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Show Mercy Funds Their Goal Directing activities of the transportation division of the 1950 American Red Cross drive in Weber county are John F. Baker (left) and A. E. Inselberger. Pair Named Transport Unit Chiefs Red Cross solicitation of the transportation industry in Weber county this year will be directed by John F. Baker and Alfred E. Inselberger, division co-chairmen. Workers are being organized for an intensified effort which wills tart March 6 under direction of the following sub-charimen: C. S. Eccles, electric lines and busses; Clair Butters, trucks; Wallace O. Walker, D. & R. G. W. railroad; Owen A. Durrant, Union Pacific railroad; Howard Wilson, dining car and hotel; J. J. Hardy, Ogden Union Railway & Depot Co., and Howard E. Watts, Southern Pacific. Heading the overall drive this year will be Gene Robinson. He has urged all county residents to support the drive in 1950 as they have in previous years. 3-6-50 Red Cross Fund Stands at $9170 With many divisions still to re¬port, the 1950 Weber county Am¬erican Red Cross fund drive al¬ready has netted $9,170, according to figures tabulated today at the first report luncheon in the Hotel Ben Lomond. General Chairman Gene Robin¬son said first organization to go over the top on its assigned quota was the Utah general depot, whose division representatives were Col. Charles Blumenfield and D. A. Wolff. Total to be collected during the drive, which officially opened to¬day is $44,865, The drive will last until March 20. 3-9-50 Red Cross Review Fund Growth Friday Division chairmen and team cap¬tains in the 1950 Weber county American Red Cross drive were reminded today of the second re¬port luncheon, Friday noon in the Hotel Ben Lomond ballroom. All leaders are urged to attend the luncheon and bring reports as to the progress of their divisions, said Gene Robinson, general chair¬man. "At the first luncheon Monday, several of the divisions failed to report," Robinson said. "We espe¬cially urge leaders of these divi¬sions to be on hand Friday." Monday's report meeting saw $9,278 collected or 21 per cent of the total goal of $44,865. Paying the cost of Friday's lunch¬eon will be the Commercial Se¬curity bank, Ogden Ford Sales and the Federal Building and Loan as¬sociation. Laurence S. Burton will be the featured speaker. The Rev. J. Burton Salter will offer the in¬vocation. To attract public attention, a railroad whistle will be blown dur¬ing the luncheon to mark growth of the fund. One "toot" will be sound¬ed for each $1,000 rung up in the campaign. Scout ‘Good Turn’ Aids Mercy Effort 3-5-50 Among Boy Scouts of troops 75 and 56, who distributed Red Cross drive posters to business houses Saturday, were Darrell Butterfield (left) and Richard Sawyer. With them is Gene Robinson, general chairman. Report Monday Will Indicate First indications of how the 1950 Weber county Red Cross fund campaign is progressing will be known Monday at noon when the initial report luncheon is held in the ballroom of Hotel Ben Lomond. Division chairmen, accompanied by their vice-chairmen, will report on collections to Gene Robinson, general drive chairman. Dr. H. A. Dixon, Weber college president, will speak. Robinson pointed out that this year, as last, the drive is being conducted exclusively by non-paid volunteers. Probably the youngest of such workers doing their part to again put the drive over the top are Boy Scouts from Troops 75 and 56 who Saturday distributed posters to Ogden business houses, according to Rev. D. Atwood Bird, public information chairman. The posters, distributed under general direction of Scoutmasters Ray Manley and Howard Watts, show the Red Cross official flag held aloft, which the “All May Give” theme lettered. |