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Show is the chapters' show. Chapters are aided by the national organization with workers' supplies, publicity aids and promotion—motion pictures, radio, television, posters, billboards, newspapers, and magazines, mobilized after months of careful and persistent efforts. The 1951 national campaign was launched officially on Tuesday, February 27, with an evening broadcast over radio and television networks. On this broadcast, originating at the Greater New York fund rally in Madison Square Garden, E. Roland Harriman, presi¬dent of the American Red Cross, introduced President Truman for his annual campaign message. Wednes¬day was Red Cross Day on the air, during which the campaign was mentioned on all programs. The responsibility for raising $85,000,000, this year's national goal, is the chapters'. Their volunteers must meet the public and answer their questions. How suc¬cessfully they do their jobs depends on how well trained they are. The results depend also on the chapters' ad¬vance planning, organization, and use of local publicity. Those who do the leg work—the patriotic men and women volunteers calling on their neighbors—bear the brunt of the campaign. From home to home, from of¬fice to office, and from factory to factory they trudge on. They take time off from their own bread-and- butter work, and often give up their evenings to find prospects not otherwise available. Often they trudge through mud, snow, fight squalls and flood waters. They've used sleds, skiis, jeeps, hay wagons, buggies, automobiles, boats, and even, occasionally, a helicopter. The prize for being the most ingenious and persist¬ent Red Cross fund solicitor last year should probably go to Mrs. Howard C. Wilson who lives with her hus¬band on a ranch near Salmon, Idaho. Mrs. Wilson was a volunteer in the Lemhi County Chapter. Her territory lay in a rugged, mountainous, and inaccessible part of the county. On her list were homes of Idaho miners and ranchers, some nestled in ravines, others snagged to mountain tops, and still others miles in from the "River of No Return" as the swift Salmon is called. The river has no bridges. To call on her people, Mrs. Wilson worked her way over 145 miles of narrow, snow-covered roads, hacked out of the Rocky Moun¬tains, in a pickup truck driven by her husband. When the roads gave out the only way she could reach some homes was by a tiny, homemade cage slung on a cable out over the swift-moving Salmon. With her husband piloting the cage, she made 12 dangerous crossings. "Mobilize for Defense," the 1951 campaign slogan, sums up why Red Cross volunteers are asking for more money this year than in 1950. The fund goal of $85,- 000,000 does not cover the actual operation requirements for the fiscal year. The total required is $94,800,000, but the amount asked of the public was reduced to $85,- 000,000 by using $9,800,000 of reserve funds. Four basic factors demand expansion of the regular Red Cross program, necessitating the higher goal: Increased Red Cross services to the growing armed forces. The procurement of blood to meet demands of the armed forces and civil defense requirements. At the request of the National Security Resources Board, the organization has agreed to train 20 mil¬lion persons in first aid, to instruct 100,000 women and girls to serve as nurse's aides, to teach many more thousands home nursing skills, and recruit more than a half million additional volunteers to aid local defense units and serve in expanding military installations. Increased costs of materials and services as com¬pared with a year ago. The Red Cross faces the American people with an extraordinary record of accomplishments in the field of human welfare. This inspires confidence. So does the leadership of Brig. Gen. David Sarnoff. Brig. Gen. David Sarnoff is the national chairman of the 1951 campaign. A pioneer in international com-munications, radio, and television, he is Chairman of the Board of the Radio Corporation of America. Dur¬ing World War II he was special consultant on com¬munications at General of the Army Dwight D. Eisen¬hower's headquarters in Europe. For his war service he was awarded the Army's Legion of Merit and the Presi¬dent's Medal for Merit. As always the American people will be giving through the Red Cross. This organization serves as a channel through which compassion may be expressed—around the corner, around the nation, around the world. 30 Crocuses have shot up from the thawing earth . . . buds are sprouting on the trees . . . the first robin is twittering on the still-naked branches . . . house pets are getting restless . . . boats are being caulked in back yards, and on the porches hip boots lean against the wall—another fishing season is here. Across the nation fishermen and fisherwomen are thumbing catalogs, testing leaders, tying flies, and overhauling tackle, clothing, and other gear for the day the swarm to America's lakes, ponds, rivers, creeks, and trickles will start. Were Izaak Walton alive today he would be the first to admit his immortal treatise, The Compleat Angler, isn't as complete as it might be. Had he foreseen the rush of millions of his What’s Hookin’? followers to the open waters, he undoubtedly would have added a chapter on safety, thereby helping to prevent many an accident. Everybody knows you ought to dress for the occasion. That doesn't mean soup 'n fish and topper, but the kind of clothing that would provide protection against insects, sun, wind, and rain. Since accidents do occur, take along one of those pocket-size first-aid kits sold in any drugstore, and if you might get caught after dark, then include matches, a flashlight, and jack-knife. Bear in mind that in the spring your skin is still unused to the sun. Don't sit in the sun all day without a hat, especially if you're bald. Take along bland ointment for sunburn. A flask of |