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Show s a Marine lium Helilion, 32nd — at Camp rine Corps . extended ~ President Neolebook he Mumnt J ll, class of peditionary — rice medals ty Margaret BL. Favero (ine might ask, “What has the Mumnéi bssoctation done?” These are good . extended | Where are we going?” and “Why?” rescue of | questions and ones SF hope to answer during the coming yea. acific and — med as at ick Squad, Lemoore, the former in the past two yeas estatlished seven chafrlers in various fprarts of the Uniled Hates lo give our atummn of 1978, | Unlinung tdentity uth the college. Shese chapters are busy Francisco finding other former Wildcats living tn ther arcew and gelling lained as a» in some soctal meetings, telling them help find Presbyter- | hem nvolved been called pelier-Soda’ in Soda He . award by Where do we go from here? ale . One of the functions of an ts | campus are shared by alumnt of all classes. 2. Written clude names Welker | counsel to a one-year “ducation’s. jucation T. J tate nick used names while and maiden a student. used, those received given priority 4. first will be Remember to send photos of both current graduate and parent(s), grandparents , etc. nd that’s why you have tn the past College. include major field of study. If more pictures are received by the deadline of May 1 than can be 3. That's why your \and, J hope, will continue in the future Co support the should Also and hometown as include facts such No greater gift can be given to our future generations than education. ity higher he ealiyation of a qual information names and years attended WSC. In- We are the of alumné from every comer of the sale and nation, and s accepted rleans. She nd broadn May of Weter Mail to: Alumni Board of Directors looking for new members Chief, was f the FBI , Virginia. igh School re. He is a 1. of Chiefs cers Assn., Itah Police. gram. ; Generations of Graduates Comment Editor - 1011 Weber State College by Edie Hester = According to the new constitution members of the board of directors will be selected in June of each year and will take office in July. jalist, and e has been tdition of iE incorrectly st issue of correction We are looking for people who want to help the college by giving two years of their time as a member. Alumni members work on special committees assigned by President Brady to assist viding community work director of the Joy began > Portland ortly after adia buyer advertising re joining — for le, WN the rigors, ecstastes, agontes and thrills of our years on 1g art at sountiful. * Malcolm sons on a ey teaches nd ranches ntative City. . ulebration of a type of brotherhood among alumni. That may und “hokey”’ to some, but f you and J went to Weter me hare a common tond. We represent hadition there. We mea orado and direct Comment is looking for third, fourth and fifth generation graduates of WSC. If your son or daughter will graduate this spring, either as a third, fourth or fifth generation graduate, you'll wan t to see yourselves highlighted in the spring issue of Comment. 1. Send along a recent photograph suitable for reproduction of each generation, preferably glossy black and white, taken during their student days. We have begun funding and awarding our Presidential Scholarships, named for five of our great college Presidents, Fuderich £. Meench, David O. MeKay, baron W. Tracy, opened an i prints at liery. Her and have. accounting among her things. We have estatlished some long-range planning goats for the lated on campus © completed ps Recruit. vy in San ve physical proficiency — uding first lose order ned night began her th operator mater, more friends and recut students for thet. alma — will receive ‘exas State Fraternity ion ‘‘Sonic have on alumni the college by pro- input. They sponsored also commit- tees such as Homecoming, Founders’ Day, building dedications, house planning, and alumni scholarships. The WSC Alumni Association is becoming a vital part of the day to day planning of the college and we want people who are willing to work Ogden, UT 84408 and who State system said are excited about Weber within the higher education in Utah and _ in the nation. Margaret Favero,' alumni pres. ee — ee ee ee ALUMNI To be considered for membership on the Board a letter of application plus a current resume should be sent to Alumni Relations Office, Weber State College, Ogden, UT 84408 no later than May 1, 1982. If anyone has questions about the duties of the board of directors they may call Edie Hester, executive director of the association or any of the executive committee which includes: Margaret Favero, president, 479-6120; Ron Parker, vice president, 292-8800 in Bountiful; Darcel Stucki, 621-1921 or Jim Meikle, 773-7800 in Ogden. If you ce ee ee ee ee ee 2 2S sn Osan wn Ee CARD? are Interested in the following benefits, please request an Alumni Identification Card. (Cards will not be sent unless requested.) ° Gse of Library ° 50% Discount on Cultural Affairs Sponsored Programs Student Theatre Productions * Continuing Education Programs ¢ Use of P.E. Facilities * Student Prices on Planetarium Star Shows Union Movies * Special Discount at WSC Bookstore If your mailing address has changed, or if the COMMENT is addressed to your son/daughter, who no longer maintains a permanent address at your home, please fill out the form below listing the NEW address, and mail it to: Alumni Relations — 1011 Records Department Weber State College Ogden, Utah 84408 Soc. Sec. No.___ EESSS Name __ Pee He Er__Class Vear (2 > sh ae 32. Class Vear =. Name of Spouse TelephoneSSS Address City State ____Zip (Please return old address labels) |