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Show Nurses Sought To Fight Polio An urgent appeal was made yes¬terday by local Red Cross officials for registered nurses to assist in the polio epidemic .at Portland, Ore. Mrs.O. C. Hammond, member of the nursing services, said »that one local nurse had volunteered for service in Portland and had been sent. "The need for trained and expe¬rienced nurses in the Portland area is great," Mrs. Hammond said. "Appeals for aid have been sent to the Weber county chapter office by the Portland organization ask-ing that we arrange to send volun¬teer nurses." Any qualified nurse who wishes to assist in the polio fight in Port¬land is urged to contact Mrs. Ham-mond immediately, telephone 2-4885 or the chapter home, 4601. 12/12/50 Election Set Tomorrow By Red Cross Weber County chapter, American Red Cross board members were reminded today of the annual election meeting to be held tomorrow at seven-thirty p. m. in the chapter home, 1961 Washington. Olin H. Ririe, chapter chairman, urged all board members to be present. He also invited anyone interested. Officers of the organization are to be elected for the coming year. One change in the program as previous announced was told by Chairman Ririe. Col. Alvin Sessions, deputy state commander for civilian defense will be the featured speaker. He will substitute for Mayor W. Rulon White of Ogden, who will be unable to attend. Also to be a feature of the program will be the discussion of a mass blood typing program in Weber county by doctors who will present studies on the subject. It was stated that such a program would be vital in case of an atomic attack. Care Held Vital To Health of Baby and Mother Nov. 5 The future health of the mother and the newborn child depend a great deal on the care they receive American Red Cross officials said yesterday in announcing Weber county chapter will sponsor another home nursing course in “Mother and Baby Care and Family Health.” Mrs. E. J. P. Rowse, chairman of nursing, said the current course will open Tuesday, Nov. 7 and will be held for three weeks on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The classes will be taught at the chapter home, 1961 Washington at one-thirty p.m. In urging young parents and expectant mothers to sign up for the course, Mrs. Rowse said: “During the months before the baby is born, expectant mothers are concerned about learning the essentials of pre-natal care. Such concern can be removed and an assurance can be gained if they will take advantage of the course being offered. “The Red Cross course gives an understanding of care necessary before the child is born, at birth and in the new-born stage. It also provides for an understanding of the care required for the new mother,” she added. Persons who wish to register for the course may do so by telephoning the chapter home, 4601. Instructor will be Mrs. O. C. Hammond, registered nurse. Red Cross Sets Disaster Meet 11/26/50 All Red Cross disaster commit¬tee members and workers of- Weber county are urged to attend a spe-cial meeting Monday, Nov. 27, at seven-thirty p. m. at the Weber county chapter home, 1981 Wash-ington. A. T. Barrett, committee chair¬man said the meeting Will be at¬tended by a disaster representative from the Pacific area office, San Francisco, Calif. Also expected to attend as a special speaker is Mayor W. Rulon White of Ogden. He will speak on discussions conducted at the Unit¬ed States conference of Mayors at Chicago, 111., relative to civilian defense plans. 12/15/50 Chapter Votes Red Cross Aids at Ogden OGDEN (Special) — Olin H. Ririe Thursday was again serving as president of Weber county chapter, American Red Cross, fol¬lowing the annual meeting of the organization at the chapter house Wednesday night. Lawrence H. Evans is vice chairman; Blaine Glasrnann, secretary; and G. Miles Jones, treasurer. New directors named Wednes¬day night included Rev. A. Cad- man Gerretson, Msgr. Patrick P. Kennedy, Glen Toone, Joseph Barker, Joseph F. Breeze, R. C. Metcalf, L. Rulon Jenkins, Dean Parker, Mrs. Joseph Petersen, Wayne C. Dabb and Charles Stipe. Holdover members of the board include Clyde Lindquist, Dr. Wil- POLIO CRISIS Nov. 4, 1950 Portland Asks For Nurses OGDEN (Special) – An urgent call for registered nurses need at Portland, Ore., to help in the fight against a polio outbreak was received in Ogden Friday by Mrs. O C. Hammond, director of Red Cross nursing service for the Weber county chapter. “Polio training or experience is desirable, but not necessary,” she said. “A special polio training class will be given at Portland.” One Ogden nurse, Marie Manning, already has left for the stricken area. She had been education director at Thomas D. Dee memorial hospital. Miss manning plans to stay about two months. A minimum stay of two months is required for applicants. Persons interested were asked to contact Mrs. Hammond or the Red Cross. HARRIMAN KIN WILL DIRECT RED CROSS WASHINGTON, Nov. 2 (AP) – Pres. Harry Truman said Thursday he is appointing E. Roland Harriman as president of the American National Red Cross, effective Dec. 1. Harriman, brother of W. Averell Harriman, the president’s special assistant for foreign affairs, will replace Gen. George C. Marshall, now secretary of defense. Harriman and his brother are members of a New York banking investment firm. He now is vice chairman of the Red Cross. |