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Show Marriott-Slaterville History September 2010 approximately $120,000 of their refund on the project to use to compensate the golf course by a low- interest distressed business loan. The terms negotiated with the golf course include: (a) the principal amount of the loan would be $120,000 payable from the refund to assist for adverse road construction impact; (b) the payment would be made in four monthly advances of $30,000 per month, commencing as soon as possible; (c) interest on the loan would accrue at the rate of 2% per annum starting July 2011; (d) the loan would be repaid over a 24 month period beginning in July 2011. If the golf course fails and the city has to buy it, the money would go towards any down payment. A main concern of the council was setting a precedent for other impacted businesses as a result of the construction. Mr. Morris said the other businesses on the street are veterinary establishments which have not been impacted as heavily as the golf course. Councilman Scott VanLeeuwen noted that the loan money is gifted to the city for the purpose of assisting distressed businesses, so if the golf course failed, the city would not be out any city money. However, he had concerns over loaning money to businesses. Impacted residents have received compensation, but the golf course did not. The staff advised that the city utilizes the secondary water system of the golf course for the city irrigation system, and has an interest in the preservation of the water system. Mr. Barry Panter asked about pressurized secondary water on 400 North, and was advised that the new line will be gravity flow at present. It may be pressurized from the golf course in the future. After discussion, the council unanimously approved the loan, with a written agreement by Mulligans addressing the security of the secondary water. Staff called four asphalt companies to bid on the overlay project on 1200 West, as requested by the council. The engineers estimate for the project was $122,835. The bids were opened on September 8, 2010, at 2:00 p.m. Bids were (a) Post, $121,720; (b) Parsons, $110,936; (c) Advanced Paving, $116,250, and (d) Granite Construction $107,260, which was the low bid. Papers have been signed and will be effective if approved by the council, and work will begin immediately. They would like to start now while part of 1200 West is closed. Mr. Morris asked the council to approve $125,000 in expenditures, although the bid was lower, so that the shoulders could be improved and possibly more road paved. The council approved the allocation of $125,000 unanimously. The administration met with Lance Wood, of the sewer district, and they may be willing to contribute to the cost of an overlay of Pioneer Road between S. R. 126 and 2800 West, due to the impact of the sewer plant reconstruction. The city completed a Storm Water Management Plan some years ago. Mr. Morris advised that the state is requiring an update of this plan, which should occur in the next few months. Dean Ayala, from Jones & Associates, gave the council information relating to the updated state storm water plan requirements. Fall clean-up, with dumpsters at both the Marriott and Slaterville Parks, will be from October 21 through October 24, 2010. Mr. VanLeeuwen would like to see some regulations on the dumpsters. Mr. Morris said if it is abused the city will have the dumpsters removed. A public meeting will be held on the Ogden-Weber State Transit Corridor Study on September 30, 2010, from 4 to 7 p.m. at the Union Station Browning Auditorium located at 2501 Wall Avenue in Ogden. 148 |