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Show Oct. 19, 1950 Resident 1st Aid Series Planned A series of resident credit courses in first aid will be held in the various Red Cross chapter locations in the state through the cooperation of the American Red Cross and the senior colleges of Utah. Red Cross officials said today that any teacher desiring three to five hours of college can sign for the course at their local Red Cross chapter. When a sufficient number of per¬sons have signed for the course, classes will be set up at central locations for the convenience of the persons taking it. Purpose of the setup is to train one person in every five in first aid so that families may be; self- sustaining in time of disaster. All three of the state's "senior colleges are cooperating in the venture, Perry Leavitt, who is handling arrangements, declared. 10/23/50 Red Cross Sponsors Classes For Gray Lady-Men Plan PROVO (Special)—Classes for volunteers for the Gray Lady-Men recreation program at Utah State hospital sponsored by Utah county Red Cross will' begin Thursday at 7:30 p.m., according to Mrs. Marie K. Murphy and Fred Whitney, directors. The course includes six lectures and demonstrations and is open to all interested in serving. Civic club groups also may participate, they said. More than 300 patients in the hospital are participating in newly organized dancing activities. Other recreation already underway in¬cludes shuffleboard, horseshoes, table tennis, bingo and other table games.' The hospital provides re¬freshments to be served patients by the gray ladies and men. SARNOFF MADE RED CROSS LEADER WASHINGTON, Oct. 29 — Brig. Gen. David Sarnoff, chair¬man of the board of the Radio Corporation of America, will lead the 1951 Red Cross fund drive March 1-31. The announcement was made Sunday by Gen. George C. Mar¬shall, Red Cross president, who conducted the last campaign himself, Marshall, who since then has become secretary of de¬fense, said he would have to hand the fund raising job to someone else this time. Asking Sarnoff to assume the fund post, Marshal said the work of the Red Cross is important to defense, and is a great po¬tential force for peace. Sarnoff replied he is glad to help "this great humanitarian organization to carry out the heavy responsibilities entrusted to it in these critical times." Nurses Bidden to Refresher Course Active or inactive registered nurses of Ogden and surrounding I area, are invited to register for i the special refresher first aid! course to be conducted by the We¬ber county chapter, American Red Cross. All nurses interested are asked to attend the opening session, Mon¬day, Oct. 23, at seven-thirty p. m. in the chapter home, 1961 Wash¬ington, said Myles J. Watkins, di¬rector of safety services. Director Watkins, who will con¬duct the course, said classes will cover the complete standard Red Cross first aid course. "Nurses who have not had a refresher course in the past three to five years, will find this class especially helpful and valuable," Watkins said. Junior Red Cross Likened to U. N. SALT LAKE CITY, Oct. 28 (AP) The Junior Red Cross was listed today as one of two organizations capable of bringing peace to the world. The other was the United Nations. "I have a great admiration for what the Junior Red Cross is do¬ing in the schools," said Dr. M. Lynn Bennion, superintendent of Salt Lake City schools. "More and more we must be¬come world citizens. I feel, that through the United Nations, .and the Junior Red Cross, by feeding the hungry, lifting oppression where it. exists and freeing the world from ignorance we can make possible the freedom of the world." Dr. Bennion spoke at a regional Junior Red Cross conference. Attending were boys and girls from grade and high schools throughout Utah and from Franklin and Oneida counties in Idaho. MOISTEN GUMMED EDGES AT TOP AND BOTTOM AND APPLY TO WINDOW |