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The Weber County Chapter of the Red Cross began in December 1915 when a small group of individuals gathered to begin organizing a chapter of the Red Cross. In 1962, the name was changed to the Bonneville chapter, and in 1969, the chapter merged with other chapters in Northern Utah to become the Northern Utah Chapter, with its headquarters located in Ogden, Utah. The scrapbooks range from 1940 to 2003 and highlight some of the important work of the Red Cross. The books include photographs, newspaper clippings, and other materials. |
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Show OGDEN CITY, UTAH, FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST 3, 1951 Priceless 'Bank' Deposit Ogden Responds to Call For Blood Donors; 90 Give Ninety pints of life-giving blood from a like number of donors was taken yesterday afternoon in the special Charles O. Sweetwood memorial military blood procure¬ment railroad car. At least 57 more donors are scheduled to give their blood this afternoon as Ogden residents ap-parently rallied to compensate for earlier apathy. Weber county chapter, American Red Cross officials expressed hope over the decided increase in donors since Thursday. They hoped the community could meet the goal of the national organization to pro¬cure at least 200 pints of blood in this area. Others Respond Besides the Ogden junior cham¬ber of commerce, several other local civil and industrial organiza¬tions responded to an appeal to recruit donors. Among these were I the Ogden Lion's club, U. S. forest service and the Swift Parking! corporation. Welch Boyer, national blood pro¬curement representative and Mrs. Harmon Barton, local blood pro-curement chairman both expressed confidence that the quota would be met. The special memorial car is sponsored by the American Red Cross and the Western Pacific rail¬road company. It has stopped at communities in Nevada and Cali¬fornia to obtain blood for use ex¬clusively by military personnal. It has also visited military bases in Utah prior to its stop in Ogden. The car is especially equipped to complete the entire blood donating process with a minimum of delay. A full staff of doctors, nurses and volunteer Red Cross workers as¬sist. Early apathy in the drive for blood donations appears to have been shaken off. Ninety gave the precious life fluid yesterday, more were lined up for today. Routine for donors is simple. Pressure is tested first as in the above picture where Elwood Mumford submits to a check at the hands of Emily Ryan. Siphon¬ing off the blood is comparatively painless. At the lower left Francis Brian makes a contribution with the help of Mardelle Miller, Storing bottled supplies against future needs, lower right is Ann Profaizer. Later Date Set For Final Class In Home Nursing Weber county chapter American Red Cross officials announced yesterday the final slimmer course in home care of the, sick has been postponed and will start Tuesday, Aug. 21. It was announced Friday the two-week course would open Aug. 14. However, lack of advance pub¬licity had failed to obtain the re¬sponse desired, said Mrs, E. J. P. Rowse, chairman of the home nurs¬ing committee. The classes will be conducted on Tuesday and Thursday of each week from nine-thirty, to eleven- thirty a. m. at the chapter home, 1961 Washington. Instructor will be Mrs. Lola Nor- ris, registered nurse. She will give instruction in the various aspects of caring for an ill person in the home. The course is designed to provide maximum comfort for the patient. It also includes recogni¬tion of various types of illnesses and how to follow the doctor's or¬ders. Those wishing to take the course are invited to register by calling the chapter home, 4601. The class¬es are free of charge. ‘It Was Close That’s what the doctor said after giving a blood transfusion to this seriously wounded soldier in Korea. Sped by air from this country to the Korean battlefront is as little as seven days, blood provided through the American Red Cross becomes literally the liquid lifesaver. Order No. 21 |