antiques and artifacts including carvings, ancient books, and art works. Donnell B. Stewart, a nephew of Mr. Becraft and a WSC alumnus, secured the collection for the college and, with his wife, donated funds for glass cases for the relics. Browsing through this collection, the visitor to Special Collections’ can view ancient books engraved with metal stylus the Dravidian and written in Telugu, language of the Telugu people. Also on carvings intricate are here display depicting lifestyles of the Far East of 100 jewelry, costumes, ago, ancient years artifacts and religious and ceremonial metalwork. Weber from graduated Becraft Mr. Academy in 1906. He traveled through Java, Borneo, Djkarta, Hong Kong, Singapore and the Far East as an engineer for a Dutch volume facsimile of the original Gutenberg Bible was presented to the college by the daughers of Judge Howell recently. - Private Collections This private collection was opened to students and the public two years ago in separate rooms within the library building on campus. This section was designated as the Howell Library and Rare Book Col- lection; since then, other art and literary collections have been added to comprise what is now called Special Collections. Additions to the Howell collection are made possible due to a trust fund established by Judge Howell. Donated to the Special Collections library but not yet exhibited due to a lack of funds is the Paul collection Bransom of more Art Collection. This than 200 sketches, illustrations and oils by the famed “‘dean of animal artists’? was obtained through the efforts of many persons, some acquainted with the New York Artist. Mr. Bransom has illustrated books for children including and such ‘‘Wind in the Willows,’’ publications as “The Saturday Evening DOG of Fo of Oriental origin, ‘Morrell porcelain collection. a part of the . |