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Show - Glaciation : =, display by Howard Noel Some of the most scenic areas of the re AS world were actually formed by one of nature’s phenomena known as glaciers, cc : according to Dr. Keith Harrison, professor of Botany and curator of the. WSC Museum of Natural Science. Dr. Harrison is responsible for an intriguing and informative display on valley and continental glaciation which is located in the hallways of the Science Lecture Hall near the museum. : Dr. Keith Harrison Sa SHER Roa, Scooccenansans waa: asst cay: ptt DUALS SNS ES Dr. Keith Harrison and his assistant, Karen Letts, look over pictures for display on glaciers. iN COMO. blhetietieeee tT Piette 4**2. MN Tel VN AN teeta tenth! NTNA STUDIES EUROPEAN e AUSTRIA STUDIES 18 JUNE 3 — JUNE 30, 1981 ¢ SWITZERLAND e SALTZBURG 30 DAYS e PARIS AUGUST 13 - 28, 1981 15-DAY OPTION HOMESTAY 2 WEEKS IN GERMANY OR SPAIN r OF ALEXANDER APRIL 4 — APRIL 8, 1981 NATIONAL GALLERY o GREEK ART EXHIBITION OF ART, WASHINGTON D.C. ARTHUR ADELMANN, WEBER STATE COLLEGE ART DEPARTMENT, ACCOMPANY TOUR OF ART GALLERIES IN WASHINGTON D.C. WILL $699.00 HERITAGE TOUR OF EASTERN CITIES AMERICAN JUNE 9 — JUNE 28, 1981 15 DAYS BOSTON NEW YORK CITY e GETTYSBURG ¢ WASHINGTON D.C. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Weber State College e Travel-Study Associated Alumni of Milt -admiss retire t Colleg _ the pre _ Aldous It was not until the early 19th century that scientists began knowing LONDON e AMSTERDAM e KOBLENTZ e HEIDELBERG e LUCERNE e PARIS GRADUATE AND UNDERGRADUATE CREDIT AVAILABLE $2 250.00 IN SEARCH Dr. Harrison said the displays illustrate “‘the nature, flow, and manner of ice movement.”’ development. $2,421.00 AUGUST 31 - SEPTEMBER with detailed explanations. He said they also deal with the —Discoverour world WEST GERMANY e LONDON enclosed display cases featuring photographs of some of the most famous glacier sites in the world, along history of glacial theory and TF EUROPEAN The display - the only one of its kind in the area - includes five $1,289.00 CALL SUE STEVENSON 626-6600 Division of Continuing Education Weber State College and understanding much about these mammoth masses of slow-moving ice, according to the display. Most of the information, gathered at that time, came from Switzerland. Dr. Harrison has spent much time, The | be ma -Banqu mI fe selecte himself, in that country studying glaciers among other things. He points out that some of the most especie beautiful lakes in the world, such as Lake Geneva, were actually formed by glaciers which gouged the earth and associ filled the crevasses with water. The WSC display was prepared by Dr. Harrison and his museum staff. It can be viewed by the public, free of charges, between 8 a.m. and 10 p.m. _ fishing | Presid toallt “The t Monday through Thursday and 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Fridays. ~ is shot Cc ay an gather TT i shing “We ‘story-t PLEASE NOTIFY THE WEBER STATE COLLEGE ALUMNI OFFICE OF YOUR PLANNED CHANGE OF ADDRESS AT LEAST ONE MONTH IN ADVANCE. iF A MONTH’S NOTICE IS NOT POSSIBLE, PLEASE SEND US YOUR NEW ADDRESS AS SOON AFTER YOUR MOVE AS POSSIBLE. said. Dea cs per physic teache / 4? |