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Show 'Blood-mobile' Will Return Here April 1 Utah's Red Gross mobile blood procurement unit will make its second visit to Ogden on Tuesday, April 1 when donations will be accepted from the general public. When the unit was in Ogden last week 63 Ogden Elk lodge members donated blood for the armed forces. The completely equipped unit is from the newly established inter-mountain regional blood center at Salt Lake City. At St. Joseph's Church During the second visit, the unit will be placed in operation at the St. Joseph's Catholic church, 24th St., and Adams ave. Hours will be from ten a. m. to two p. "m. Local Boy and Girl scout troops will assist in soliciting donors, said Mrs. H. R. Merman, chairman of the Weber counfy chapter, blood procurement program. 4 The unit will be fully staffed by a physician and five nurses. Also assisting will be volunteer workers from the local chapter. Persons wishing to make an appointment to donate blood may do so by calling the chapter home, 1961 Washington. Recruitment of donors will be handled by Mrs. Charles Stark, recruitment chair- School Collections Ease Famine / Ogden high school students who are members of the American Junior Red Cross received information today that brought satisfaction in the work they have accomplished. Miss Sarah McCracken, Junior Red Cross leader, said money collected by the organization was part of $200,000 allocated by the American Red Cross recently to relieve famine suffering in India. Half the gift was provided for by. school children of America through the Junior Red Cross. Ogden high school students contribute approximately $100 each year toward this fund. The Junior Red Cross fund was created during World war II as the National Children's fund. It is sustained by voluntary contributions. It has been applied to many relief projects in the U. S. and around the world, Miss McCracken reported. The $200,000 contribution is in response to a request from the Indian society for "specialized relief supplies for children, the weak, and the ill." T/\ Openings Exist In Nursing Class Residents still may register for one of two home nursing classes sponsored by the Weber county chapter, American Red Cross, according to Mrs. Louise Mitchell, home nursing chairman. There are several openings for students in the mother and baby care and family health class. Two more students can be taken into the course in home care of the sick. Both classes are scheduled to start Monday, Feb. 4. They will be conducted on Monday and Wednesday of each week from seven-thirty to nine-thirty p. m. The First to Give Mrs. Audrey Heusser of Ogden, center, was first in line today to give blood for the nation's fi-htinr Taking good carc of her are Ked Cross Nurses Aids, Laura Blanch, left, and Lois Smite, serving* ■ -= snecial hlnnri nrnrnromont roil^nri 1 -b 261 Donate Blood, Red Cross Says A total of 261 persons donated blood for use by the militar;- dining the three-day stay of the special railroad procurement car. Red Cross officials reported today. The goal was 350 pints, saitf Mrs. Harmon Barton, chairman of the: local blood procurement com mitten, > However, Mrs. Barton and offi-J cials of the Weber county chapter, expressed their thanks io those! residents who donated. They said ' in view of circumstances of weather and other factors, the response was good. Mrs. Barton said it was expected the car would make a return trip to Ogden in about three months.1' She said more facilities for taking-, blood were expected on that trip. spccial blood procurement railroad car. 70 Ogdenites Give Blood To Car; More Lined Up to^rffrfhe'irns^fdo^'o^Sng1361"8 ^^ *S °£ this local residents in order that the r,„,i. r;„(c life of an American fighting man „ ' 3a0 P,nts might be saved. However, Mrs. Harmon Barton, Local Red Cross officials said I £?ai™an of the local military some 70 pcrsonsglve"loot:„''the. ^^r^T n^Th"^' Said special military blood procurement! ^L'l 3£,°,, Pin„ts' That means car to be in Ogden two more days. ? nL^tr^ g\ve' . Eight local firms urged emDloves establishments who signed to git behiftdth^effortas^ono^s ^iin^fifJir t ^ the Moun" Their' work resulted in over 200 I®1? „„,5es company. Swift _ and company, J. C. Penney com- i pany, Continental Baking, U S I forest service, The Mountain States I Telephone & Telegraph company, i C. C. Anderson and the 20-30 club. All blood donated is shipped for use by the armed forces—mostlv | in Korea. The special car will be here to- morrow and Monday. Hours are. Friday, 'two? to seven p. m. and Monday, three to eight p. m. There is still time to register to do- nate blood. Registration may be ; made by calling the Weber county ! chapter. 4601. Blood Donor Car Booked Solid for Monday Although local blood cdntribu-+ tions will probably not reach the desired goal of 350 pints, so many residents have signed up to donate blood Monday no more appointments can be taken, Mrs. Helen Patterson, secretary in the Weber county chapter, American Red Cross chapter home, said today she had registered 135 donors yesterday. This is as many as can be handled Monday, last day in which a special military blood procurement car will be in Ogden. Seventy N idents gave blood on Thursday, the first day.., One hundred showed up on Friday. The total will run around 300 pints. However, Mrs. Harmon Barton, chairman of the local blooc^ procurement committee, said the special railroad car will be back in about three months. This was the second time the car has been in Ogden. She urged all who were not able to give blood during the present stay make plans to give blood then. Several other commercial and industrial firms in the area also indicated they wanted to back, the effort. ] Some 12 firms .and organizations backed the program and accounted" for many of those who did aRpear, officials said. ' AH blood donated is used by th£ U. S. armed formes—mostly in Korea. r Hollanders Meet Today The Hollanders group will meet today at two p. m. at the L. D. S. First ward. Thirty-third and Grant avenue. |