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Show sergeant's wife needs grocery rent money until her family al-ance check comes through. A sailor with the U. S. fleet in e Mediterranean must be notified home emergency. A G. I. and hi British bride need reservations fc a honeymoon suite. hese also are typical of the prblems on file at the Red Cross. of course there'll be many the Rd Cross can't solve. There'll also be some on which the Red Cross doesn't act quickly enough. low does the Red Cross get its job done? has 5,800 paid staff members —with many trained volunteers baking them up. It has 3,700 local chapters — at least one in every' fair-sized town in the nation. Every chapter has someone on duty or call 24 hours a day. It op¬erates on funds voluntarily given by the public. The Red Cross has field-workers stationed with American troops' everywhere. About 2,400 workers now serve at least 1,300 military in¬stallations and 123 service hos-pitals. During the 1951 fiscal year more than $10,100,000 was made available in financial aid to servicemen and-1 their families. These are the cold statistics. But when you measure them in letters to worried mothers and in many other services it's an awful lot of help. OHS Sends Loads of Yuletide Joy Abroad Some 350 bundles of Christmas joy went out from Ogden' High School yesterday as the annual Junior Red Cross over¬seas package project wound up. In charge this year, as the past several, was Miss Fern Marcfuart of the faculty. Practically every i student participated. The boxes started on their way to San Francisco yesterday after¬noon. Each contained school and health supplies worth at least $1.50, including pens, pencils, erasers, combs, handkerchiefs, toothpaste and tooth brushes, wash clothes and soap. Also a Letter Each box also contained a let¬ter to children in whatever part of the world they might be. The Bed Cross will see that they get to places where they're needed most. Miss Sarah McCracken is in charge of Junior Red Cross work for the city schools. In past years replies have been received from boxes sent to Eur¬ope, Asia, South America and Alaska, Miss Marquart said. Helping her direct the program at- Ogden High is Mrs. Helen Rabe. Student officers oi the Junior Red Cross group are Doris Van De Graaff, president; LaVon Clifton, vice president, and Bon¬nie cKay, secretary. These Ogden High students help load up Junior Red Cross pack- ages to underprivileged children throughout the world. Left to right, LaVon Clifton, LaVon Clifton, Doris Van De Graaff and Mary Bunderson. Weber College Blood Donors Given Thanks David Welling, Weber County blood recruitment chairman, to¬day officially thanked the 158 students and faculty members who contributed blood during the recent visit of the state mobile unit. They are: Rodney Pollard, Gertrude Stallings, Dean B. Farnsworth, Laurence Bur¬ton, Betty Ann Miller, Glen Wiese, Robert Barton, Albert Jo Brower, War¬ren Barnett, Garth Lo Powell, Georgia Bobolis, Colleen Livingston, Val Thomp¬son, Marian Peterson, Bryan Renstrom, Ed. Gray, Glen Smith, Lee Musgrave, Alan Dayley, Elliot Rich, Bill Lacey, Carolyn Harmer, Joan De Bloois, Kaye Christensen, Mary Lou Simpson. Carolyn Campbell, Ann Howell, Nay- land West, Marlene Richardson, Steve Harris,. Kent Weathers, George Boi- tenex, Ray Magagna Illene Stanfield, Nelda Wardle, Glen Rudd, Fern Ol¬son, Marilyn Ray, Veniece Johnson, Frances Dean, J. G. Olson, C. L. An¬derson, Mary Kay Brian, Dorothy Klenke, Ray W. Coleman, Darrell Rav- enberg, Norma Allen, Grant Beutler, Richard N. Beus, John Moore, Anne Steele, Warren V. Judd, Richard N. Evans. Laun Bolstad, Lawrence Dee, Stan Wardle, Tony Tascan, Ann Despain, L. H. Ferrin, Harold Manning, Ward Hedges, Richard Peterson, Wesley Rose, Bob Critchlow, Karen Blair, Norma Erickson, Garth Willie, Rich¬ard H. Keller, Howard Knight, Ray¬mond Knowles. Rodney Smyth, Mare-lyn Brown. Mary Walker. Athleen Swenson, Glen Dickson, Carol Lee Anderson, Sally Powell, Donald Lee Mayfield, Claire Combe. Douglas Dien, Lloyd I. Holmes, Don¬na Hoskins, Raymond L. Stain, Gordon Clawson, Alan Bradshaw, Don Gar- side, Tony Kerns, Ellen Buck, Whit Young, Tom Davidson, Joyce Sorensen, Douglas Clay, Jerry Jensen, Daurel Barnes, Stanley H. Goodness, Joseph A. Draper, John Beus, Daryl Hodson, Jerry Hunt, Gary Loosh, Annette Cook, Jane Powell, Wanda Lacey, Jackie Collins, Robert W. Davis, James Bar¬ker, Royal Christy. Ralph Ingelbretsen, Shirley Burns, Farrell Collett, Richard Dunn, Janene Johansen, Lu Jean Nelson, Darrell Taylor, Ken Kurociva, John Kenship, Jed H. Owen, Don H. Goodfellow, Mil¬dred Hipwell, Jean Paskett, Chiyako Tatsugava, Bill Chandler, Robert Tol- man, Bud K. Swenson, Robert C. Mose, Marilyn Buss, Andy Parker, M. L. Stevenson, D. A. Checketts, Jerry C. Brett, Bill G. Barnes, Bob Burnside, Curt Jones, Elizabeth E. Elkin. Charles A. Groberg, Donna Endrizzu Ray Lewis, Jack Brown, Boyce HajC ris, Bob Draney, Gerald N. King,,Mn- ton C. Mecham, Du Hadley, Bob Francis, Beverly Grants, Mrs. Donald Gravis, William E. Maycock, Marilyn Green, Jay Carlsen, Dick Brown, Reed Wahlquist, Judge T. Hawks, Kaus Teramote, Raymond Close, David S Lindsay, ,Tanet Cragun, Marian Rhees, Ed Christensen, Owen Morrell Clark, Ralph S. Gray, F. R. Call. MOISTEN GUMMED EDGES AT TOP AND BOTTOM AND APPIY TO WINDOW |