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The Weber County Chapter of the Red Cross began in December 1915 when a small group of individuals gathered to begin organizing a chapter of the Red Cross. In 1962, the name was changed to the Bonneville chapter, and in 1969, the chapter merged with other chapters in Northern Utah to become the Northern Utah Chapter, with its headquarters located in Ogden, Utah. The scrapbooks range from 1940 to 2003 and highlight some of the important work of the Red Cross. The books include photographs, newspaper clippings, and other materials. |
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Show 1950 RED CROSS DRIVE Naval Supply Depot Does Part For Mercy By JACK A. GERTZ Public Information Officer CLEARFIEL D—"R. C." Stands for Re al Concern, Righteous Cause and Real, Co¬operation along with 100 per cent support of the 1950 Red Cross Drive at the Naval Sup¬ply Depot, Clearfield. When you think of Red Cross, you probably envision uni¬formed workers rushing over¬seas, administering aid in for¬eign lands or in some flood or fire-stricken area in the United States. ONLY PART The above description is only a small part of the over-all story of the value and help of the Red Cross which has a his¬tory of helpfulness and chron¬icles of mercy written on the hearts of millions of bene-ficiaries throughout the nation. Yet, all too frequently the re¬markable work and accomplish¬ments of the Red Cross are for¬gotten until major disaster strikes again. But, the Red Cross needs no further explanation endorse¬ment in presenting its vital pro¬gram to personnel of NSD. It is anticipated that as in the past, all NSD personnel as friends of humanity and sympathizers with suffering will aid in putting the 1950 Red Cross 'Drive over the top. SPARK OPENING Several civilian employes re¬cently sparked the opening of the current campaign—which I will get under way Thursday Feb. 16 and which ends March 31—by giving up the purchase of soft-drinks, popcorn and candy bars for a period of one week in the interest of increas¬ing their normal contributions to the "Mission of Mercy." One worker, Mrs. Mary R. Hansen, Ogden, offered special f praise for the Red Cross by ex- i pressing heartfelt appreciation of the aid rendered her son— former Army Signal Corps Cap¬tain Boyd Hansen—who with his wife, was captured by the Japanese at Manila during World War II and held as pris¬oner for three and one-half years. Mrs. Hansen credits the Red Cross for getting the first official information of the st of her kin who were first reported missing in action 'f^ said the Red Cross gave Lerf and daughter-in-law "increased hope and made it possible for them to get special needy pack¬ages from here." ONLY OF KIND The Red Cross is the only institution of its kind in the United States having congres¬sional ' endorsement. The six major American Red Cross mis¬sions include: Aiding in dis¬aster; serving the armed forces; serving veterans; promoting health and safety; serving youth and helping around the world. Following the "kick - off" meeting held at NSD Clear- field, canvassers were appointed by designated team captains who will personally contact fellow-workers within each ac¬tivity. Supplies and factual informa¬tion about the Red Cross are being furnished all team cap¬tains by Alice Shepherd, Ogden, Administrative Office. That in¬cludes pamphlets, posters and other vital printed literature that can answer any question related to the Red Cross "Mis¬sion of Mercy." 2 THE OGDEN (UTAH) STANDARD-EXAMINER WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 1, 1950 County Red Cross Leaders In charge of Red ross fund campaign activities throughout Weber county are William Price, vice chairman (left) and Ellis Cragun. The division will hold a kick-off meeting Thursday evening. Kickoff Set March 2 by Weber Group Some 280 workers in the Weber county division of the 1950 Amer¬ican Red Cross drive will hold their kickoff meeting Thursday at seven p. m. at the chapter home, 1961 Washington. In charge of the short meeting will be Ellis Cragun, chairman of the division, assisted by William Price, vice chairman. Cragun urged all workers to attend as supplies necessary for the drive will be dis-ributed. The 280 .workers will make a house-to-house and business-to- business canvass of the county outside of Ogden city. The county has .been divided into seven districts, with a chairman over each it was 'explained. In each district there are seven sub-districts in Which the workers will be grouped. Gene Robinson, general campaign chairman, said the drive will begin March 6 and end March 20. The goal is $44,865. |