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Show Charting Victory The Red Cross was $9000 better off today thanks to roundup time at Hill air force base "ranch," where the brands were slapped on all Hill "dogies." Mote is coming too. Accepting the big donation are Wallace White, center, and John Seaman, right, co-chairmen of the Weber chapter, American Red Cross. "Ranch hands" are Pfc. Arnie Sobolof and Mary K. Benik, Roy. Red Cross Hits 31% of Goal-Bases Provide Big Assist, Sparked by the military division, workers of the current Red Cross drive in Weber county reported a total collection to date of $16,189 or 31 per cent of their $51,799 goal. The military division included •Jill air force base, Utah general iepot and Clearfield naval supply iepot. Representatives of Hill AFB reported a collection of $9000 of ■vhich $4500 goes to the Weber ounty drive. The remains is al-ocated to Davis county, it was ex-ilained . ¥ The final report luncheon/Of the I drive will be held Tuesday, March : 18 at the Weber county chapter home, 1961 Washington. Drive Co-Chairmen John Seaman and Wallace M. White, urged still greater efforts on the part of volunteer drive workers to boost the fund over the top. Workers from Hill air force base highlighted the show when they presented their collection in a true "western" style. A cowboy, who apparently shot it out with others in a back room, rushed to Chairman Seaman with two heavy money pouches. Money poured out over the table when they were opened. KB THP OGDEN (UTAH) STANDARD-EXAMINER 5 THURSDAY EVENING. MARCH 13. 19o2 All Set-Including Table Getting the tea table ready are iiirs> iuuhw .. _ Grossenbach, of the American Red Cross Weber county division. Volunteers of the division are invited to a tomorrow at the chapter house. Red Cross Women's Unit Holding Tea Tomorrow One of the hardest working and^. most successful divisions of the! Weber county American Red Cross drive is the women's division, headed by Mrs. Milton H. White and Mrs. Paul Grossenbach. In appreciation for their current efforts, 200 volunteer workers of the division are invited'to a special tea tomorrow at 2:30 p. m. at the chapter home, 1961 Washington Blvd. All volunteers in Weber county districts are also urged to attend. Guest at the tea will be Mrs. E. J. Allison, wife of Ogden's new city manager. She will also assist at the tea table. Chairmen Mrs. White and Mrs. Grossenbach are sponsoring the tea themselves. They hope the get-to-gether will stimulate drive collecting prior to the final report luncheon Tuesday. Assisting Mrs. Allison at the tea table will be the captains of the various collection districts. Under the women's division, the city of: Ogden is divided into districts with a captain over each. Volunteer workers make a house-to-house canvass of each district gathering contributions to the Red Cross, it was explained. This year's goal for Weber coun- ,ty is $51,799. Of this, some $16,001 was reported collected as of the second report luncheon last Tues day. This is 31 per cent of the total figure. Drive Co-chairmen John Seaman and Wallace M. White hope collections will go over the top at the final report meeting next Tuesday. * ^ndamkexaminw \ , ijpjgMM—M John Seaman and Wallace M. White, chairman and co-chairman of the 1952 Red Cross drive in Weber county, check over the divisional report board prior to the opening of the drive March 1. They hope each column will be at the top M*rch 31, when the drive ends. 500 Red Cross Volunteers Take the \eld March 1st f— — Some 500 volunf take to the field man and Wallace M. White as in funds with which to 0l J* m°I V1 hair'«an. Both are of Ogden American nort "A at.e the. • , cers this year will be charged ... wun wnicn to o. ~at» American Red Cross, one of th^ world's greaf»*t h,,.ot tlle • ganizations. Heading HJe, uuve in Wch»>-county wilKb, John Seaman 's '"•m rtea <~ross, ono „r humanitarian „„vw„„6 wi,i99 as tne coun- „------------"«rian or- f, q, ata for 1952. The drive will uiizations. /[ , . . c'onti ue throughout March. Heading tfie drive m Weber | m be five vice chair. .unty will-bff John Seaman as , men NVnoe will head the various divisions of the drive. They are, William Hatch, Ford Creer, John Hinckley, Douglas Stringfellow and I Dee Hartman. trive headquarters will be lo-, • cat«d at the Weber county chap- ! \er "some, 1961 Washington. Drive i ii;a-terial is now being prepared for ! disr button to workers. Rsponsibilities of the American Red . Cross have grown with the advent of the Korean war." said 1 Chairman Seaman. "Through the Red Cross we can all help our fighting men." i Programs carried out by the Red Cross in relation to the war include assistance to service men and their 'amilies. nursing and the all-impor.ant military blood procure-] rhent program soon to be expanded in the in<;ermountain area. In addition, the Red Cross still steps in when disaster strikes while efforts toward civil defense and home nursing, continue, he pointed out. |