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Show 4/6/51 Here are Red Cross officials Raymond G. Cox and Miss Ellen Aird as they conferred on Red Cross activities here Thursday. Gains Marked In Appeal Of Red Cross The 1951 funds drive of the Salt Lake county chapter, Amer¬ican Red Cross, reached the im¬portant $100,000 milestone Thurs¬day as three officials" of the organization arrived in Salt Lake City to promote various phases of the program. Collections reached a total of $101,111 through Thursday, or 75% of the $135,377 goal, Joseph E. Bernolfo Jr. and Paul L. Pehr- son, county co-chairmen, re¬ported. The three Red Cross officials in Salt Lake City are: Raymond G. Cox, San Francisco, blood program field representative;' Welch Boyer, San Francisco, American Red Cross blood com¬mittee, and Miss Ellen Aird, Washington, D. C., assistant di¬rector of home nursing and vol¬unteer nurses aids. Mr. Cox was conferring with local Red Cross leaders to set up committees and operation pro¬cedure to get donors for the Charles O. Sweetwood Military Blood Procurement car. The "blood bank on wheels" is to be at the Tooele ordnance depot Friday. It is scheduled for a stop at the Deseret chemical depot April ' 9 and 10; Garfield, April 11 and 12; Bountiful; April 46 and 17; Hill air force base, April 18 and 19; Clearfield, April 20 and 21, and Salt Lake City, April 23 through 28. THURSDAY "EVENING, DECEMBER 14, 1950 New officers and board members^ of the Weber county chapter, American Red Cross, were elected at the annual meeting of the chap¬ter last night at chapter headquar¬ters, 1961 Washington. Re-elected as executive officers for 1951 were Olin H. Ririe, chair¬man; Lawrence H. Evans, vice chairman; Blame Glasmann, secre¬tary and G. Miles Jones, treasurer. New board members named to the chapter board at the meeting were: The Rev. A. Cadman Garretson, Msgr. Patrick F Kennedy, Glen Toone, Joseph Barker, Joseph F. Bieeze, Roy Metcalf Rulon Jen¬kins, Dean Parker, Mrs. Joseph Peterson, Wayne Dabb and Charles Stipe. Holdover Members Holdover members of the board are Clyde Lindquist, W. P. Miller, Rulon White, T. R. Johnson, Rus¬sell Hoffman, Piatt Fuller, Ed Ven- dell, Floyd Lund, LaMar Buckner, Neil Clegg, Mrs. Wade M. John¬son, Arthur P. Brown Col. G. B. McGary, B. H. Robinson, G. T. Hone, A. W. Stevenson Dr. W. S. Moyes. Dr. R. L. Draper and F. L. Montmorency. Also reappointed at the meeting were the administrative staff, headed by Mrs. Clyde T. Green- well. Others on the staff are Myles J. Watkins, director of safety serv¬ices; Norma Sorenson, home serv¬ice secretary; Frances Brown, of¬fice secretary: lone King, office secretary and Mrs. O. C. Hammond, director of nursing services. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Ririe who stressed the fact that the annual meeting j and others held by the Weber county chapter were open, not only to the directorate, but members and to the general public as well. Contributors Are Members He said anyone who contributed as much as $1 was a member of the organization, and as such, was eligible to attend and have a voice in meetings. After the invocation by Law¬rence H. Evans, the committee chairmen were introduced by Mr. Ririe and the speakers were pre¬sented. Col. Alvin Sessions, executive of¬ficer of the Utah state civil defense program outlined provisions of the organization and how it will direct its activities. Following his talk, three mem¬bers of the Weber County Med¬ical society; Dr. E. D. Zeman, Dr.' R. C. Ellis and Dr. Frank K. Bart-lett, discussed the proposed blood- Olin H. Ririe typing program being planned in cooperation with the Weber county chapter, American Red Cross. The program, as outlined, would provide for the typing and mark¬ing of every person's blood in or¬der that it may facilitate medical aid in event of a general disaster or atomic explosion. Lee Says Support Red Cross 3/28/51 Gov. J. Bracken Lee Tuesday appealed to Utahns to support the Red Cross fund drive as a way of backing up Utah men on the battlefield in Korea. The governor made the appeal be¬fore leaving the state on an eastern trip. He noted that increasing num¬bers of men are entering the armed forces and that Utah is well represented on the fighting front. "We on the home front cannot let, them down," the governor said. "Your support will insure Red Cross services which are essential." During the drive, which is' slated to end -this week, the Salt Lake County chapter of the Red Cross has collected only $70,000 toward its goal of $135. 277. THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 28, 1950 Next Mother, Baby Care Class Set for Jan. 8 by Red Cross The next class in mother and baby care and family health, to be given by the American Red Cross, will start Monday, Jan. 8, at the chapter house, 1961 Washington. The course consists of six two- hour classes meeting Monday, Wed¬nesday and Friday from one-thirty to three-thirty p. m. and will be completed in two weeks. Mrs. Dorothy Burbidge, Red Cross nurse instructor, will teach the class, which deals with, basic pre-natal and post-natal care, in¬fant care, child and family health. Young mothers and wives are particularly invited but anyone concerned with subject matter is welcome to enroll by calling 4601. The course is free as a Red Cross public service, according to Mrs. E. J. P. Rowse, home nursing chair- man. |