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Show Just a 'Squad' in Red Cross Army This is just a "handful" of the hundreds of volunteer women workers engaged in the annual Weber county Red Cross fund drive. Multiply this scene by five and you have a fair idea of the number. These women are a portion of the 250 in the woman's division of the drive who gathered yesterday for their kick-off meeting. Women Volunteers to Visit Every Residence in County Your home will probably be vis¬ited this week by one of the 250 volunteer workers in the women's division of the Weber county Red Cross fund drive. Headed by Mrs. Lenna Hone, chairman, workers will begin can¬vassing residential areas tomorrow. The canvass will continue Thurs¬day and Friday until every home in the county is visited. Approximately 75 captains and their assistants held T a kick-off meeting yesterday afternoon at the chapter home, 1961 Washington, Also present were Chairman Hone's four zone vice chairmen, Mrs. John E. Nicholas, zone A; Mrs. Leo Biele, zone B; Mrs, Norine Anderson, zone C, and Mrs. A. B. Foulger, zone D. Drive Chairman E. LaMar Buck¬ner made a special appeal to house¬wives in connection witn the house-to-house canvass. "Housewives are especially urged to contribute to this year's drive," he explained.,.. "We want them to become members of record in the American Red Cross organization by contributing at least one dollar. There is no other organization more worthy to be a member of than the Red Cross," he observed. Workers in the various divisions of the drive are charged with col¬lecting a total quota of $53,934. The official drive got underway yesterday. 4/1/51 Success Near In Red Cross Fund Drive Contributions to the 1951 Weber county American Red Cross fund campaign swelled to $51,847 last night or 97 percent of the goal of $53,934. Drive leaders expressed confi¬dence that when last-minute tabu¬lations are made the drive will go Over the top. They said there still remained some division re¬ports not received. E. LaMar Buckner, drive chair¬man said he hoped chapter of¬ficials could turn on the neon Red Cross symbol atop the chapter home by Monday to* signify the drive was a success. The light was turned off at the opening of the drive by Olin H. Ririe, chapter chairman'not to be turned on again until the goal was reached. Chairman Buckner again ap¬pealed to all persons not contacted to contribute to the drive to call the chapter home, 1961 Washington or to mail in their donation. Red Cross Drive Ends Friday; Workers Exhorted The final report meeting of the 1951 Weber County American Red Cross fund drive will be held Fri¬day at five p. m. at the chapter home, 1961 Washington, it was an¬nounced today. E. LaMar Buckner, drive chair¬man urged all division workers to make last-minute contacts in an effort to obtain maximum sub¬scriptions. He also asked that di¬vision heads turn in their en¬velopes before that time in order that a complete tabulation can be made. To date, volunteer drive work¬ers have collected a total of $47,174 or 87 percent of the total county goal of $53,934. It is hoped this figure will be surpassed Friday. "Weber county has never failed to meet their Red Cross quota," Chairman Buckner declared. "We ! do not want the drive to fail this year, especially in view of the in¬creasing needs for Red Cross ser¬vices in the armed forces and the civil defense programs." 3/14/51 Someone’s Getting Stuck Mrs. Mary Carruth (center) volunteer nurse, pricks fingers to get blood samples from two Warren youngsters at walking blood bank clinic staged by Weber County Medical society in cooperation with American Red Cross. In above photo, taken at Warren L. D. S. ward chapel, technician classifies samples at right while others wait their turn to be typed and marked. Walking Blood Bank Ranks Swelled by 206 'Recruits' WARREN — Ranks of Weber county's "walking blood bank" were swelled by 206 new "recruits" last night as citizens of every age from Warren and West Warren flocked into a temporary clinic in the War-ren L. D. S. ward. The typing, recording and under¬arm stenciling was accomplished smoothly by a team of doctors, nurses and technicians under di¬rection of Dr. R. L. Draper, medi¬cal director of the disaster com¬mittee of Weber County Medical society and Dr. J. G. Olson, co¬ordinator of medical facilities, Utah state civil defense council. | The Red Cross also has been cooperating in the effort which has resulted in blood typing of 1200 Weber county citizens. A record of their blood will henceforth be carried with them wherever they go to immediately supply that vital information in case of emergency. The unprecedented local project is being watched closely by other parts of the country as a possible model for similar civil defense ef¬forts elsewhere? In addition to Dr. Draper and Dr. Olson, members, of the blood com¬mittee assisting in operation of the clinic are Dr. Frank Bartlett, Dr. E. D. Zeman, Dr. Ralph Ellis, Dr. Grant Pemns, Dr. Erin Ross and others. Serving as volunteer nurses at the Warren-West Warren clinic and similiar typing programs through¬out the county are Mrs. Harmon B. Barton, blood program chairman of the Weber county chapter, American Red Cross; Mrs. L. R. Your home will probably be vis¬ited this week by one of the 250 volunteer workers in the women's division of the Weber county Red Cross fund drive. Headed by Mrs. Lenna Hone, chairman, workers will begin can¬vassing residential areas tomorrow. The canvass will continue Thurs¬day and Friday until every home in the county is visited. Approximately 75 captains and their assistants held T a kick-off i meeting yesterday afternoon at the chapter home, 1961 Washington, Also present were Chairman Hone's four zone vice chairmen, Mrs. John E. Nicholas, zone A; Mrs. Leo Biele, zone B; Mrs, Norine Anderson, zone C, and Mrs. A. B. Foulger, zone D. Drive Chairman E. LaMar Buck¬ner made a special appeal to house¬wives in connection witn the house-to-house canvass. "Housewives are especially urged ^Packer, chairman of the Red Cross nursing service; Mrs. Avis Paschal, Elma Burns, Ann Gibbs, Mrs. Vernal Wangsgaard, Mrs. Ralph Ellis and volunteer nurses from the various communities where the clinic is being held.. Helping also are technicians from both Dee and St. Benedict's hospitals. Dr. Draper, who lays the ground¬work for each of the clinics, said advance planning callst for return trips to Plain City, Hooper and an initial visit to Morgan. Ogden City will be reached about May, he said. |