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Show New Officers and Board Installed New alumni officers and board members were installed at a recent alumni homecoming banquet. President for the 1975-76 year is Dr. Michael Burdett. He replaces out-going president Kent Bachman. Dr. Burdett is an Ogden dentist. He graduated from the University of California Dental School in 1967 and received an associate degree from WSC in 1960. Doug Brian will serve vice president. from WSC in He as first graduated 1956, received a bachelor’s degree in 1958 from the University of Utah and a master’s degree in 1968. He is owner and operator of Concise Engineering President Dr. Michael Burdett and Manufacturing Company. Elected second was Tim vice president Morris. Mr. Morris graduated from WSC in 1967 with a major in history and received his masters in education from the University of Utah. Cuirrently he is social studies chairman at Bonneville High School. New members of the board are John Lindquist, Carolyn Sommers Craynor, Bruce Nilson and Margaret Favero. Mr. Lindquist graduated from Weber College in 1939 and from San Francisco College Mortuary Science. He is presently president of Lindquist and Sons Mortuaries. John A. Lindquist Bruce Second L. Nilson Calendar of Events Calendar Dec. 7: Nov. of Events 10-15, Nov. 10 to 17-18 - Alumni Com- munity Theatre ‘“‘Ah Wilderness”’ 8 p.m. in the Weber State Fine Arts Center Cellar Theatre. $3 evenings, $2 Saturday matinee. Nov. 19 - Planetarium show “Christmas Star’’ at the Weber State College planetarium, p.m. $1 and $.50. Nov. 20 - Free 7 Convocation, John Morley with ‘‘Eye-Witness World Report - Facts and Frauds’’ in the Weber State Fine Arts Center at 12 noon. Nov. 24 - Weber State wind en- semble concert Donald Threlkeld directed in the by Nov. 25 - Readers Theatre presented by the Weber State Communication Dept. in the Fine Arts Center at 8 p.m. Free. Nov. 29 - Basketball - San State at Weber State, 7:30 cat Gym. Dec. 1-6 - Theatre Crucible” Weber State Fine Jose Wild‘‘The Arts Center, 8 p.m. $3. Dec. 3 - Planetarium Show “Christmas Star’? in the Weber State College planetarium at 7 p.m. $1 and $.50. Alumni Vice President Tim Morris Mrs. Carynor received her _ associate degree from WSC in 1961 and a B.S. degree in An Elementary Education education in 1965 and has been acgraduate from WSC in 1958, Mrs. tive in civic and church service. .Favero has been active in civic A 1969 graduate of WSC with a and church activities. B.S. in management, Mr. Nilson Retiring board members are is. a partner and general sales Thomas C. Webber, Nancy manager of Real Estate ExFarrell, Rex Frazier, Junius R. Tribe and Dave Hendrickson change. Dec. 5 - Convocation with Dr. Jerald A. Coombs ‘Diplomatic Legacies of the Revolution”’ in the Weber State College Little Theatre 11 a.m. Free. Dec. 7 - Traditional Christmas Concert. Sponsored by the Music Dept. Ron Wooden. Weber State Auditorium 5 and 8 p.m. Free. Invited to Nominate Weber State Fine Arts Center at 8 p.m. Free, ‘‘Alumni In Memoriam (Continued from page 8) ak. ee { MALCOLM W. WATSON, 83, of Salt Lake City, formerly of Ogden, died Sept. 8, 1975. He began coaching basketball, baseball and track at Weber Academy in 1913. In 1919 he organized and coached the first football team. After coaching at. Weber for nine years he managed and taught at the Weber Gy m for 10 years. Mr. Watson also worked for the government and was with the department of employment security until his retirement. Survivors include his wife, the former Thora Bergesen, three sons and one daughter. are nominations Doctors invited for Degree,’ the said to make honorary Wendell L. Esplin, chairman of the Honorary Degree Committee of the Faculty Senate. The committee has the responsibility of making recommendations to the adminitration for candidates for the Doctors Degree. Guidelines for nominees are: 1) The nominee should have made an outstanding contribution to society. 2) He or she should have made an outstanding - contribution to Weber State College. 3) The. nominee should be a national figure with recognition for outstanding service in military, government, education, medicine, science or other field. Service should be above and beyond regular occupation. Alumni are invited nominations before sending name and to make Jan. 1 by background information to: Wendell L. Esplin, School of Technology, Weber State College. nee,OP ie ey ote: hg So JOHN SHUPE, WSC photographer. won third place in the feature category for Region 9 with his picture of a small boy playing an organ in the May, 1975 alumni newspaper, ‘‘Comment.”’ The picture and award were listed in the Region 9 AugustSeptember publication, The Rangefinder. He was also listed in the August News Photographer, published by the National Association, Press Inc. Photographers |