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Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, Wednesday, February 7, 1951 Utah Depot Employes Give Blood for Fighting Men OGDEN (Special)—With almost assembly line precision, doctors, technisians and nurses with the Red Crctes mobile blood center unit from Boise, Ida., Tuesday began a three-day blood donation pro¬gram at Utah general depot to build a blood bank for the armed services in the Pacific. Headed by Dr. P. F. Sestero, technical- director for the Boise regional blood center, the unit be¬gan work at 9 a.m. Tuesday, with volunteers flowing through the program at the rate of 30 persons an hour and 250 daily until the program ends Thursday evening. With Dr. Sestero were Dr. Max Chapman, Red Cross area director from San Francisco, and Robina Walters, chief area nurse for the Red Cross from San Francisco. There were seven nurses with the unit and two volunteers from local nursing groups. Observing the program was Cmdr. Mary Thornton Sproud, on leave from the navy and recently returned from the Korean front. Cmdr. Sproul, on loan to the Red Cross, will try to standardize the blood bank procedure throughout the nation. Through arrangements made by Col. Frank C. Holbrook, command¬ing officer of Utah general depot, each person in every section of the depot called for contribution of blood is given time for the proc¬ess, but each one goes back to work after a short rest period. Each person, carefully screened before being accepted as a donor, is given a drink of fruit juice be¬fore the blood contribution to help replenish the liquid taken from the body, and immediately after is taken to the canteen set up by the Red Cross and gray ladies for fur¬ther liquid refreshments and cookies for replacement of energy and fluid in the body. First to Donate Life Fluid at, Ogden Base Among first to offer blood in three-day pro¬gram at Ogden's Utah general depot Tuesday was Miss Meredith Quick, depot employe. Partici¬pating in the operation are, left to right, Mrs. Vivian Code, Red Cross nurse; Cmdr.' Mary Thornton Sproul, on leave from navy to work with Red Cross blood program, and Mrs. Clyde T. Greenwell, Weber county chapter Red Cross head. THE OGDEN (UTAH) STANDARD-EXAMINER 5 MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 12, 1951 Athletic Group Will Give Red Cross Generous Boost A very generous boost will be given the 1951 Weber county Amer¬ican Red Cross drive by the Ogden Protestant Athletic association, it was announced today by E. LaMar Buckner, drive chairman. The entire receipts of basketball games scheduled for tonight, to¬morrow and Wednesday in the fi¬nal tournament playoffs, will be turned over to the drive. The assoc¬iation will not even keep out re¬ceipts to meet expenses, Buckner said. Persons having season tickets for the games will also be asked to make a contribution at the door. C. J. Santoro, president of the -association, said that players and young people of the association had requested that funds from the games go to the Red Cross drive. Chairman Buckner will appear at Wednesday's final game to re¬ceive the receipts. The games will be played at the Mound Fort junior of high school, Twelfth and Washing- ton. Meanwhile, drive workers were reminded of the second report luncheon to be held Friday noon at the chapter home, 1961 Wash¬ington. The first report luncheon netted the drive $15,448 or 28 per cent of the quota of $53,934. |