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Show Campus Clips a Chapter Califo nia > Chilly 70 The School of Humanities will now be called The School of Arts and Oo amass our Humanities. It is felt that the new title will more accurately reflect the oartake of tole of the school. iced tender The Weber State College Skills Center was named the outstanding > set amic AT YOUR ; | Vocational education program in Region VIII of the U.S. Department of A’S PEN. Education. Secretary Terrell H. Bell presented the award to President Rodney H. Brady in ceremonies at Hotel Utah on. October 23. and ZELL- ork. Dr. Gordon T. Alired’s r 35, cheer. lastest book STARFIRE is on Deseret Book > fastidious 1 Publishers’ best seller list among their 1,500 retail outlets. The book was rst written as Allred’s doctorate dissertation at University of Utah. It ie Weber -dcats were later won first place, novel division, in the Utah Fine Arts Creative Writing Contest, and first place for creative achievement at WSC. ong Beach age of exn we made. the attenQ who put '} srry on the least The first (and hopefully) annual Handicap Awareness Day, was sponsored by ASWSC on November 3. Simulated handicaps were worn by students throughout the day. A beeper baseball game for sightless students and a wheelchair basketball game were played; and a panel discussion featuring handicapped students which was moderated by L.D.S. Church Relief Society President Barbara R. Smith were part of the activities. back Messiah Sing-in. The second annual Messiah Sing-in, sponsored by the Ogden Community Sing-in Association and the WSC music department ic. He de. 4 ¥88 held December 13 in the Browning Center. Sing-ins are becoming Watremely popular throughout the country, teeth 9“ estimated at 600 participants. any and the enthusiastic crowd needs your cup returned To be able to borrow a cup of sugar is a reassuring tradition. Inherent in the borrowed cup of sugar is the neighborly willingness to help out. The implicit but unexpressed obligation to return the favor is also present. The custom is a convenience that smooths problems and demonstrates the continuing reliance of us all on each other. There is a parallel in higher education. Colleges like Weber State traditionally make their facilities available to students at a fraction of real costs. At WSC tuition and fees approximate 20% of the cost of operating the college. It is always the hope that former students will recognize in this situation a moral obligation to contribute as their circumstances One of the major Weber State College Office is to increase ation of alumni in the on campaign. eX-, The Atlas of Utah is hot off the press and acclaimed as one of the most beautiful and informative atlases ever published. A copy was presented to an Governor Matheson December 17 and they are now on sale in local bookstores. Orders are still being accepted by mail through the alumni office at $49.95 plus tax. The WSC geology/geography department, and nmely Professors Deon C. Greer, Wayne L. Wahlquist and Klaus D. Gurgel, together with Gary B. Peterson, a local photographer, and Howard A. Christy of BYU Press, are commended for their efforts. It is a =§ book to be proud of and an asset to any library, personal or public. , and women’s — — te has been assigned as WSC Legal Counsel by the Utah State Attorney General. “I had no idea when I hired on at the attorney general’s office that I would get this assignment,”’ Moench said. ‘‘I remember coming up here when I was about seven years old, when they dedicated that statue,’’ he continued, pointing out his office window in the administration building at the statue of his progenitor. ‘“‘When I came up here last week I didn’t recognize the place -- it is just beautiful! This has got to be per- the loveliest campus in the state,” he beamed. Moench is a graduate of University of Utah with a degree in philosophy, and from California Western School of Law in San Diego. His primary responsibilities on the WSC campus include contract How’s your sugar bowl? goals of the Development the participannual fund The goal of the annual giving campaign is to substantially raise the annual level of unrestricted giving. Unrestricted giving means that financial gifts from alumni & others will be used for the greatest reviews, litigations, and advising the Institutional Council and President’s Council in a _ preventative capacity as well as a remedy service with regard to legal problems. He and his wife, Martha (Young) needs of the college. have a three-year-old son, Patrick. They live in Salt Lake City. Cont. on page 20 sportswear, gifts, and arts and crafts are featured in the A Bosendorfer piano, valued at just under $47,000, has been donated to fy WSC by Ogden physician Dr. Larry E. King and an anonymous donor, j who paid Dr. King $9,500. The piano is the same kind used by Franz {§ Liszt and Chopin and is totally handmade. It has 92 instead of the usual 88 keys and 38 coats of hand-rubbed finish. Bosendorfer pianos are best ‘noted for purity of sound and clean, crisp tones. ; } ; | | by ee ——F ls —— ees oes enh eed chairman. They replace former thairman Roy C. Nelson and vice chairman Donnell B. Stewart. Don Spainhower, executive direc- | tor of the WSC Development Board | sid that both former officers were manimously lauded by members for the work. Both have served six consecutive year terms. ae board men one- According to Spainhower the WSC Development Fund was created by the Alumni Association and authorized by the Board of Trustees in 1966 in order to acquire gifts and grants from private sources. Spainhower reported that total donations to the college totalled close to $1 million dollars during 1980-81. Most of the money is used for programs and scholarships, he said. Spainhower noted that state allocations do not cover such expenses. He said, ‘‘State funds give us the money for bricks and mortar, but the margin of excellence of the college comes from private funds.” EUROPEAN vy ‘Ii The state’s largest reflector telescope has been developed by WSC Mj Professor, Dr. Craig Grundy as an aid to astronomy classes. He devoted the summer of 1980 to the project and completed the half-ton telescope in three months; working from early morning until dark. The hand-ground mirror is 25.25 inches in diameter and nearly 1.5 inches thick. The telescope cost Grundy a little over $1,000 but is valued somewhere between $10,000 and $15,000. L $$ great grandson of Louis F. Moench, store. ee na tide Moench, founder, SS ‘The Cat’s Whisker” is the new retail merchandising department store located in the recently remodeled Technical Education Building. Men’s ae Craig V. Nelson |r) | |) Two Ogden men have been choT%sen to head the Weber State ‘College Development Fund Board ) »f Directors. Kent B. Peterson was elected ‘Tchairman and David G. Moore vice SEEN Mark WSC’s mit. Thus the ‘‘cup of sugar’’ philosophy -- the opportunity to reciprocate is offered in the annual Alumni Fund drive. 4 WSC hosts British debaters. The British National Debate Team came to WSC at the end of a seven-week American tour of 25 colleges and : ‘Southern’ universities. David Allen, president of the WSC debating fraternity, and Tony Wynn, assistant director of forensics, represented WSC. The topic ill be in’ was “Resolved: the press have abused their freedom.”’ of es RE 2\ AUGUST LONVON - ROME 18 “ATUDYES - REPTEMDBEAMA > FLORENCE - PARIS CARIBBEAN EANTER NASSAU EARLY SAILING + CRUISE : FEBRVYVARY SAILING RAN : APRILG DUAN + NT. * $1049. AMERICAN Boote = (92 BOSTON *-NEW YOR WILLIAMA BURG 7 * NWITZEALAND x $2855. VALENTINE Se DAYS - 17 12-ZO &. n WSC "Sugar bowl" THOMAS HERITAGE IZ DAWA + PriiLADELPHIA- GETIYS BURG -CHARLOTTESVILLE - WASHINGTON D.C. TBA SAN FRANCISCO GET-AWAY WEEKENDS FOUR EXCURSIONS FEBRUARY APR\L > SEE “SEARCH FOR ALEKANPER" 26-25 °- MARCH 26-28 MAY 1-7 23-25: * $299. en 4 FOR im FURTHER INFORMATION CALL NUE ATEVENTDON G26 -6600 CT MOOATTY metry tts beter P Page 7 |