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Show April 1982 ik Ne eee - + MMeEnT WEBER STATE COLLEGE aD ean Oy Teacheu Gor | Jac these are No verse, Quen: -- absence no { Eee \ odes, devotion. their celclrate no elegies statesmen, of animals. ‘iterture. thymed, Or blank, free, their of pages lustrous the from by conspicuous to writers, poets inatructows professors, pedagogues, -- pedants, 4 teachers. to mostly ignored. - anda lot - mothers fathers villains, to heroes, tributes few other sailor, and soldiers, to ete are proems Qle they Llamed, seldom praised, | Never finds one of poetry, annals the Combing 7! Why? who to learning owing the minds, same these set their mm I young craft, burning words SSS = Ss - SS. ae aySais ale , . pier whe ~ teacher, Nas it nol some 7 AEM. and tender venerat. ed : texts? Din : ~S cer alight laboring, loving, patient, teacher, some Was it not love the with of language Listening some stumble us to through painfully ? masterprlece ' who \ \\ Winned us on to poetry Go Remembering Qa tall, intelligent, hind teacher who first paised my poetic efforts sixth in school opening to the world and PRustrium, Ode to a Grecian that ingrate ae oe +, = casements grade, high My a few pennies through Last “Sohrals Duchess, Tenis am . TD poets wide oy - yr in the , the one ashamed cannot of praise for spare theix by from out of their “word hoards” teachers. LaVon B. Carroll mind? re teachers really forgotten -- their influence so soon blurred or blotted from taught. those of lives the into One thinks not when taking upon the task of probing RL es a ee ee abound among friendship and love Eulogies of gratitude, metho elt they rekindle fond memories of your fe Fe hE er ome MRC | ei at WSC and teachers who spread their influence upon your life. In this issue: Feature - Influence of Teachers Campus Clips.......-+-++-+§ saat, Founder's Day . eG ee Alumnews...- scan WSCAA Giapter Chatter, .s.c-5-a~ 10 Sports PES BU a ie .9 cee ean |