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Show Floating on Wafer-or Air? 3/4/51 If six-year-old Alden Johnson was about 10 years older he would be floating on air instead of water with so many pretty girls helping him accustom himself to the water. Participating in the Red Cross water safety activity are (left to right) Rae Jean Poulter, Marion Hyde, Pat Nilsson and Donna Sneddon. Preventing Accidents One Red Cross Aim Despite the somewhat compla-cent phrase "accidents will hap- pen," Red Cross believes mishaps can be greatly reduced through education and a program of alert- ness and that when they do occur their effect can be minimized by first aid or other action With this thought in mind, the , nationwide organization has set up the department of safety services which not only teaches safety but also develops skills and knowl¬edge which are vital in case of ac-cident. Myles J. Watkins, director of safety services for the Weber county chapter, Red Cross, re¬ports that 100,000 persons are killed each year by traffic, indus¬trial, home, farm and swimming mishap^. This slaughter is equal the average number of men killed in five years of war, he said. Through study and teaching, the Red Cross has eliminated the causes of many accidents. They have also trained thousands in "what to do" in the event of an accident of any type, he said. "Teaching first aid, water safety and other such safety subjects has proven worthwhile in two respects, "Director Watkins pointed out. "Controlled studies have shown that individuals trained in these subjects not only gain a knowledge of what to do in case of accident but also develop a keen conscious¬ness of the cause of accidents and become a "double-edged sword" in the task of exercising safety." In Weber county, hundreds of school children and well as adults have been trained in safety. Hun-dreds of others have taken advan¬tage of the free first aid and water safety instruction carried on con-stantly. Water safety, one aspect of the wide program, provides expert swimming instruction as well as life-saving rules- Reports compiled by the Red Cross show that although three times as many people participate in water sports now as formerly, the water accident rate has not climbed. "It is impossible to prevent all accidents," Director Watkins agreed, "but it is possible to great¬ly reduce the number. This is the aim of the American Red Cross safety services." Over the Top Soon-They Hope Since above chart was prepared indicating the "score" of military bases in the Red Cross drive, one of the participants, Hill air force base, has exceeded its quota. The others confidently expect to announce "ob¬jective secured" very soon. Shown in the photo are (left) Major General N. B. Harbold, HAFB; Lieu-tenant Colonel L. S. Sasser, Utah general depot, and Lieutenant Colonel W. S. Wine, Ogden arsenal. Three Weber County Towns Exceed Red Cross Quotas Three communities in Weber county have exceeded their quotas in the 1951 American Red Cross drive, it was announced today by Lorenzo Belnap, county division chairman. Topping their goals were: Sla- terville, 125 per cent; West Weber, 190 per cent, and Farr West, 100 per cent. Leaders of the workers who accomplished the task were Mrs. Earl H. Wood, Gene Hancock and Mr. and Mrs. Mavous Dicka- more respectively. Citing the three comunities as examples, Chairman Belnap urged increased efforts on the part of other division workers in collecting their quota to meet the overall county goal. Drive workers are seeking to col¬lect a total of $53,934 in this year's drive. The sum of $15,448 was re-ported in at the first report lunch¬eon last Friday. Workers in the county division by districts are: district one, How¬ard Widdison, chairman; Mrs. Velma Arave' and Mrs. June Manning; district two, Lorenzo Belnap, chair¬man; Mrs. David Clawson, Mrs. Lldyd Spaulding and Mrs. E. K. Kellerstrass; district three, Mrs. Youngs McGregor chairman; Mrs. Dean Allred, Mrs. Norman F; Reed- er, Parley P. Kendell and Mrs. Max Swenson; district four, Burns Wangsgaard, chairman; Earl Field¬ing, Claude L. Crow, Ormond Poul- son'and Fred Naisbitt; district five, Donald T. Berrett, chairman; dis¬trict six, Arthur Marriott, chairman; Reed W. Stewart, Lee Carver and Joseph Meibos; ditrict seven, Mrs. Jerome Mietchen, chairman; Mr. and Mrs. Marvous Dickamore, Viola Harris, Mrs. Earl H-. Wood and Grant Hodson; district eight, Boyd Hancock, chairman; Enoch Hughes, Darrell W. Stauffer and Gene Han¬cock. Meanwhile, E. LaMar Buckner, drive chairman, reminded division workers and leaders'of the second report luncheon to be held Friday noon at the chapter home, 1961 Washington. He urged reports from every division in order that the report might exceed the 50 per cent mark. |