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Show Typing of Blood Planned Tuesday Blood typing for residents liv- J ing in the L, D, S. Thirty-third ward district will be held tomor- from six-thirty to nine p. m. hi the Polk school. Dr. R. L. Draper will be in charge. 1 his area includes east side of I Taylor to the mountains, south side of Twenty-fourth and north side of Thirty-fourth. Sponsored by the Relief society of the ward, this is under the direction of the Amer¬ican Red Cross and Weber County Medical society. Anyone over one year of age may be typed. Tattooing of blood type on the person is optional, There will be a charge of 50 cents per person. Dr. H. L. Isaksen New Chairman of Red Cross Group Dr. Henry L. Isaksen, of 1548 Ga¬boon has been appointed chairman of the Weber county chapter, Am-erican Red Cross home service com-mittee. Ted G. Schmidt, chapter chair¬man, said Dr. Isaksen will replace George Bowman who has resigned to accept a post on the chapter board of directors. It was also announced that three additional members will be ap¬pointed to the home service com-mittee in the near future. Present members are Mrs. Elizabeth Tuel- ier, Loren Kendeil, Mrs. Joseph Peterson and Lyman M. Hess. Consultant. Visits Visiting local chapter official and home service personnel yester¬day was Mrs. Mrytle C. Lytle, home service consultant from the Pacific area office, San Francisco, Calif. Mrs. Lytle was here to give as¬sistance in the conduct of the Red Cross home service program, par-ticularly in regards to administra¬tive and organization policies. A special meeting of the home service committee was called at which she discussed home service responsibilities. A stricken family awaits assistance in a Red Cross shelter in a flood disaster. Isabel Mayfield, staff registered nurse (left), and Bernice Rowse, nurse's aide, supervise blood-giving by Mora Cottle. 4-Week Home Nursin Class Readied at Ogden OGDEN—A home nursing class, including a lesson in civil defense, will begin April 8 at 7:30 p.m. at the County Red Cross Home. 1961 Washington Blvd., for a period of four weeks, Louise Mitchell, Weber County home nursing chairman, said Tuesday. Mrs. Ralph Rodgerson and Mrs. O. C. Hammond will be the instructors. Monthly classes in care of the baby will not be held in April, due to the nurs¬ing class, Mrs. Mitchell said. However, the class will be re-sumed in May. Enrollment in the nursing course is limited and there is al¬ways a waiting list. It would be wise to enroll now for preferred time, as the classes are restrict¬ed to 12, Mrs. Mitchell said. It also was pointed out that the classes in baby care are open to fathers. Grandmothers who need to brush up on the new "tricks of the trade" are also invited to attend, she said. Only expense is the purchas¬ing of a textbook. Class Is Planned In Home Nursing Plans are being made for another Red Cross home nursing course to be opened around April 1, it was announced yesterday by Mrs. Louise F. Mitchell, committee chairman. Attending a special meeting at the Weber county chapter home to formulate plans were Mrs. Mitchell, Mrs. Jack O'Neill, secre¬tary; Margaret Corless, enroll¬ment; Mrs. Anthony Russell, equip¬ment, and Mrs. Milton H. White, publicity. Information regarding classes may be obtained by calling Corless, telephone 2-8256 classes will be conducted March due to the annual Red fund drive. THE OGDEN (UTAH) STANDARD-EXAMINER MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 25, 1952 Charting Victory John Seaman and Wallace M. White, chairman and co-chairman of the 1952 Red Cross drive in Weber county, check over the divisional report hoard prior to the opening of the drive March 1. They hope each column will be at the top March 31, when the drive ends. Some 500 volunteer workers will- take to the field March 1 to gather in funds with which to operate the American Red Cross, one of the world's greatest humanitarian or¬ganizations. Heading the drive in Weber county will be John Seaman as irman and Wallace M. White as vice chairman. Both are of Ogden. Workers this year will be charged with collecting $51,799 as the coun¬ty quota for 1952. The drive will continue throughout March. Assisting will be five vice chair¬men who will head the various divisions of the drive. They are, William Hatch, Ford Creer, John Hinckley, Douglas Stringfellow and Dee Hartman. Drive headquarters will be lo¬cated at the Weber county chap¬ter home, 1961 Washington. Drive material is now being prepared for distribution to workers. "Responsibilities of the American Red Cross have growi with the advent of the Korean war," said Chairman Seaman. "Through the Red Cross we can all help our fighting men." Programs carried out by the Red Cross in relation to the war in-clude assistance to service men and !their families, nursing and the all- important military blood procure¬ment program soon to be expanded in the intermountain area. In addition, the Red Cross still steps in when disaster strikes while efforts toward civil defense and home nursing continue, he pointed out. 10A THE OGDEN (UTAH) STANDARD-EXAMINER WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 19, 1952 Red Cross Drive Hits 65%; Leaders Express Confidence Final tabulations in the 1952 We-ber county American Red Cross drive reached $33,636 today as drive officials laid plans for going over the top by March 27. The figure reported today was 65 per cent of the county's goal of $51,799. Drive officials were confident that success would crown the efforts of the hundreds of vol- unteer workers. In view of the continuing drive, officials voted to hold another "fi¬nal" report luncheon on Thursday, March 27. The luncheon yesterday was originally scheduled as the last. "Several of the 10 divisions of the drive indicated Tuesday that much more contribution was ex¬pected from their various sources," said John Seaman, drive chairman. "In order to bring all these con¬tributions in and tabulate a final report, we feel one more report luncheon is needed. I urge all workers to expend extra effort to¬ward reaching our goal on March 27," he added. Present standing of the various divisions are as follows. The goal figure is first, the amount on hand second, and percentage third. In¬dustrial, $7450-$4151, 56 per cent; commercial, $8550-$5585, 65 per cent; transportation, $4320-$3323, 77 per cent; public service, $6375- $5237, 82 per cent; residential, $3284-$1056, 32 per cent; profes¬sional and business, $3500-$1964, 56 per cent. Contractors, $600-$454, 75 per; cent; public employes, $40S9-$2943, 74 per cent; Weber county, $2000- $582, 29 per cent; men's and wom¬en's clubs, $200-$197, 97 per cent; military collected a total of $16,288 of which $8144 goes to the Weber county drive. There is no total or no percentage reported. As with the other three lunch¬eons, the final luncheon will be held in the chapter home, 1961 Washington. Division heads were asked to turn reports in as soon as possible. |