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Show e Eg ~~ terested in becoming involved in all phases of been the college. Weber student leaders have been individuals of exceptional ability. It has a privilege to associate with them. I have great faith in our young people. What do you see as the role of Weber State you - in the future and what programs would like to see implemented? exIn my opinion Weber will continue to s. pand in size and in its educational service could Graduate work in some limited areas As the be justified within the next few years. ues to population of the Weber area contin should grow, the role of Weber State College of the expand to meet the educational needs area. ies What in your mind, should be the priorit of education in 1972? rapid The 1960’s were characterized by ion growth in enrollments in higher educat nal with the accompanying needs for additio staffs physical facilities, larger faculties and It is and therefore rapidly rising budgets. rate predicted that whereas the. growth l hundred during the 1960’s were severa 1970’s in percent the growth rate during the the country as a whole will be about 50 perbe cent. In my opinion the 1970’s will about characterized by a great concern y a organizational structures and possibl revolution in teaching methods. and What do you see as new programs higher careers being offered through education? for There are unlimited opportunities faces . careers in education. Each generation a world new challenges. We are living in social filled with technological, economic and and postproblems created by the industrial is The’ world revolution. industrial of people with good lities. character and personal high capabi unities The field of education offers opport to exert without limit to those who are willing the necessary effort to qualify. you Looking back, what people influenced most during your career? nce in My wife has been the greatest influe she has my life. During 40 years of marriage would not have completed a bachelor degree Allan except for his encouragement. Dr. E. of Public Batemen, State Superintendent Instruction, for many years was a close professional associate and personal friend. I am indebted to many individuals in civic had and religious positions with whom I have the privilege of associating. you Do you have any personal reflections would like to make? as As I enter the final half of my last year most President of this fine institution I am had of grateful for the opportunity that I have It being in this position for the past 19 years. ated has been an honor to have been associ with these fine people who were and are Weber responsible for the success of College. State Alumnus named to HEW post Education The U.S. Department of Health, ntment and Welfare has announced the appoi tor of the of Dr. Rulon R. Garfield as Direc uarters in department region 8 with headq Denver, Colorado. e and Dr. Garfield is a native of Harrisvill in 1950. He attended Weber State, graduating and PhD later earned Bachelors, Masters He was degrees from the University of Utah. graduate active in student affairs as an under of the WSC at Weber and is a past director eld enters Alumni Association. Doctor Garfi of exhis new position with a wide range served as perience in education. He has for the Director of Educational Services teacher and Ogden City Schools, has been a lectured at principal and has taught and Weber State three of Utahs institutions, and Brigham College, The University of Utah ing Federal Young University. Prior to enter dent of an Service Dr. Garfield was also presi evaluated educational consulting firm which , college, educational programs at University Dr. secondary and elementary levels. Garfield has also worked extensively with educational technical and vocational Dr. programs in Utah, Idaho and Colorado. in Garfield joined the Denver office of HEW October of 1970 as Deputy Director. Announcement of Dr. Garfields appointment was made in Washington by HEW anSecretary Elliot L. Richardson. In nouncing the action Mr. Richardson said, in “Dr. Garfield has been a key figure planning and implementing the transfer of to department authorities from Washington the field. Plans developed by him as deputy director are still being adopted by the department.”’ As regional director Dr. Garfield is responsible for carrying out departmental policies within the region, which includes the states of Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota and South Dakota. Each year the outlays from region eight to exceed $1.2 billion. This amount goes l supplement educational programs, hospita and health care facilities and programs and welfare assistance funds in the six state 0 region. During a typical year, about $800,00 to jn support of various programs comes , Weber State from the Department of Health n to Education and Welfare. This is in additio g other HEW financing for school buildin unprograms. These programs include financial social service, dergraduate assistance for the purchase of library books and equipment, funding for educational a research and development laboratories, direct loan program for students, the workopportunity educational study program, grants, and special Higher education programs for the disadvantaged. HEW funds also help support a career development g program providing supplementary trainin to 130 full-time Head Start staff throughout m Utah. Weber State administers this progra for the Department, subcontracting with the several other colleges and universities in state. Department funds also have helped finance construction of the school library, science building and lecture hall, administration building, and two classroom buildings now under construction. Dr. Garfield served in the U.S. Army as an enlisted man and officer in World War II and the Korean War. His decorations include the Bronze star, Korean service ribbon and badge. The new combat infantryman’s director presently resides in Broomfield, Colorado with his wife and seven children. t cheerfully given full cooperation and supporfor ling during the many years of our strugg different me to obtain higher degrees in the been positions that I have held. She has truly ed to inspiration. I am especially indebt an ish my parents who set an example of unself and who religious and community service as we taught me the importance of work also inworked together on the farm. They college stilled in me the desire for a education which they did not have. life ina Several people have influenced my W. Tracy, professional way. President Aaron e, when I who was President of Weber Colleg time entered as a Freshman in 1924. He took ento counsel with some of us who needed who Dixon, H.A. Dr. couragement. my preceeded me as President was one of my long time close friends. I treasure he associations with him and the leadership years. gave to Weber over a period of many School of Dr. E.A. Jacobsen was Dean of the when I Education at Utah State University rdson with HEW Secretary Elliot L. Richa Dr. Rulon R. Garfield (right) chats after his recent swearing in Washington, D.C. Ee ation creditation from the Northwest Associ also of Secondary and Higher Schools and iting from several professional accred to the agencies. These approvals attest quality of Weber’s education program. t Would you care to evaluate the 1971 studen incomparison with the student of 1953? I feel that the present students at Weber 19 are much better informed than they were inyears ago. They are also much more in need under-graduate education in the early 1930’s. I probably Accreditation is essential for a first-class college. Weber has received full ac- desperately with Se was Miller (cont’d) struggling |