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Show Just a ‘Squad’ in Red Cross Army 26 Feb 51 This is just a "handful" of the hundreds of volunteer women workers engaged in the annual Weber county Red Cross fund drive. Multiply this scene by five and you have a fair idea of the number These women are a portion of the 250 in the woman's division of the drive who gathered yesterday for their kick-off meeting. Women Volunteers to Visit Every Residence in County Red Cross Fund« Reach $15,448 Weber County Red Cross workers have gathered $15,448.28 of the 1951 quota of $53,934, it was learned to¬day from drive workers at the first report luncheon at Hotel Ben Lo¬mond. E. LaMar Buckner, drive chair¬man, made the report. The amount already in is 28,7 percent of the total. Bucknef said progress to date is "satisfactory." The second report luncheon is scheduled for next Friday noon at the Weber County Red Cross chap¬ter home, 1961 Washington. ' Your home will probably be vis-, ited this week by one of the 250 volunteer workers in the women's division of the Weber county Red Cross fund drive. Headed by Mrs. Lenna Hone, chairman, workers will begin can¬vassing residential areas tomorrow. The canvass will continue Thurs¬day and Friday until every home in the county is visited. Approximately 75 captains and their assistants held a kick-off meeting yesterday afternoon at the chapter home, 1961 Washington. Also present were Chairman Hone's four zone vice chairmen, Mrs. John E. Nicholas, zone A; Mrs. Leo Biele, zone B; Mrs. Norine Anderson, zone C, and Mrs. A. B. Foulger, zone D. Drive Chairman E. LaMar Buck¬ner made a special appeal to house¬wives in connection with the house-to-house canvass. "Housewives are especially urged to contribute to this year's drive," he explained. "We want them to become members of record in the American Red Cross organization by contributing at least one dollar. There is no other organization more worthy to be a member of than the Red Cross," he observed. Workers in the various divisions of the drive are charged with col¬lecting a total quota of $53,934. The official drive got underway yesterday. Report Luncheon Planned Friday On Mercy Drive First report luncheon of the 1951 Weber county American Red Cross drive will be held Friday at noon in the Hotel Ben Lomond ballroom. E. LaMar Buckner, chairman of this year's fund campaign, said it is expected several divisions of the drive will report their quotas filled at that time. The drive got underway Monday with approximately 400 volunteer workers taking to the field. The goal for this year's drive is $53,934. Friday's luncheon will be spon¬sored by the Utah Power and Light Co., Mountain States Fuel Supply Co. and the Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company. Olin H. Ririe, chapter chairman and Chairman Buckner will pre¬side at the meeting. All division chairmen and their captains are urged to attend and report their progress. Red Cross Drive Reaches $29,258 Contributions to the 1951 Weber county American Red Cross drive reached $29,258 today as workers in the various divisions submitted reports at the second report lunch¬eon at the chapter home, 1961 Washington. E. LaMar Buckner, drive chair¬man said two of the 12 divisions of the drive had exceeded their as¬signed quota today. The drive goal is $53,934. Collections reached $15,- 710 at the first report luncheon last week. Today's figure was 54 per cent of the total goal. Divisions that went over the top today were military and residen¬tial. Saturday Evening, March 10, 1951 First Report Gratifies Drive Leaders Officials of the 1951 Weber coun¬ty American Red Cross drive today expressed satisfaction over reports received yesterday at the first re¬port luncheon and urged continued enthusiasm. Division chairmen reported their workers to date have collected $15,- 448 or 28 per cent of the total goal of $53,934. This was comparable to the figures reported at previous first report luncheons, said E. La¬Mar Buckner, drive chairman. The second report luncheon will be held Friday, March 16. at noon at the chapter home, 1961 Washing-ton. It is hoped reports will pass the half way® mark at that time. Indicates Good Work "The spirit and enthusiasm ex¬hibited at the luncheon yesterday was indicative of the good work members of the campaign are do¬ing," Chairman Buckner said. "If this fine spirit of unselfishness and earnestness is maintained through¬out the remainder of the drive, it must certainly be a complete suc-cess," he added. Reports of collections made by the various divisions of the drive with their percentage listed sec¬ond are as follows: Professional and business, $925, 20 per cent; contractors, $90, nine per cent; public employees, $1727, 41 per cent; men's clubs, $73, 29 per cent; women's clubs, $47, 13 per cent; industrial, $661, eight per cent; commercial, $1382, 15 per cent; transportation, $747, 20 per cent; public service, $1079, 14 per cent; residential, $1504, 50 per cent; military, $7083, 84 per cent, and Weber county, $312, 17 per cent. |