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Show 9 Tachi To Enter District Talent Finals TACHIKAWA AB (OIS)—Nine amateur entertainers rom Tachikawa AB units took top honors in their respec- ive categories Mar. 24 to qualify for competition in the listrict level of the FEAF talent contest. Winning contestants and their categories were: novelty or speci¬alty A/3C Alwyn S. Taggert; dancing, A/1C Kobert E. Hamilton and A/3C Raymond Roy; comedian, A/1C Virgil Davis; master of cere- i tonics, A/1C Robert E. Hamilton; instrumental solo (sax), M/S.gt. lack James; vocal group "The Quintones," consist.ng of b/Sgt. I Imer Butler, A/2C Robert H. Allen, A/2C Lame Lewis, A/2C indaly H. Smith and A/1C Lemuel C. Cummings; male vocalist, iC Roland Greene; country and western solo, T/Sgt. Harold ate- western group, A/1C Virgil Davis and A/2C John Bryant. The district level contest is slated for Apr. 3 in the Showa Air ion theater. Gray Ladies aduate Camp Drew P WHITTINGTON, Japan hirteen Gray Ladies and rf aids were officially and took their pledge of as volunteer workers of rican Red Cross at gradu- emonies held this week at rew. bl. D. N. Hall, deputy commander, was the eaker and Lt. Col. Mor- man, commander of the tiy Hospital, Camp Drew congratulatory address remonies. . emonies were conducted fcOs. Ursula Alexander Jr., 9 p.n of the Regional volun CLARISSA MOORE and Dorothy Johnson, assistant ,'ross director, presented pins certificates to the staff aid? Elsie Suttles, chairman of —Maj. Agnes rdner, chief nurse at USAH; id Miss Johnson capped and mned the Gray Ladies. Toastmasters At TIA Name New President TOKYO (OIS)—Lt. Stanley I Toyama was installed Tuesday as president of the Tokyo Interna¬tional Airport Toastmasters' Club. Lt. Toyama replaced Chaplain (Maj.) Winans F. Beadle, former president. Also taking olllce were: Maj. Lawrence YV. Archibald, first vice-pres- ident; Charles Bennett, second vice president; Lt. A. J. Al- schuler, secret¬ary; Capt. Har- Lt. Toyama «>«» W. Wallace, treasurer, and Lt. Stanley Ambo, sergeant-at-arms. Local chapter 1674, one of the first international chapters in Japan, provides members with public speaking opportunities and training. M/SGT. ALFRED C. GRAHAM CREATES CAKE Represents 6022nd USAF Hospital in JAB Baking Contest $390 Coming, So They're Baking Cakes At JAB JOHNSON AB, Japan (OIS) — With $390 prize money in the off¬ing, local baking enthusiasts are busy concocting all kinds of de¬licacies to tempt the judges' palates in the gigantic baking contest now under way here. The contest is open to all military personnel, their de¬pendents and civilian em¬ployees. Its purpose, is. to find recipes for bakery products and improve on the present ones. Judging will be in two main categories, professional and amateur. Entries may be made in three classes in each category: (1) pies, (2) cakes and (3) miscellaneous baked items, such as breads, cookies, pastries with filling and pastries without filling. The contest will be judged by Japanese bakers from the Imper¬ial Hotel and other restaurants. Announcements TOKYO The Army Warrant Officers Associa¬tion. Tokyo Chapter 1, will meet at 7:30 p.m. Apr. 1 at the Tokyo Officers Open Mess at Pershing Heights. Mem¬bers and all other Army warrant of¬ficers in the Tokyo area are invited. The agenda includes selection of com¬mittees and determination of aims and goals. Tokyo Jewish Community Center: "Passover Preparations" will be the topic for a talk by Leon Laitman at the Sabbath services Friday at 7:15 p.m. at the Jewish Community Cen¬ter. Oil eg Shabbat follows. Bus leaves Camp Drake, Hq. Btry., DivArty, at 6 p.m.. Washington Heights BOQ 726 at 6:20 and Hardy Barracks PX bus stop at 7 p.m. Buses return after serv¬ices. The center is located at 102 Hanezawa-cho. Shibuya-ku near Nis- seki Byoin. Saturday morning Sab¬bath Services are at 9:30. The Sunday brunch program will be from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. Wednesday Religious School at Washington Heights Chapel, 4-6 p.m. Reservations for the Passover Seder Apr. 15 at 7:30 p.m. at the Tokyo Bunka Kaikan may be made by calling 266-2862 or 56-2086. The Grant Heights Christian Wom¬en's Assn. will hold its next covered dish luncheon Monday at 12:30 p.m. in the chapel wing. The speaker will be Mrs. Irene Webster-Smith, of the Ochanomizu Student Center. No res¬ervations are necessary and all Prot¬estant ladies are welcome. YOKOHAMA The Yokohama Armed Forces Wom¬en's Club announces a beginners class in golf to be held Thursdays at 1:30 p.m beginning Mar. 28 through May 2 for a total of six lessons. Mrs. Edith Leiby will conduct the classes at Ne- gishi Heights Golf Course. For regis¬tration. call Mrs. Childs. 2-657? or Mrs. Culpepper, 2-5162. TACHIKAWA The Far East Audio Assn. will hold its monthly meeting in the Commu¬nity Center Auditorium Friday at 7:30 p m. The program will include a dem¬onstration of two midget speaker en¬closures. All members and friends are invited. YOKOSUKA Yokosuka Chapter 1, Order of the Eastern Star, will hold its regular business meeting at the Fraternal Cen¬ter Thursday at 7:30 p.m. Initiation will be held. All members of the or¬der are invited to attend. A social hour will follow the meeting. For fur¬ther information call Mrs. -Ula Mae Davenport, 2-1146 or Mrs. O' Bryant, 7-854. TAKE TIME… TO BE SAFE Movie Schedule All schedules subject to change without notice. To find what is playing at your theater, match the numbers in the schedule with the numbers appearing before the film titles. Where no number appears there is no show, |