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Show Marriott-Slaterville City History October 2010 Beautiful Fall weather continued this month, with extra warm temperatures, although a storm came in near Halloween, causing some concern about the city sponsored activity. However, the Trunk-or-Treat activity was held at the Slaterville Park on Saturday, October 30, 2010, and was a huge success (with no rain). Visitor cars lined the streets in every direction, in addition to the ones participating in the treats. Setup began at 5:30 p.m. and treats started promptly at 6:00 p.m. Hot dogs, donuts, and hot chocolate were given out. Prizes for carved pumpkins, costumes and car decoration were given Winners were as follows: First place trunk decoration Jennifer Duersch Second place, trunk Ken and Marjorie Pronschinski First place pumpkin Jacob Taylor Family Second place pumpkin Sagapola Family First place adult costume Aikens Family Second place adult costume Shane Surrage First place child costume Bailey DeVries Second place child costume Julia Harvey Thanks to DeAnn Hufstetler, Rod Hufstetler, Joe Cottam and Bella's Mexican Restaurant, and Sun State Equipment, for an outstanding event. The City parks will be closed to reservations after October 15, 2010, so that the parks can be winterized. The Slaterville Park remained open until after Trunk-or-Treat. The Pioneer Post, October 2010 issue, announced the Fall Clean-up scheduled for October 21-24, 2010, with a dumpster located at both the Marriott and Slaterville Parks. This complimentary service is sponsored by the City and Waste Management. Residents were requested to ensure that all garbage is placed within the dumpster. At the October 21, 2010, City Council Meeting, business licenses were issued to Hot Tub Warehouse, 1278 South 1200 West, #1, online sales of hot tubs, parts and supplies, and Paragon Wood and Stone, 1917 West 250 North, a wood shop. City Administrator Bill Morris briefly discussed the projects completed under the 2010-11 Capital Improvement Plan, and projects on the plan to be completed in future years. Its purpose is to identify municipal capital projects, to provide information on completed, planned, and proposed municipal capital projects, and as an aid to seek grants and other funding for such projects. It covers projects completed, planned for the next year, and planned over five years. The projects will be integrated into the 2010-2011 Weber County Consolidated Plan. Mr. Morris would like to ask for $300,000.00 RAMP money for the completion of bridges and planned pathways. Councilman Rob Smout would like to add the repaving of parking in front of the Slaterville Park to this year's list at an amount of $65,000. Councilman Scott VanLeeuwen suggested that Pilot Gas should participate in the repaving of the road on 1700 West. President Dennis Ilium said drains crossing roads should be specifically identified. With the noted changes, the 2010-11 Capital Improvements Plan was approved unanimously. Resolution 2010-1, Interlocal Agreement with the Weber County Recorder/Surveyor was discussed. It would authorize the county to handle plat review, agriculture land divisions, and parcel line adjustments 150 |