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Show Marriott-Slaterville City History June 2010 Summer has arrived, and it's time for fun activities in our city! Activities for the City Freedom Celebration were announced in the June issue of The Pioneer Post. A 5K Run/Walk will be held on Saturday, July 3, under the direction of Bob Hirschi. The LDS Wards will sponsor breakfasts at the Marriott Park and the LDS Church Bowery. A parade will begin at 10:30 am., with the line-up starting at 10:00 a.m., on 700 South. It will go along 1200 West from 700 South to the Marriott Park. Lunch of hamburgers, hot dogs and side dishes will begin at 11:00 am., with games, a giant slide, candy cannons, contests, prizes, a raffle, and lots of fun. The eleventh Annual Golf Tournament will be held on Monday, July 5, at the Ben Lomond Golf Course between 4 and 7 p.m., with Danny Brown in charge. An Evening of Music at the Park was held at the City Park on June 26, 2010, beginning at 7:00 p.m. Local talent was featured. The Simmons family, consisting of Ronald (dad), Stephanie (mom), Rylan (19), Shayli (18), Selleka (15), Syvanna (11) and Ryker (9), entertained with violin music, songs, and dance. They ended with the patriotic song, God Bless the U.S.A. Carrie Rice sang and played music she has composed on the guitar. She was joined for one number by her sister Stephanie. What great talent from our own community, and what fun the audience had as we listened. Daylynn Brandley has requested information on any one who would be interested in sharing talent at these events. Summer tennis lessons have been cancelled for this year. At the City Council Meeting held on June 17, 2010, Chad Allen, Vice-president of the Deputy Sheriff's Association, thanked the City Council for letting them use the building and the Blair Park for activities. June 17, 2010, was a very busy night for the City Council. A business license was approved for Aroy- D Thai Cuisine, 1167 West 12^ Street, #5, a restaurant which is moving into the building where Chaparro's Restaurant used to be. Three public hearings were held in conjunction with the City Council Meeting. The first concerned Resolution 2010-D on FY 2009-10 final budget for the Pioneer Special Service District, which has not changed significantly since last year. No public comment was offered. The hearing was closed, and after the resumption of the public meeting, Resolution 2010-D was passed unanimously. The second public hearing on Resolution 2010-E on adopting the FY 2009-10 amended city budget, was opened. No public comment was offered. The public meeting was opened and Resolution 2010-E was unanimously approved. The third public hearing on Resolution 2010-F on adopting FY 2010-11 final city budget was opened, and again no public comment was offered. At the ensuing public meeting, Councilman Kim Slater asked City Administrator to review each line item of the budget. He did so and responded to various questions from the council. Resolution 2010-F was passed unanimously. Approval of Ordinance 2010-03, amending regulations for Landscaping, Architecture, and Screening, was recommended by the Planning Commission. The ordinance is already in place, but some 139 |